View Full Version : Amy....Midnight

Laura's Babies
07-12-2004, 07:42 AM
As I told you when I got home, Amy's condition seems to be getting worse. Yesterday, I noticed her left front leg seems to be getting weaker and she holds it stiff too now and she seems to be falling over more these days. Last night I heard a plop, plop, plop and she has fell over and was trying to get up. Her left front leg, she had her paw on the floor upside down, facing her hind quarters (like having your wrist bent back) and trying to hold herself up on it like that. Later, I noticed her laying down and it was looking like it was so stiff.. Here is the picture of it when I grabbed my camera. She has always held her left back leg like that but now is resting with her front left like that and when she walks on it, she limps on it now. (I am wondering if it is the stress of Midnights being here that is doing that to her)


Now Midnight has discovered their perch and she really enjoys napping on it. (Shows how LONG she is)

And here she is playing this morning.. Pain meds? Why does she need those? She is so playful that she just can not need that pain med!!(Again, look how pretty she has gotten since I brought her in!)


07-12-2004, 08:05 AM
I hope your sweet Amy is going to be OK. It's so hard watching special needs kitties achieve so much, and then have something go wrong. Midnight looks like she couldn't be happier! Purrs and scritches from the multitude of handicats here....to your dear girl Amy.

07-12-2004, 08:09 AM
Oh Laura I do hope Amy is going to be OK. I will say a very special prayer for her. She is so extra special.

I can not get over how l...o...n...g... Midnight is. What a cutie she is.

07-12-2004, 08:34 AM
I'm so sorry to hear that Amy is having more problems. She is such a dear and sweet girl ... the picture is beautiful, though I know you can see more deeply into it! Prayers that she doesn't get any worse ... but I know that regardless of how you are worrying about her, she is one happy and lucky girl!!!

Midnight is gorgeous and look at what energy she has!!! :eek: She knows that she has it made now!:D


07-12-2004, 08:39 AM
Poor Amy - I hope everything will be ok. Prayers on the way.

And Midnight is looking ever so gorgeous stretched out on the perch.

07-12-2004, 08:40 AM
You have the prayers from the Found cats,that thier Pal Amy gets better soon,and that she suffers no more pain!

07-12-2004, 10:57 AM
Amy is such a cutie, I'm so sorry she seems worse. I'll say a prayer.

Does she seem stressed from Midnight? Chester is familiar with her but not Amy, right? I was hoping that if Chester was at ease maybe Amy would be too.

Midnight sure is looking healthy and happy now.

I love your new signature but it's so sad.

07-12-2004, 11:47 AM
Prayers and positive thoughts heading your way that precious Amy will be OK...

Midnight is looking ever so fine. She is one beautiful, sleek black beauty for sure.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-12-2004, 02:19 PM
I'm so sorry Amy continues to get worse. We'll definitely have all paws crossed and prayers going out that she starts to improve instead of continuing to decline. Poor sweet kitty. :(

Looks like Midnight is settling in well. :D

07-12-2004, 02:28 PM
Prayers ansd positive thoughts winging over to Amy xxxx

Fingers and paws all crossed here.

Midnight looks gorgeous by the way and very l - o - n - g!!
