View Full Version : Found a dog......

07-13-2004, 07:19 PM
Meet Baily....


This morning on my way to work after visiting the dog park I saw a little dog trotting up the side of Bow Trail (a very busy road) I looked behind him expecting to see a person with a flexi lead in their hands, and saw no one. So I pulled into a parking lot just in time to see him jump onto Bow Trail. I called out "puppy!" in a very excited voice and he jumped back onto the sidewalk. Then he ran onto 45th street which crosses Bow Trail. I called out to him again and this time he spun around and came running up to me, jumping all over.
I scooped him up and threw him into my car and took him to work. He had a tag with his name address and number on it so we phoned the number, but it wasn't working, so my boss drove him to the address but there was no one there so she left a note on the door saying we had him.
Well the end of the day rolled around and no one called or came for him. So I decided to take him home for the night. I drove over to his house and left another note saying I had him now and left my number.
I just recieved a call from a very greatful dad. He said something about someone had come into their yard and left the gate open. Since I live pretty far away (about 35-40 minute drive) we decided that Baily would stay here tonight and he would pick him up from work tomorrow.

As you can see he's made himself quite at home.....

07-13-2004, 07:31 PM
Aww, so glad you could rescue him! Yay!

07-13-2004, 07:31 PM
AWWW its an Oscar!!! lol
What a sweet face hes got. I am glad you made such a great effort to find his home! you rock !!..

07-13-2004, 07:32 PM
Aww, he must have been so happy to hear his baby was soon going to be home safe!

Baily you are soo cute, glad you get to go home soon!!


07-13-2004, 07:35 PM
What a cutie :D Glad he'll make it home safely.

What a coincidence .. the last dog I found was a little one named Bailey too. I also had a hard time finding his owners.

07-13-2004, 07:38 PM
What a cutie! He does look at home:D

So glad that he had tags on and you could find his owners!
Another happy ending!!!

07-13-2004, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by aly
What a cutie :D Glad he'll make it home safely.

What a coincidence .. the last dog I found was a little one named Bailey too. I also had a hard time finding his owners.

Bailey has got to be the most popular dog name I know. We can't go more than 2 days without having a dog named Bailey come into the shop for grooming. In fact today we had two dogs named Bailey.....

07-13-2004, 08:33 PM
How cute. Glad you found the daddy. Looks like she's made herself right at home.

07-13-2004, 08:36 PM
What a cute little house guest you have.

Boy Bailey was lucky to cross paths with you!!!