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View Full Version : myImgSrc.com - Your Online Source For Free Image Hosting!

07-10-2004, 10:29 PM
myImgSrc.com - Your Online Source For Free Image Hosting!

You may ask what is myImgSrc.com, and why would I want to use their free services?
Well have you ever wanted to put your picture online?
Or have a signature viewable to everyone else on the internet?
Or even store images to be viewed on ebay to allow others to see what they're purchasing?

Or you may also ask why use myImgSrc.com over all the other image hosts out there?
We have no restrictions on how many image views you can have as long as you stay within your disk and bandwidth limit.
The free account receives 100 mb's disk space and 5 gb's bandwidth!
We don't even count your individual image access as bandwidth usage!
We will not let you down and are not a fly-by-night service.

And best of all - we are pet lovers! :D
These are only some of the common reasons to use our services!

Give us a try and Go and signup at http://www.myImgSrc.com/eunaIMG/ for your free account now!

Some of our Basic Features include:
- Free support, just email your questions, comments, or suggestions to [email protected].
- Upload multiple images up to 10 at one time, not including externaly linked images from the web, or .tar.gz compressed files!
- Create folders, and set there accessibility level (public|private).
- Directly link to individual images, or whole folders.
- Randomizer Script allows you to randomize your images from all folders or specific folders and even set a limit on how many random images to pull!
- Gallery allows for nice album touch.

Please note, that the user interface is currently under the development process.
Although it will be finished later on during this week, an demo view can be seen here: http://www.myImgSrc.com/accountmanager/

- Folder Access: http://www.myImgSrc.com/eunaIMG/getimg.php?id=[YOUR_CLIENT_ID]&folder=[YOUR_FOLDER_ID]
- Basic Image Access: http://www.myImgSrc.com/[YOUR_CLIENT_ID]/img/[YOUR_IMG_ID]
- Basic Thumbnail Image Access: http://www.myImgSrc.com/[YOUR_CLIENT_ID]/img/thumb/[YOUR_IMG_ID]
- Randomizer Access: http://www.myImgSrc.com/eunaIMG/getimg.php?id=[YOUR_CLIENT_ID]&rand=true&limit=[YOUR_IMG_PULL_LIMIT]&folder=[YOUR_FOLDER(s)_IDs_or_ALL]
- HTML Input Code: <img src="http://www.myImgSrc.com/[YOUR_CLIENT_ID]/img/[YOUR_IMG_ID]">
- Forum BB Code: http://www.myImgSrc.com/[YOUR_CLIENT_ID]/img/[YOUR_IMG_ID]

07-14-2004, 06:04 AM
I started using this one after photobucket got a bit tedious to use. :D I'm happy so far.

07-19-2004, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by binka_nugget
I started using this one after photobucket got a bit tedious to use. :D I'm happy so far. Oh why thank you! I'm glad to hear that you enjoy our service!

08-09-2004, 08:11 PM
I just signed up and will let you know how I like it.:)

08-18-2004, 07:04 AM
I'm going to sign up right now:)