View Full Version : What is your biggest fear?

07-12-2004, 11:00 PM
I have a few.....

1.) heights.....scared to death! (especially going over bridges)
2.) snakes.....agh, I touched a snake once & almost had a heart attack!
3.) I'm not scared of bugs as a whole but, if 1 falls on my head....Ick, I HATE IT!
4. ) Being killed......sounds really bazarre I know but, I have this intense fear that when I die I'm going to be killed by someone. I have this reoccuring dream of it....scary!

07-12-2004, 11:12 PM
My biggest fears are that I get one of the inherited diseases that plagues my family members... skin cancer, diabetes, and thyroid cancer. Every woman in my family has had both types of cancer (except my mom, she had pre-cancer of the thyroid, and has yet to show signs of skin cancer) And every woman in my father's family has diabetes. I need to get tested again for that.

Outside of that, I am petrified of losing my eyesight. Absolutely stone cold petrified of that!

My silly little phobia is of tunnels. I hate them. Hubby can't drive over bridges, so every road trip is set to avoid them, and that usually means we'll take tunnels - like the Holland or Lincoln Tunnels to New York. Ugh.

I also CANNOT do crowds. I didn't go to Community Days (its a big carnival with a HUGE fireworks display at night) because I knew there would be many peple and a mad rush after the fire works. Nicki and I stayed home and heard them boom, but didn't see them. I missed something I love (fireworks) because of my fear of being tossed about in a crowd.

Gosh, I sound like a basket case with all those fears!

07-12-2004, 11:17 PM
Catnapper...I don't blame you one bit...those are very REAL & scary fears!!!!
Unfortunately, we both share the fear of bridges, I wonder why that is?! For me....when I was about 8-10 years old my aunt Becky would always drive over the bridges really fast & told me that if we didn't we could fall in! It's so nice to be comforted in that way!:rolleyes:

07-12-2004, 11:21 PM
Kidnapping.. I HATE being alone somewhere.. ESPECIALLY in the dark, at night, without adults around. I just cannot stand the thought. I'm also scared of my animals or family getting harmed. Animals getting stolen scares me a lot. My family getting in wrecks and stuff scares the heck out of me. Bad dreams do nothing but give me relief when I wake up.. they make me even more thankful for what I have and haven't lost like in the bad dream, unless of course the bad dream comes true.

07-12-2004, 11:31 PM
I think my biggest fear is losing one of my kids. A couple years ago, we lost our neice to a car accident. I just stay scared that my daughter will have a wreck coming home from work. If I hear an ambulance, I check to see if my married kids are at their homes safe. I just don't know how I would ever be able to go on if I lost one of my kids.

I stay up every night my daughter works late, until she is home safely. I just can't help but worry that I will lose my kids or grandchildren. I even stay scared something will happen to one of my furbabies.


07-12-2004, 11:35 PM
heights. bugs. those are the main ones

07-12-2004, 11:54 PM
the scariest thing in the world to me is someone breaking in and hiding in my room at night and waiting for me to fall asleep, and stalkers. that's the scariest thing! i guess what scares me is someone being able to see me and i can't see them and don't know they're there. i'm also scared of getting some kind of disease where i don't have control over my body, and that i can't move and run with.

07-13-2004, 05:24 AM
clowns i was chased as a small child

07-13-2004, 08:11 AM
Clowns *burrr* They are scary

07-13-2004, 08:39 AM
Kidnapping.. I HATE being alone somewhere.. ESPECIALLY in the dark, at night, without adults around. I just cannot stand the thought. I'm also scared of my animals or family getting harmed. Animals getting stolen scares me a lot. My family getting in wrecks and stuff scares the heck out of me. Bad dreams do nothing but give me relief when I wake up.. they make me even more thankful for what I have and haven't lost like in the bad dream, unless of course the bad dream comes true.

(originally posted by:petlover)


07-13-2004, 02:18 PM
I TOTALLY agree with you!!
I'm scared someone will break into my room at night, hide there till im asleep then sneak up and kill me w/ a machete or something. i know it sounds stupid but when i was little i got really scared of that movie gorillas in the mist. I was awake for almost 4 months and terrified!! that movie left a scar:(

07-13-2004, 02:20 PM
this probably sound dumb, but i'm also scared of being raped. i read somewhere that 8 out of 10 women will get raped at least once in their lives. i don't think it's true... but it still scared me.

07-13-2004, 02:20 PM
I have 2 huge fears... and they sort of tie into each other. First, I'm so scared of Bella going before I do, which is a very big possibility because she is so much older than me. The other, is dying alone. It's not really the dying that bothers me, but I don't want to be stuck in a nursing home, with my mind gone and no one i care about or who cares about me there with me when I go.