View Full Version : More Magoo!!!

07-14-2004, 08:19 PM
I have tried to hold off with more Magoo posts because I post about him all the time! I know you all love him but I don't want to bombard everyone with everything he does but I just couldn't help myself!
This week he has started disappearing around 7:00pm. I have found him every night in the bed! I have to make a confession here so you will understand what he is doing. I sleep with a little pillow as well as my regular bed pillow. I use it snuggle or prop my arm on. Well Magoo has fallen in love with my little pillow! I got some pictures of him in the bed and some of them are far away but you CAN NOT sneak up on this boy! He catches you instantly! I also have a video of him playing that I will post in the next reply.

Here he is getting ready for his nap

See his head propped up on my little pillow?

This was tonight and it's blurry but I tried to snap it quickly before he caught me.


Then he moved to daddy's side

Just for fun here I am with the Magooster. Please ignore me because I have on no makeup and hair all piled up but Magoo was so cute I had to share it!

Next post is a short but cute video.

07-14-2004, 08:20 PM
Here is a video of Magoo playing with a mouse.

07-14-2004, 08:21 PM
And this is just because I can't help myself!!! He is getting as wide as he is long! Good thing he is short!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/wink.gif


Ok, I'm done now!

07-14-2004, 08:29 PM
Mr. Magoo! You are just a super mousie hunter! And a super cute napper!

Confession time: I too have a "huggy pillow" I can't sleep AT ALL without it. Any stay-over trip, the pillow goes with me. Once, I stayed over my mom's house and left the pillow there! :eek: I had to live without the pillow for a week before I could get it back!!!

07-14-2004, 08:30 PM
OMEGOSH!! The pictures are TOO CUTE :) He wants to sleep on Meowmies pillow! How sweet is that??? ...and the video - I had to watch it over and over...I would never guess he was blind. He must have such sensitivity to objects because he ever so carefully dodges those chair and table legs:eek: When he gets close the one time - he freezes and sniffs but never touches anything! AMAZING! There is no other way to describe this guy. And isn't it just awesome to how how much he loves you and hubby???:D :D :D

So-does Magoo sleep with you all night???

BTW - I don't think you could EVER post too much Magoo. I would like to see and/or hear about him every single day if possible. This is my family, so to speak and I like to hear how everyone is doing! Besides - you wouldn't want to get me whining - would you now?;) :p

07-14-2004, 08:36 PM
Debbie- He is starting to sleep at the foot of the bed at night. It scares me to death because he sleeps by his daddy's feet on the outside of the bed and I just know that one of these nights he is going to get kicked off of the bed! He can't come to my side because it is always taken with Leroy, Pete and Pervy!!! He hasn't been doing it every night but it is starting to become habit. He is in bed with daddy right now!

Kim- My huggy pillow is a requirement! If I can't find it during the night then the lights come on and there is no peace until I have with me again. I could not live for a week without it!!! I don't know how you did it!

07-14-2004, 08:47 PM
Tiny pillow addict here too....maybe it's something to do with loving cats??:confused: Magoo is one smart guy stealing your pillow like that! We can NEVER GET ENOUGH MAGOO!! :D :D :D

07-14-2004, 08:47 PM
I basically didn't sleep for a week! :D Hubby HATES the huggy pillow because I inevitably turn towards him still clutching the pillow and then the pillow is "shoved up his back" (his words, not mine) and he *tries* to take it out of my hands. Sometuimes he's ssuccessful and he tosses it over to my side, other times I grab onto it for dear life - while dead asleep!

Yes, the light go on around here too if I can't find it! Are we pathetic or what?

07-14-2004, 09:13 PM
I always love seeing pictures of Magoo. I could never tire of seeing that sweet boy! So just post all the pictures you want, the more the better!


07-14-2004, 09:38 PM
I'm with Debbie on how well Magoo plays with his mousie without bumping into anything. Truly amazing. If I didn't know any better I would never had guessed he was blind.
He is truly one remarkable, adorable kitty. It's no wonder we have all fallen in love with him.

PPPPSSSSSSTTTTTT, I have a confession to make.
I also have a little pink pillow that I cuddle with at night.

