View Full Version : Dennis Bubba's New Friend?

09-01-2001, 05:18 PM
Dennis Bubba (plug-plug,CatOfTheDay 7/30/00) has ALWAYS been "personality-plus" AND sweet, AND Fun AND Loveable, etc., but I recieved one of those Robotic Cats for my birthday...And Dennis Bubba thinks it's his new best friend! He can't pass by it without tripping the sensors and making Robo Kitty move, meow, stalk etc., the funniest thing is he'll even lay down beside it. It is SO FUNNY and SO cute. Who know's maybe my beloved DB is getting goofy in his old age. He's a happy cat with or without Robo Kitty. Anyone else had such an amusing experience with such a toy? :D :)
Blessings :)

09-01-2001, 05:34 PM
When I was little, I had a blk & wht stuffed kitty (anyone remember the 'Alleykat' toys? He was one of those.) Whenever my tux boy Tom saw the stuffed animal laying around, he'd ATTACK it! :rolleyes:

As a kitten, Tinker would chew the fingers/hands off of my sis's barbies! Are you familiar with the brand of dolls called waterbabies? (They are plastic and you actually fill their bodies up with water--kinda simulates the wt of a real baby.) Anyways, my sister (the doll fanatic) *had* a couple of these...Tinker got ahold of them and chewed their bodies...water would go EVERYWHERE!! We finally figured out that pool patches would fix the holes...so her dolls sported blue patches all over their bodies! lol

09-03-2001, 04:54 AM
LOL!! That's funny! Anyone know those Beanie Babies? I had one that looked like a spaniel but-surprise, surprise- Sugar ( my old Dachschund) licked it 'til most of the fur came off! :D Now we call it Hairless...

09-03-2001, 07:00 AM
Welcome back, it's been a while since we hear from you, I'm pleased to know all is well.

4 feline house
09-04-2001, 09:58 PM
I have two cat sculptures, one of concrete and one of porcelain, that are identical in shape, with realistic eyes. Through the years I've had cats hiss at them, and I've had cats that cuddled with them and tried to groom them! But most ignore them.