View Full Version : Strange foods your cat eats

07-12-2004, 05:30 PM
I was just sitting down and snacking on a small bowl of unsweetened apple sauce when the phone rang.

I have call display so I put down the bowl and go into the bedroom to see who it is and answer the call.

When I come back what did I see?

Max had his head in the bowl just lapping it up. Apple sauce of all things!!!!:eek: :eek: When I took the bowl away he started licking his lips and begging for more.

What strange food does your cat eat??

07-12-2004, 05:38 PM
K'Cee LOVEEESSSSS popcorn!

07-12-2004, 05:46 PM
Marsha is the queen of eating weird foods! She likes an assortment of things, including but not limited to: popsicles, V8 juice, spinach, gardhettos, salads... I could go on, but I'll spare you the bore:)

07-12-2004, 05:53 PM
Of my brood right now, there are none who eat what I would call weird stuff. But Red is not the least interested in shrimp - which I find very unusual.

I once had an adorable cat named Bridget - and she loved cabbage. She'd pop up whenever I was shredding it to make cole slaw.

07-12-2004, 05:53 PM
Lots of oddballs here! :rolleyes: Some of mine love vegetables like corn on the cob, string beans asparagus, squash...peas, cantaloupe is a big favorite! Many years ago I was carving a Halloween pumpkin and the cats were eating the slop inside! Yuck...minus the seeds but yuck...raw stringy pumpkin goo! :eek: :rolleyes: :eek: My RB Rosebud adored a teaspoon of peanut butter (chunky) every now and then. Olives too cause the cats to do some really weird things. Rosebud would roll and drool all over an olive like it was catnip. Black or green, it had the same effect! Then there's the junk food kitties...cheese popcorn, chips...Sweet Pea will insist on having a taste of chocolate when I have it. She really only gets to lick my fingers as it's dangerous...but the nutty girl loves it!:D :D :D

07-12-2004, 05:58 PM
Jan likes coffee beans.

Jari's Mama
07-12-2004, 06:33 PM
Our cat Fido (yeah, yeah, I know, I know THE NAME!) has irritable bowel so we have to feed him the RIGHT food, the RIGHT amount at the RIGHT times or else we are rewarded with kitty puke everywhere. However, he can eat any chip or cracker without any problems, any time--Wheat Thins, soda crackers, Doritos, Cheetos, tortilla chips, potato chips, you name it. Its crazy.

Jari, Uwe, and Jack all raid my dry Grape Nuts cereal when ever they can.

Jari ADORES lemon squares. She eats them, gets the white powdered sugar all over her nose and makes faces the whole time she is eating them.

Smudge will only eat cat food and only certain cat foods at that. He knows all other foods are tricks, designed by humans to conqure the cat race and keep them subservient. Human food also defeats his on-going project of trying to grow a thumb.

07-12-2004, 07:32 PM
And I always thought all cats were finicky! Salads? Pumpkin? Cereal? My Abby girl won't even eat chicken.

07-12-2004, 07:40 PM
That's funny, Noah loves when we carve pumpkins for Halloween too. He loves them!

Wierd stuff...
*Popcorn (preferable cheese, but regular will do)
*Basie loves cereal
*Noel loves anything sweet and crunchy
*Micah likes to lick whatever fruit I'm eating

:D I'm sure there are others. They seem to think they like ALL people food.

07-12-2004, 07:42 PM
Tigger doesn't eat ANYTHING except his own food...

I have given him TUNA, SALMON...tons of things, and he wants nothing to do with it...

The funny thing is, with the size of him, you would think he does eat everything :o :p

07-12-2004, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by DogLover9501
Tigger doesn't eat ANYTHING except his own food...

I have given him TUNA, SALMON...tons of things, and he wants nothing to do with it...

The funny thing is, with the size of him, you would think he does eat everything :o :p My RB girl Rosebud was that way too! I'd offer her chicken, roast beast things that most cats go gaga over.....but all she wanted besides cat food was her spoonful of peanut butter! :rolleyes: Then she developed a hyper thyroid, and started eating treat foods. :eek:

07-12-2004, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by QueenScoopalot
the cats were eating the slop inside! Yuck...minus the seeds but yuck...raw stringy pumpkin goo! :eek: :rolleyes: :eek:
EEEEEWWWWWW!!! That's just toooo funny; I can just see it now, little kitties running all over the house with stringy bits hanging from their mouths like drool :eek: :eek: :D :D

07-12-2004, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by Jari's Mama
Jari ADORES lemon squares. She eats them, gets the white powdered sugar all over her nose and makes faces the whole time she is eating them.

"Jari, did you eat up all the lemon squares?"

**shakes head**

"No Meowmie, I didn't touch them" :D :D

It's like a little kid who denies eating the chocolate when it's smooshed all over his face :D

07-12-2004, 09:03 PM
My cats don't eat much unusual food really, but on occasion Ash will eat Toast crusts, and he loves cheese, guess many cats do like cheese.

My RB Sooti loved to eat anything, almost, he loved mashed potatoes , peas ,lots of veges. etc.

Lexie on the other hand just loves her excellence biscuits, and is not into anything else, just have to watch her with plastic, for some silly reason, she takes a fancy to it.

07-12-2004, 09:18 PM
My foster Bacio, who is only 7 weeks old, discovered, for the first time, that the things he sees daddy eat, might taste good for him to try.
So there he was, with a Ritz Stick cracker, all soggy, in pieces, all over the bed.
It was just like having a baby. I mean, the clean up.

