View Full Version : Dale isn't feeling well :(

07-10-2004, 03:49 PM
We moved yesterday, and with all of the excitement, he didnt eat anything that morning, then it was a little hot out...he wasnt out much, but was out with us some of the time while we unpacked the moving truck. I had water out for him, and he was fine. Later that day, he came inside and threw up bile. I figured, it was b/c of an empty stomach (didnt want to eat...he isnt a huge eater, especially for a big dog, anyway). He got sick a few more times last night. So i called the vet (a new one, since i just moved to this state yesterday)...and they recommended not giving him any food today, and then some hamburger/rice, or chicken tomorrow. And then see how he does, if by Monday, he isnt any better, then we will take him in. He is somewhat tired, but if someone comes to the door, he gets up and barks, and if you walk up to him, he wags his tail, and tries to lick your face. Anyway, i called his breeder for any advice too. I have never seen him this way, so it is upsetting. The breeder wont be home until later. Oh, and he peed this morning, but hasnt since, so i am gonna go walk him in a minute to see that he is urinating okay.

Anyway, please say prayers that my Dale starts to feel better real soon. I want him to be able to enjoy this new house and explore, but i am keeping him gated, so that he doesnt get sick on the new carpet.

He can be some what of a nervous dog, so with the change/excitement of moving, lack of breakfast , and it being hot out yesterday, i think all played a part in this...i am just gonna let his stomach rest, and pray that he will be better tomorrow... :(

07-10-2004, 03:51 PM
Prayers that Dale perks up real soon and goes about enjoying his new house.

07-10-2004, 03:51 PM
:( I hope you feel better soon Dale!

07-10-2004, 04:19 PM
I bet it's all the change that's upsetting his tummy, and I'm hoping it is nothing more than that. These big guys can be soooo sensitive! Poor Dale.

07-10-2004, 04:29 PM
Get better soon, Dale! It probably was just the move. Hope he'll get settled in and feel better.

07-10-2004, 04:49 PM
Oh Robyn, this must be so upsetting for you. Poor Dale:( Sounds like it might be all the stress of moving, the heat, new surroundings, Robyn...I hope so. Is he drinking enough? It concerned me that you said he had just pee'd once this morning:( PLEASE, feel better soon Dale! We want you to enjoy your new home sweetheart:) Prayers on their way for Dale's quick recovery. {{{HUGS}}} Sandra

07-10-2004, 05:00 PM
Oh come on Dale, perk up big buddy! Don't worry the ones that love you so much. Pullllleeeeas. He's such a big gallooot and we love him so. Please do keep us informed :(

07-10-2004, 05:12 PM
Thanks everyone! We appreciate the well wishes. I just walked him and he did pee quite a bit...so that is great. And he was back to his ol' pulling self on the leash. Mind you, I only weigh 15 more pounds than him, so if he wants to, he can pull me around pretty good, and my hubby and son were outside and he ran over to them, and then barked at the workers across the street, and also tried to chase a butterfly, one of his favorite past times :). So i am thinking it is stress and anxiety over the move, and that the heat and lack of appetite added to it...hope tomorrow brings us good news :)

BTW, i only let him outside for like 10 minutes, he is back to resting now :) Keeping me company as i unpack boxes :)


07-10-2004, 05:16 PM
I'm glad he's feeling a bit better. My Squid has just been to the vets and I was *really* worried about him, so I know how you feel. :p

Give Dale a hug from me :D

07-10-2004, 06:22 PM
I know moving is stressful for all, two leggers and four leggers alike Robyn.. let's just keep hoping for butterflies and HUGS! Whew...

07-10-2004, 06:45 PM
Oh, Robyn....I hate that Dale is not feeling well. Please give him plenty of hugs from me. It sounds like things are getting better.

Dale, it sounds like you are starting to bounce back already but you make sure you get some rest and plenty of water, young man! We don't want anything happening to you. We will be waiting to see lots of pics of you roaming around your new home and yard!

Hugs...Robin :)

07-10-2004, 08:33 PM
Whew! Things seem to be improving Robyn, thankfully! Dale, listen to your mommy and Robin now! Drink lots of fluid, stay cool and get some rest. You can watch your mommy do all the work unpacking;) Get well soon Dale!

Cinder & Smoke
07-10-2004, 09:25 PM
Sounds like it was a worry - stress - excitement thing.

HEY Dale!! ~

"Milk" dis fur all ya can...
dat CowBurger an Rice tastes jest GREAT!

Eat it kinda S L O W ... an den make like ya think
ya mite hafta *URRK & Gurk*...
But - DON'T do dat - (DON'T wunna waste da Gud Grub!

Keep aktin kinda *woozie* fur a kupla daze -
that'll keep da Cow & Rice onna menue!

07-10-2004, 09:51 PM
Dale, get better soon.

Gigi isn't feeling well since last Fri as well. And it's definitely not fun for her and not fun for me having to take her to the vet 3 times now. :(

07-10-2004, 10:10 PM
I give out the best of wishes to dale getting better!

07-10-2004, 11:01 PM
I think all these changes and new surroundings and smells are just freaking Dale out. When we moved in our new home last year Katie was just like Dale. She wasn't herself when she was in the new house. She would whine, not eat, and was restless. But later that week she figured out this was home. She was back to normal.

I hope Dale gets Better, i'll be thinkn' of him!

Canis Amicus
07-11-2004, 02:39 AM
Dale, I am glad you are feeling better.
Keep going!

and Rex

Photo: Rex enjoying one of his fav toys.