Steffi N
07-14-2004, 09:39 PM
Please keep sharing these wonderful pictures and videos of the Miraculous Magoo with us. :)

07-14-2004, 09:50 PM
What a cutie... Thanks for sharing photos :)
Magoo is "full figured" :) It runs in our family too. LOL

leslie flenner
07-14-2004, 09:53 PM
pictures and stories of Magoo and his daily routines and all your others (and antics with you and your tiny pillow) will always be enjoyed here! I don't need a pillow cuz I have Scamp who likes to be spooned. if he gets to hot from my arm he moves, but if I turn over (my back to him) he wakes right up and hops over me and flops down back to my face to be spooned again! "eh, eh?" He was a QSL rescue with his brother Chipper at age 4 weeks many years ago! What a great find he turned out to be! I love stories about how cats sleep with us!
You know, Magoo may get kicked off the bed a couple times, he may then decide to plop down with you and pillow!

Laura's Babies
07-14-2004, 10:21 PM
Hay! I looked and didn't shed a tear!! Well, he SURE has made himself at HOME now hasn't he...Stealing Mommie Cuddly pillow.. Has to have Mommies scent on it and he wanted to be close to her while I sleeps.. SOoooo sweeeeeet!

I thought having a cuddle pillow was something only MY family did and I am SO happy to find out we are not wierd!!!

Magoo, you swat that ole rat all over the house and be the mouser I know you are!! GET 'EM BOY!!! Hugs and more kisses to you sweetheart!

07-14-2004, 10:22 PM
Awwww...Magoo is such a cutie! :D

07-14-2004, 10:23 PM
As long as we are confessing here, I have a blankie ... have had one all my life, and still have to have one!!! It is my "lovin' blanket" .... called that as long as I can remember. The one I had as a child, I kept until it was a bleached out small square of frayed cloth sometime in high school. Now it is replaced with a queen sized blanket ... but it is wadded up in my arms all nighty long!!!:rolleyes: :D

Magoo is precious, You are precious ... and I could never get enough of either of you! So there!!!:D


07-14-2004, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
First Magoo, and now Ripley

This is why I call Magoo Ripley's "Mini Me". It isn't the best matched picture but you get the idea.

07-15-2004, 05:55 AM
OMG Lori!!! Those pictures are perfect together! If it wasn't for Magoo's one white front leg I'm not sure if I would know which one was which in a photo. I know in reality there is a big size difference but in pictures they are almost identical! I told hubby that all we have to do is look at Ripley and we know what Magoo would look like with eyes!!
Magoo is definitely Ripley's Mini Me!!!! It's amazing when you see these two photos. WOW!!!

Laura's Babies
07-15-2004, 06:22 AM
GEE WHIZ!! YOu could sure fool us with Ripley's pictures.. I had to do a double take and examine both real close to make sure you were not pulling a fast one! WOW! (Yes, I came back to look at Magoo again!)

07-15-2004, 09:09 AM
Oh I wish I could cuddle with you Magoo. I don't know if you would like that though. I'll just have to admire from a distance.

07-15-2004, 09:19 AM
We can never get enough of Scrappy Magoo,soon to Be COTD!

07-15-2004, 09:25 AM
Awwwww Magoo is so sooo cuuuute!!!:D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-15-2004, 10:31 AM
I don't have a cuddly pillow, but I must have a pillow covering my head as well as one underneath it. I absolutely can not sleep unless I have that pillow over my head. :rolleyes:

Magoo is sooo adorable on your little pillow, which he is now claiming as his. :D

And Ripley and Magoo :eek: :eek: :D

07-15-2004, 12:19 PM
Another pillow hugger here too, so perhaps we're all just normal? Mishi likes my pillows too, and he always sleeps on the one next to mine.

We cannot ever have too much of Magoo! More is always better!

He looks like he's short and round like my Mitzi. :D

07-15-2004, 12:25 PM
Ripley & Magoo=:eek:

Felicia's Mom
07-15-2004, 12:34 PM
Love seeing Magoo's pictures.:D :D

07-17-2004, 11:10 AM
Aww, Magoo is so adorable!! :)

07-17-2004, 11:17 AM

It is SO obvious how much you adore Magoo. I'm glad things worked out. I guess it just took a little more time than usual. Great pictures!!!

07-17-2004, 02:47 PM
Please don't hold off on posting pictures of Magoo!

I can't even tell you how much it warms my heart to see photos of this wonderful baby, and to read about how proud you are of him!

Bravo to you and Magoo, I'm so happy to know that he's making so much progress, and please keep the updates coming!

Jazzcat, Magoo and Ripley are definitely kittytwins! I had to look really hard to find little differences!

07-17-2004, 02:57 PM
I can never get enough of Magoo! He just looks so adorable and cuddly. I would love to give him a big hug and kiss! Bless his heart.

Lisa & Sash

07-17-2004, 03:39 PM
I love this one: :)


It's so heartwarming to see Mr. Magoo in his new home! :)