All the others, (except Snowy) adore cream cheese.

Snowy only wants cat treats, and the others couldn't care less.

07-12-2004, 09:31 PM
Pouncer... he's eaten just about anything! As for odd things a cat shouldn't be eating, He loves icing from cakes. And Chili.

Allen basically doesn't touch much more than his food. He loves iced tea.

Laura's Babies
07-12-2004, 11:06 PM
I can NOT open a can of peaches or pears without Chester coming running..and he wants the ones in the THICK syrup.. He will eat the light syrup ones but prefers the heavy surup..

One Grandkitty loves pop tarts, you can not eat one in front of Annie without giving her some of it..

Another grandkitty eats POTATO SALAD!! (Dusty if any of you remember him)

07-12-2004, 11:22 PM
I think the only thing Grover does is lick the popcorn, I guess she likes the butter, and she likes corn that I have cut off the cob and cooked. Otherwise she really loves her food. Stubby just loves his food.

LOL, Stubby loves to hunt and bring his prizes to me! Yuck!


07-12-2004, 11:51 PM
My kitties all think they want something, then we they finally convince us to give them a bite ... they sniff it and walk away!:rolleyes: However, my Grace LOVES syrup ... well mixed with butter of course, after I finish off my waffles!!! :D


07-12-2004, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
And Chili.

:eek: Wouldn't want to clean the litterbox after that meal!!!:eek: :D

07-13-2004, 12:16 AM
Scouts will eat about anything that isn't sweet (except she loves whipped cream). The oddest thing I've seen her eat is marinara sauce. She loves it and I have a hard time keeping her away when we have pasta & marinara.

Ripley loves peanut butter and ice cream (which he can't have).

Jazz begs for milk and chicken. She really begs for raw chicken - ick.

07-13-2004, 05:00 AM
ROFLOL!! Some of the things these cats eat!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

Sammy loves Peas and toast smothered in butter. Pepper Jack MUST try anything and everything we are eating. If he doesn't want it fine but most of the time my dinner is spent trying to eat around Pepper Jack's head and Leroy's paw! Leroy adores pizza. He will fight you for canadian bacon or pepperoni! Magoo is a Hoover for sure and almost everyones favorite is chicken. Can't have enough chicken!:D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

07-13-2004, 09:14 AM
Moose The Magnificent,Princess and Roscoe LOVE Kraft Dinner!And Michael will eattoast,and they all sem to like sour cream,and Margarine,especially the tastes just like butter!!!

Kona & Oreo's mom
07-13-2004, 09:19 AM
Kona loves the water from the tuna can, but she won't eat the tuna meat. :rolleyes:

She also begs shamelessly for popcorn and tortilla chips. Silly girl!

07-13-2004, 09:29 AM
Remus loves green tea. If Im not watching him every second, he will drain half my glass. Hot or cold it doesn't matter :rolleyes:

07-13-2004, 01:49 PM
Filou: mangos, avocados, French fries, croissants, smoked salmon, Tandoori chicken, Chili, Bolognese, corn

Tigris: vegetable juice, tomato juice:D

07-13-2004, 04:14 PM
My cat just adores pop tarts, any flavor. He likes them warmed up and gooey.

07-13-2004, 06:29 PM
Jeez, for Fluffy & Yoshi the better question is what DON'T they eat??!! :eek: Neither of us can eat anything without Fluffy or Yoshi trying to eat it from our hand.....and Fluffy has some powerful paws! :rolleyes:

Lucky on the other hand, is the "strange" one.....he only eats his wet/dry food with a rare taste for chicken, turkey or cheese. Usually we have to fend off the other 2 so Lucky can take his sweet time to decide if he really wants to eat it or not.

We can now add carnations to Fluffy's preferred list :rolleyes: :mad:

07-13-2004, 06:51 PM
The salt off of Doritos and fried pork skins.

Mayonaisse from potato salads and ham.

07-13-2004, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by rosethecopycat
So there he was, with a Ritz Stick cracker, all soggy, in pieces, all over the bed.
It was just like having a baby. I mean, the clean up.
LOL :D :D That's too funny.

Well, after reading your comments I can see that Max is really not that unusual.

Catnapper - chili?????? Yeah, I just see that litter box.:eek:

Eddie - Fried pork skins?? At least they have zero carbs.:D

You guys are all too funny. :D

07-13-2004, 08:51 PM
Before Trevor got diabetes he loved yogurt. I could take the lid off a container of yogurt in one room while he was sleeping in another room and he would somehow hear me, wake up and come running. :rolleyes: Hubby would also throw him a couple of pieces of popcorn occasionally. All of that has stopped now and he only gets his Purina DM and nothing else. :( Andy has always been a picky cat. He really never cared for "people food" of any kind. He is happiest with plain old normal kitty food, preferably Fancy Feast. Boring....

Desert Arabian
07-13-2004, 10:21 PM
Sammy LOVES Gerber Banana Cereal Snacking Squares, which I buy for the rats. He will be in the basement and he can hear me open the bag to give some to the rats and he comes running into my room meowing and stands on his hind legs and scratches my leg. :rolleyes: He also loves chopped up tomatoes, vegetables in chow mein food, honey nut cheerios, puffed wheat, puffed rice- just about anything.

Dudley doesn't eat anything but cat food, I think he is anorexic. :rolleyes: