View Full Version : Gigi is throwing up again. :(

07-11-2004, 10:43 PM
Yes, she did it again. She threw up Friday nite and the nite before. I saw rice in there. I don't know why she is doing it again. I took her to the vet on Sat and got some prescription kibbles and some more medicine. She did some blood work again and they found nothing negative in there. What I am worry about is it comes and goes like every other day. I thought she was doing better and then the next day she is doing it again. Hopefully this time it will be better. I am watching what she is eating.

07-12-2004, 06:39 AM
Poor Gigi

I hope they find whats wronge or causing her to do this, and get better Gigi!

07-12-2004, 06:42 AM
Oh my! Poor little Gigi! I know how worried you must be as my "granddog" Dale is also sick with the tummy thing. :( We need lots of PT prayers going up for these two. Did they x-ray her tummy to look for some strange object in there? That is the next step for Dale. He saw the emergency vet last night and if he continues to be sick he will have a tummy x-ray and complete work-up. ((((Hugs to Gigi and you too!)))) Poor little thing!!! Please keep us posted!

07-12-2004, 07:09 AM
umm ok, throwing is not a really big thing. She might of swallowed something you dont know of. Just let it pass. Give her a week or so. My dog swallowed a gunk of chocolate from nutella i had dropped on the floor. I took him to the vet, she said he didnt get a large enuf amount of it to kill him. (i dont know how she knew but she did) She told me to just let it pass. He had extremely bad diahrea for a week. Throwing up is an alternate way to get something out of the stomach quickly. If shes doing it once a day, it means the bodies having trouble to get it out but dont have a huge concern. Also dont panic. If she throws up 6 times within 8 hours, then u gotta problem. Anyways i can see your position. Just breaks your heart to see it eh? He will get better soon. Dont worry:)

07-12-2004, 08:52 AM
Not Gigi too:(

I was hoping she would be over this by now. I know what you mean by not finding anything from the bloodwork, that's how it was with Angus too.

I hope she starts feeling better very soon.

I'll keep her in my prayers right along with Dale.

07-12-2004, 01:42 PM
Oh Gigi...not again:( I wish the white coat could get a handle on this! Let's hope that this time the medicine will clear your bug up for good! Hugs to you cutie Gigi!!! Feel better soon:)

07-12-2004, 09:27 PM
How is Gigi doing??

07-12-2004, 10:22 PM
Gigi has not vomit last nite and the nite before! Yay. Thanks for all the good wishes.

Originally posted by Pam
Did they x-ray her tummy to look for some strange object in there? That is the next step for Dale. He saw the emergency vet last night and if he continues to be sick he will have a tummy x-ray and complete work-up.

That's what our vet said too. I want to see how she is reacting to her new diet and medicine before I spend that money. Money has been tight since this is our THIRD vet visit. :rolleyes:

Dale, I hope your tummy is feeling better.

07-13-2004, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by jenfer
Gigi has not vomit last nite and the nite before! Yay.

Dale, I hope your tummy is feeling better.

Hooray Gigi! Dale is better too! Great news all around. ;)

07-14-2004, 06:57 PM
its great to hear:)