View Full Version : Rudy!

07-12-2004, 08:34 AM

Oh Rudy what a lucky dog you were to be "delivered" to just the right house:D It sounds like your new family loves you very much and just couldn't do without you.

How right they are when they say you deserve to be our DOG OF THE DAY!!!!

Have a great day sweetie!

Kona & Oreo's mom
07-12-2004, 09:11 AM
Rudy, you are a very handsome (and hard-working) boy! You seem to have found a happy new life.

Congratulations on being DOTD, Rudy!

07-12-2004, 09:15 AM
Rudy, you handsome hunk!

I used to live in the country, and folks would deliver doggies to my doorstep as well. Maybe God leads these doggie gifts to the right door, knowing where they will be cared for and loved!

What a good boy you are to take your neighbor for a walk!

Have a great day hanging with the guys today, sweet Rudy, extra-special DOTD!

07-12-2004, 09:18 AM

What a handsome fellow you are. It sounds like somebody found the perfect place to deliver you to. They sound like they love you very much. you are very special. Glad you made DOTD. I got to see how handsome you are.:) :) :)

07-12-2004, 12:06 PM
Rudy, you sure are one handsome hunk of a boy! It sounds like you get the best of both worlds, working and hanging with the guys in the day, and love and cuddles with the girls at the end :D. You certainly have important duties which you take most seriously, a dog's day is never done! :D

Congratulations to you Rudy, our sweet, handsome, and hard working Dog of the Day!

07-12-2004, 12:08 PM
Rudy, you are sooo handsome! That is so cute that you take your neighbor for a walk, what a nice man! Congrats for being Our Adorable Dog of the Day! :) :D :)

07-12-2004, 01:11 PM
Thank goodness you were delivered to the right door Rudy!:):):) I definitely think a higher power had a paw in this love match!

You're one super handsome, hunky stud muffin, Rudy! SO manly!:D Wow, you live every guy's dream life...toolilng around in your truck, hangin' out with the guys at the shop and at the end of a hard day, cuddling up to your woman for a snuggle and belly rub:) All that in addition, of course, to the very important doggie duties you handle so deftly each day! There's just one word for you Rudy...awesome!:) Congratulations to you sweet, sweet Rudy...You da man! AND the Dog of the Day:) Lots of hugs and kisses to you handsome boy and enjoy your well earned day in the spotlight Rudy!

07-12-2004, 04:44 PM
You are handsome hard worjking little man, aren't you? ;) Sopunds like you try hard to earn your keep and then some. Congratulations on winning todays well deserved honor :D