View Full Version : wow..my picture will be published!

07-13-2004, 04:24 PM
ok I entered this pcitire of misty is several photo contests


anyway one of those contests was an international amature photo contest, and today in the mail I recieved a letter saying my photo is one the the semi finalists AND it has been chosen for publication in a book! the working title is called Endless Journys. its a very high quaility hardcover book, with the best fine milled paper for the photos etc..! I am in shock!

07-13-2004, 04:49 PM
WOo hoo!! How awesome! Congrats! :) That pic is a trip, btw. LoL I can understand how it went as far as it did! :D

07-13-2004, 04:59 PM
Wow congrats! What a neat pic!

07-13-2004, 05:01 PM
hmm now I am begining to wonder according to a few people the book is a scam, but the I gotta wonder why in heavens name a scam would spend the money to send this thing first class? I am not so sure anymore...

07-13-2004, 05:04 PM
It isn't so much of a scam in the fact that your photo will be published *cause it will * , but I'm sure they're making you pay for the book right? Thats where they get you. Poetry book people do this too :mad: so if you actually want to SHOW people the thing you have to shell out $60 or more for the book. :p

07-13-2004, 05:09 PM
yup, they say you dont have to purchase the book at all or anything but the book costs $69.95...

07-13-2004, 05:22 PM
Who is the publishing company? I bet its the same as that poetry thing I mentioned before.

07-13-2004, 05:29 PM
it is lol I asked other people about it they said its the same as poetry.com

07-13-2004, 05:51 PM
Pfft I thought so. I have about 15 things published through poetry.com although they ARE good lol Im not paying dern near $70 for the book...

I scam relatives for that :D They actually BUY the things too! That publishing company makes so much money off of my family lol.

07-13-2004, 06:02 PM
lol when I saw the price I was not actually going to buy the book lol my mom is the one who said if my pic os gonna be in it we gotta get the book! lol pretty suprising that someone like my mom would say that ;)