View Full Version : I am putting Speedy to sleep...

07-14-2004, 10:43 PM
I am sad to say that Speedy will be put to sleep tomorrow. I called about 20 rescues in California and all of them were either full or didn't take a dog his age and health. But even if they did, I think he'd die of heartbreak. He has not eaten and has hardly slept since the day we got him. All he does is wander the house crying and howling, looking for his parents. I talked to my mother in law and explained to her that I don't think Speedy can be rehomed at his health and age. She was bawling, but I just told her the honest truth; that Speedy is devastated without her.

She is driving here tomorrow, so that she can be with Speedy when we put him down. She doesn't want him to die feeling abandoned.

I cannot stop crying about it. I keep thinking that I am making the wrong decision. I feel so guilty that he can't be happy here. But I keep telling myself...He has to take prednisone, he's diabetic, partially blind, and has sore spots all over. But it's hard to justify it. He's such a sweetie.

07-14-2004, 10:47 PM
Omg, I wiould take him in a heartbeat. But I understand his heartbreak. Is there NO WAY your MIL can possibly have him? I mean, it just seems that something could be done. I know she said she can't find anywhere that allows pets, but there HAS to be SOMEWHERE. This is breaking my heart.

07-14-2004, 10:54 PM
She called her landlord today (again) and explained the circumstance...that she had a beloved dog that was old that she'd attempted to rehome...she told the landlord that it wasn't working out, so her choices were to either pts, or keep him. The landlord initially said she'd accept that with a $1000 deposit and a four year lease. My MIL agreed, then the landlord called back and said no, $1500 deposit and a ten year lease. My MIL cannot commit to a ten year lease.

In a nutshell, she's just moving out from Missouri to Sacramento. Money is limited, and she has her 16 year old son. Most of the highschools in Sacramento are very violent and rough. It was very very difficult for her to find an affordable place within a district of one of the decent highschools. She's been searching since my hubby's grandmother got sick in Feb. just to find a place near a good highschool, so once she found something, she had to take it. I guess you could say she had to choose between her son's well being and Speedy. Hard decision. I still kind of resent her for it, but I may have made the same decision if I were in her shoes.

07-14-2004, 11:49 PM
This is so sad.:(

07-15-2004, 01:22 AM
:( aw, Speedy. I'm sure the decision youre making is in his best interest, and I'm also sure he has lived a happy and full life.

I live right outside of Sacramento, in a very suburban area, I wish we could take him. I completely understand your MIL's concerns about schools... gawd its getting bad downtown. Sacto High used to be a decent highschool, but was just recently shut down and changed to a charter school ;P. I know its also gotta be MUCH more expensive to get a decent place in California than it is in Missouri.. not to mention we have the highest gas prices, taxes, etc! Not a lot of options. The move itself could be stressful to an older doggy, and I definately understand.

07-15-2004, 06:38 AM

My heart goes out to you, what a choice you have to make, I would be heartbroken too ................... but sometimes the only thing to do is to make the hardest choice in the world just for the best, saying that, are you REALLY sure Speedy won't settle with you?, have you given him long enough?, it can take a long time for an older dog to get used to a new home, but if you are sure, comfort yourself that you have done your very best for him.

My thoughts & prayers are with you.


07-15-2004, 07:51 AM
Tonya, I'm so sorry you have to make this decision. I understand why you have decided as you have. I think I would have done the same.

I'm glad your MIL will be there. Speedy will be happy to see her.

My heartfelt sympathies to both of you.


07-15-2004, 09:15 AM
bckrazy- Most of my husband's family live in Elk Grove, I wish that my MIL could afford a place there. Moving to California is already going to be a big culture shock for my husband's little brother, let alone if he was placed in a rough school.

christrev- I don't feel like I have given Speedy enough time. I feel really horrible. I don't think he'd ever be happy here though. I have a feisty pomeranian and two big dogs that play rough. This really isn't a place to have an ol' guy. I couldn't sleep last night with my decision, so I'm back to contacting shelters again. Maybe, just maybe he just doesn't like us...Maybe he'll be happy in a different home. I'm grasping at straws. If I don't find a solution by his 10:30 appointment, I'm going to go ahead and put him to sleep.

Thank you everyone for your support and understanding. This is really difficult, and Speedy isn't even my dog. I dread the day when my dogs get old.

07-15-2004, 10:02 AM
{{{HUGS}}} I'm sorry that you have to make such a hard decision. Its never easy, even when the pet is very old and not of the best health. I know this is not a decision made lightly and I hope you won't regret it after its done. :( Mean landlord! :mad: Prayers to you, your MIL and Speedy.

07-15-2004, 10:44 AM
*HUGS* I can't imagine having to make a decision like that. :( I'm so sorry.

