View Full Version : I got bit tonight - ouch!

07-10-2004, 11:34 PM
I was down at my Dad's tonight and was petting Miss Kitty who gets a little too worked up from the attention and she bit my hand really hard. I only have two small puncture wounds that barely bled but my whole hand is very sore. It's the back of my right hand and my whole hand feels stiff right now while I type. It feels like she pinched a nerve or bruised something. Don't worry though, this is absolutely nothing like what Magoo did to CCL.

I've cleaned the bite well with soap and water and alocohol and then I applied neosporin. There is no redness anymore and it doesn't look infected but I will be careful. I think my pride is wounded more than anything. I can't believe she bit me, the only big cat lover in the family.

I tried to not let my Dad find out but it was hard to hide the pained look on my face. Now he is mad at her. Miss Kitty was more of my Mom's cat and Dad isn't willing to put up with much from her. Darn I wished he hadn't found out.

07-10-2004, 11:42 PM
Oh Lori, I'm so sorry that you had to be bitten. I guess it's better from the sound of things though that she bit you instead of your Dad! :rolleyes: I guess she is just extra moody right now with the adjustment from losing your Mom. I hope things will settle down for her and Dad soon!


07-10-2004, 11:47 PM
Thanks Kim. I do think part of her problem is missing Mom. She isn't getting as much attention as she did. Unfortunately she's always had the bad habit of biting to get your attention or if she gets too worked up but this was much harder and meaner than anything before.

As sore as my hand is I really think she's just hurt my feelings and my pride the most.:(

07-10-2004, 11:54 PM
Awwwww, I'm sorry Lori! :( I hope your hand feels much better tomorrow!;)


Laura's Babies
07-11-2004, 07:51 AM
Anger is part of the grieveing process and I bet she is mad her Mommie isn't there anymore. Poor babies, they just don't understand why things change like they do.

07-11-2004, 07:58 AM
Are you up to date on tetanus?

Cat bites are nothing to mess with. Even when it seems like nothing. You should see a Dr.


07-11-2004, 08:07 AM
OUCH Lori!! You've got my sympathies!! I know it hurts because when Magoo first bit me (before the infection set in) it was the pain from the nerves that hurt so much! I know you know the routine.....watch for redness, swelling, blah, blah, blah so I won't do all that.

The pain inside hurts as much as the pain outside doesn't it? I felt very hurt because I thought I was doing a good thing and trying to help this poor blind kitty and this is what I get in return??? I know your pain must be far worse since you were loving your mom's cat and she did you like that. It sounds like she is easily over stimulated but you knew she was missing your Mom too and needed attention. Even though you know she is confused and is missing your mom it still hurts inside. I'm sorry your Dad found out too. I thought about trying to hide mine from hubby at first but that was impossible!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/wink.gif

Don't give up on Miss Kitty just remember to pet her from behind and watch that head movement!!! http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/wink.gif

I hope your hand and your heart feel better soon.
:) :) http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/smile.gif

07-11-2004, 08:26 AM
Oh! Sweet Lori I am sorry to hear this! Yes I can also tell it hurts the feeling and pride too. Here you are the cat lover and taking care of everything and everybody and YOU get bit! (((((LORI))))))

How are you feeling today? Inside and out, that is? I guess you are now worried that your dad may not be very nice to Miss Kitty? Is that right? Well, here is another ((((HUG))) - if those do any good from so far away:)

07-11-2004, 10:07 AM
OUCH! I'm sorry your hand hurts... and sorry that your dad found out. Is there any way Miss Kitty could move in with you so that she has people around her giving attention, or would there be some serious issues between her and Ripley?

07-11-2004, 11:12 AM
I would put Antibiotic Cream,on that as a visiting Siamese,once scratched my hand,and I got Cat Scratch Fever,not The Ted Nugent Variety,and my hand swelled up, like John Agars,in The Hand Of Death!

07-11-2004, 12:05 PM
Thanks everybody!! I knew you guys would understand and make me feel better.

My hand is much better today, no redness and the swelling has all gone down. It's just a little stiff and sore but I'm sure that will disappear soon too. I'm current on my tetanus too, after a nasty incident with a rust nail a few years ago.

I feel better inside too. I know Miss Kitty didn't single me out, I'm really the only one who gives her that much attention any way. She is known to do bite, not usually this hard, so I had given my mom strict instructions to not pet her too much because mom was on heavy blood thinners and with her thin skin the slightest scratch or bite could have been very bad.

Unfortunately my Dad's reaction to any animal biting or scratching is to kick them or smack them. I keep telling him to never do those things to her because she is fast and would probably tear him up on the comeback but he just blows that off and says not to me she won't. He really doesn't pet her any but he does talk to her a lot and he does care about her deep down. I'm hoping with his bad memory that he will just forget this happened.

Moving Miss Kitty here isn't really an option (except for last resort) because he is an indoor/outdoor cat who can not stand to stay inside all the time and would be miserable or run the risk of getting hit living here. Plus she does not like other cats too well. I think it would be major stress to all to bring her in with Ripley, Jazz and Scout. She's not fond of dogs either but Disney is so laid back that it might work out with her. If the time comes we have to place her somewhere my sister will take her, at least she says she will.

Thanks again everybody!

07-11-2004, 01:18 PM
Lori I am glad your hand is better. To my opinion when a cat bites it usually doesn't mean you- but someone in her/his history:(

And some cats just don't have enough confidence in humanity to be touched too much. I am also asking myself why I am never allowed to toouch Filou's cute belly but he says no:(