View Full Version : Vacation without my Cat

07-03-2001, 12:26 PM
I ma going on vacation Saturday for a week and this is the first time I am leaving my little Sundance. My mother is there with him all the time so he won't be alone and she takes care of him in the day. Do most cats adjust to their owners not being there. I think it will be more hard on me than Sundance. Any opinions please :)

07-03-2001, 12:39 PM

I have left cats many times and they usually fall in love with the person(s) taking care of them. Then, after a day, they return to being my special buds. I have taken cats on vacation and left them at home, and I prefer to take them. My cats like riding in cars so there is no problem with moving them. When I fly, I do not take them.

Hope this is helpful.

All cats are different!


07-03-2001, 12:46 PM
Thanks for answering, he is used to my mom and I know some people who take cats and the cats are sometimes scared and my neighbor lost her cat while on vacation. I think he will be happy at home, thanks again.

At least someone will be with him all day.

Cougie Wechsler
07-03-2001, 12:52 PM
I have on many occasions taken care of my friend's cats while they are on vacation and they have all were happy to see their humans upon return. I think Sundance will be just fine and will miss you! Be ready for much purring, head butts, and love when you get back :D :D :D

4 feline house
07-03-2001, 01:19 PM
Kgeorge, Sundance will be just fine, especially since he already knows his gramma (Sundance is your mom's grandcat, you know). He may pout when you get back, but that is likely to be the worst that will happen. Enjoy your vacation!

07-03-2001, 03:05 PM
Cats are so much easier than dogs. Since they are such independent creatures, they don't seem to suffer the "separation" anxiety that dogs do. I'm sure with your mom there, your cat will do just fine! How lucky you are to have someone who will be right there all the time!
Go enjoy your vacation, and then enjoy the warm welcome you will receive when you get home.