07-15-2004, 10:54 AM
Would he do well with a toddler? What do you think? I would take him in a heartbeat! I love all chis, young and old! My pooka was 8 when I got her, and the most special dog I've ever own. She was a chi. :)

07-15-2004, 11:13 AM
Hopefully you've seen Cass' post!!! OMG, perhaps there is hope! I know how heartbroken you are Tonya and the dilemma that you are in. But as you said in your earlier post, he is a happy, well adjusted pup and at age 8, still young for a Chi:) And aside from his diabetes, which is under control, a healthy boy with many happy years ahead of him. I hope and pray that a miracle comes true for Speedy. Paws crossed...

07-15-2004, 11:16 AM
We've been looking for a "special needs" chi for a long time now. After losing Pooka (the hardest thing I've EVER dealt with in life!!!) and having no luckk with shelters who have older adoptable dogs (most do not want to adopt them out due to old age) we've had no luck. :( Plus, chi's are very hard to get in our area. I peruse the California Chihuahua rescue every day but it seems like as soon as I inquire they are placed, or the rescue does not want to place them. :(

07-15-2004, 11:27 AM
Cass, did you PM/email Tonya? I'm so sorry for your loss. Pooka was a very special pooch:(

07-15-2004, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by tatsxxx11
Cass, did you PM/email Tonya? I'm so sorry for your loss. Pooka was a very special pooch:(

No I didn't even think of that LOL!

Yes Pooka was the most special dog I've ever had the pleasure of being owned by. She was so smart. She was the classic abuse case. They would hit her with skateboards so she was deathly afraid of skateboards. Her favorite thing to eat was blueberries and every time I told her "quiet" she always managed to get the last word with a quick Yip! :D She was very very smart and loving. I taught her how to sit, shake, dance, and sit pretty all in 15 minutes! She was a miracle dog. :)

07-15-2004, 11:37 AM
Awww, what a sweetheart!!! I've never been blessed with a Chi but have always loved them. If Cody didn't think of tiny dogs as prey, I'd have one in a heartbeat. Maybe Speedy will be your next miracle dog:) (Don't you love that name!) Hoping with all my might that this very special senior is blessed with a miracle!!!

07-15-2004, 11:40 AM
im soo sorry! what kind of dog is he?

07-15-2004, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by tatsxxx11
Awww, what a sweetheart!!! I've never been blessed with a Chi but have always loved them. If Cody didn't think of tiny dogs as prey, I'd have one in a heartbeat. Maybe Speedy will be your next miracle dog:) (Don't you love that name!) Hoping with all my might that this very special senior is blessed with a miracle!!!

You know what's odd? I was just reading our local Free ads online and there was one about an dog named Speedy. The lady had found him but couldn't keep him. She thought he was in bad shape. They took him to the shelter and they found the owner, and it turns out the yorkie was 20 years old!!!! He's deaf, half blind and according to his owner senile too! But he found his owners and they were very relieved. His tags were out of date too so it's a good thing the old guy got to go back home.

07-15-2004, 11:50 AM
Any news on Speedy? I'm so hoping something can be worked out. Poor Tonya - my heart breaks for her.

07-15-2004, 12:00 PM
I do so hope that Cass was able to help you Tonya & give speedy a home, I really really do understand what you must be feeling like at this time, I don't put any blame on you whatsoever if you had to make the awful decision to put him to sleep, I am just praying that you will get the strenth to cope whatever happens.

Wish I lived nearer that across the Atlantic, cause I would have him.


07-15-2004, 01:42 PM
This is truly pathetic. Poor Speedy.:(

07-15-2004, 01:49 PM
Cass, thank you for your thoughts, but Speedy wasn't good with children. He may have been in his younger days, but he has many sore spots. You could not pick him up or pet him below the neck without him biting you.

Speedy went to Rainbow Bridge at 10:40am this morning. He was so stoked to see his mom and dad. He was just beside himself. He died very happy. It was very difficult though. My MIL went into hysterics. We had to carry her out of there. I hope she feels better soon.

07-15-2004, 01:50 PM
RIP Speedy. :( :( :(

07-15-2004, 02:10 PM
Havef u at the bridge Speedy... now you don't have any sore spots. Til you and your mommy can meet again....

07-15-2004, 03:45 PM
My thoughts & prayers are with you Tonya & your family at this sad time, just rest in the knowledge that he is free from pain at last, he will be running around young again. Tonya my beloved Dad passed away on Monday, he had been ill on & off for years & at 84yrs his body could'nt cope anymore, he passed away peacefully, he loved animals, we never had a family dog when I was a child so perhaps Speedy is keeping him company now? Two old ill loved ones together in heaven?

my prayers are with you chris

07-15-2004, 05:12 PM
RIP Speedy

07-15-2004, 05:17 PM
Christrev, I am sorry about your father. Speedy is probably nudging him as we speak to play tug-o-war.