View Full Version : A very angery vent....

Rio and Me
07-11-2004, 11:56 AM
About lowzey waste of space, horrid thugs.
6.30am sunday morning (today) i went upto the supermarket carpark (where i park my car when i stay at my friends) and find that my god damn window smashed on my car and my new (well only had it about 2 months) car CD player gone, some no good s**t head stole it, wy probley because they cant be arsed to buy there own.
I was (still am) real mad and upset as i had save for the CD player and my brother brought me the car which now has no back side window.
Tomorrow i'm off to the police station on my lunch break to give them a serial number thing of the CDplayer they cant/wont do anything, nore can i.
I hate the fact that they are probley out there laughing and boasting about how cool they are and how the got away with it.
I have no idea at all who it was but for damn sure i gunna ask everyone i know to listen out for anyone trying to flog any cdplayers.
Long vent i know but god why do they have to do it......

I hope they get some into real bad trouble, and by god if i find out who did it boy are they in for it..

07-11-2004, 01:20 PM
I'm sorry this happened to you, but could you please not use such foul language on Pet Talk. Alot of youngsters visit here, plus many of us adults don't really enjoy seeing it either! ;)


07-11-2004, 02:35 PM
:mad: I'm mad for you!!! Its happening a lot around here too. One time, we had a TV with VCR in the kitchen. My daughter came home from school, and it was on the table. She took Nicki for a wlak and returned to no TV. Thank goodness she was out, and thats all they took, but still....

07-11-2004, 02:50 PM
I also reiterate Kim's suggestion to watch the language. Believe me, I understand how PO'd you are. It's happened to me. It also happened to my friend at work the other night. Evidence points to a thug that works at the same place.

I can't stand it when people take what doesn't belong to them. We work hard for our money, to buy nice things while these scumbags scour around looking for nice stuff to steal to make money rather than get a job and buy it the honest way. :mad: :mad:

I hope you find out who did it.

Rio and Me
07-11-2004, 03:13 PM
Yes sorry for the language but i'm very very anoyed, i too hope i find the person who did it but its doughtfull.
Arggg why is my question, i'm scared to leave the car anywhere now for fear of them doing it again, i do plan on geting another cdplayer but will be scared of them taking it again.
Is nothing safe in this pathitic world.

07-11-2004, 03:37 PM
I do know what you mean ... and the stupid "car alarms" are so pointless ... as every minute of the night or day you hear someone's going off in their driveway by mistake! So, we are now so accustomed to hearing them, we don't even pay attention to them anymore!!!:rolleyes:


07-11-2004, 03:45 PM
That really sucks. My sister has had her car broken into numerous times.

Even worse, my sister's CAR was stoled, and driven into the bay! :rolleyes: :eek: (That was a few years ago though, not recently)

07-12-2004, 10:15 AM
I had someone steal the CD player out of my Jeep once...the dumb people cut the wires so funky though that anyone who TRIED to use it would get a nice suprise because it would never work lol! Thats Karma for you I guess...they caught the guys trying to sell it at a pawn shop.

Yes, steal a stereo in such a way so that it will never work again, try it in your car, find out it doesn't work then try pawning it...

Lucky for us, the pawn shops here have a stolen serial number database sent to them by the police. If you get something stolen, you can regster the serial numbers off of the product and if a Pawn shop gets someone trying to sell it, they will A get your item back *if it works, if its broken you're SOL* and B charge the moron selling it for the theft. The thrift stores have the database too. Does your area do that? I hope so, hopefully they can catch the people that did this. And even if the police wont get them I have a feeling something else will ;)