07-11-2004, 05:23 AM

How exciting! Your new, new home! I hope you get settled quickly and I bet you will! Is Christian excited too? I am sure you will make it comfortable and put your added touches on it soon.

You know, when I saw photos of Dale swimming in the pond, I thought.........hmmmmmmm.....water, dogs, drinking pond water..... but of course I am a worry wart. But mommies know best, and I think you are correct, that it was combinations of things that hit him all at once. Heat will do a pet in, for sure! I hope and suspect he will be fine. Please do keep us posted though.

Do you have central air in your new home? I bet you do. I would.

Photos of your new place would be nice....ehmmmmmmmm.

Sas and her girls

07-11-2004, 07:07 AM
I am sorry...I wasn't here yesterday,so this is thefirst I saw your Post.....
Please know that we are thinking of you....I know Moving is stressful,not knowing where all your toys are,Having to find the humans new place for the cookie jar....So Many things to worry about....All will be back to normal in a couple of days,Dearest Dale...
Chin Up,Feel Better
Hugs & Treats!!!

07-11-2004, 07:37 AM
I'm so sorry Dale wsn't feeling good. How stressful (as if moving wasn't stressful enough already). Hopefully by today he is back to his bouncing goofy self. :)

Congratulations on the new home!! :)

07-11-2004, 07:53 AM
Thanks everyone! You all are so sweet. Dale and I are lucky to have you!

Update...last night before we all went to bed, i walked him and he peed a little, so that was good. 3 times yesterday.

I called his breeder, who is great, and has a ton of dogs and experience...he recommended Pepto Bismol, and then a half hour after, some bread, or even a small sandwich. So that is what i did, and it worked fine. He had a half of a piece of bread, b/c i didnt want to push it. So he rested all night,and then i walked him this morning...and he peed again...yay. So he isnt dehydrated. Then i made him 2 eggs (per breeder), and i piece of bread. So i will wait another hour and as long as it stays down, i will give him some more bread and drink. All looks good so far.

PLease continue to keep him in your prayers.

By the way, when i walked him, he was sooo happy to see the leash (then he knows it is time to go out)...and carried it in his mouth, as he always does ( even though i am walking him, he likes to think he is walking himself, lol )...so it was great to see him still acting normal...i will keep you all posted.


PS. Sas, yes we have central AC...and i moved him to a part of the house with no windows, to keep him out of the sun...

07-12-2004, 06:11 AM
Dale still needs PT prayers. I will try to update here for Robyn and maybe she can get on a little later with more info. She is having some computer problems right now. Dale continued to throw up yet a couple more times yesterday even though he seemed to be acting normally when he'd go outside to pee, etc. Late last night Robyn was extremely worried since he threw up yet again, so they headed off to the Emergency Vets. Dale is being given meds (I don't remember what they are) and if no better today he will go back to the regular vet for a full work-up. I'm sure Robyn will give more info when she can. I spoke with her around 11:00ish last night after they returned. (((Hugs to my big furry granddog Dale and his very worried mamma!)))

07-12-2004, 06:33 AM
Oh Pam:( Robyn must be beside herself:( Is it possible he could have gotten into something? It was mentioned he was drinking from a pond. Do you know if he has been immunized for lepto? I hope and pray it's nothing more serious than a bug. Get well soon precious Dale! We love you. {{{HUGS}}}

07-12-2004, 07:14 AM
Oh, I hate hearing this. Lots of Hugs for Dale, Robyn and the whole family.

Thanks for letting us know, Pam. Keep us posted.

Lot of prayers coming your way, Dale!


07-12-2004, 07:23 AM
I was so in hopes that I would find that Dale was back to normal this morning! :( You're going to break in the new vet, in style, I guess, Dale!!! Keep us posted as you can, Pam and Robyn. Fingers, paws and claws crossed that all will be ok. We'll be keeping Dale in our prayers.


07-12-2004, 08:28 AM
Gosh I had missed this before now :( :( :( . I had hoped by the time I got to the end, there would be good news. I'm so worried and I can't imagine how Robyn must feel. Poor Dale, please get better fast sweetie. Dale is in my prayers. Please let us know as soon as you know anything more.

07-12-2004, 08:43 AM
Oh NO, not sweet Dale:(

After reading the update I was so happy to hear he was feeling better, but now I see he's not and is at the vets:(
I'm so sorry to hear that he's still not doing good. I hope it's nothing to worry about.

I'll be keeping Dale and the whole family in my prayers.

Please let us know asap how Dale's doing.

Kona & Oreo's mom
07-12-2004, 09:33 AM
I hope that Dale feels better soon and that the vet can determine what's wrong. Get well, Dale!

07-12-2004, 12:14 PM
Oooh, sorry I missed this before. Get well soon, Dale. :(

07-12-2004, 12:17 PM
my bet is change upsetting his tummy as well, shadow always had exactly the same problem whenever we moved, i dint know about the other dogs though, they have never moved lol

07-12-2004, 12:39 PM
Poor Dale! I hope its only a matter of nerves upsetting his tummy. Animals are more sensitive to large changes than we give them credit for.

07-12-2004, 01:47 PM
How is Dale doing this afternnon Robyn??? Your mom mentioned this morning that he was able to hold down his food and fluids. I hope they can figure out what's going on with your sweetie. Poor pup...I still want to think it's just the incredible stress of the move. I hope that's all it is. Please check in when you can. We're keeping you and Dale in our thoughts and prayers! We love you Dale! Sandra, Cody and Star:)

07-12-2004, 02:54 PM
I just got off the phone with Robyn and things are looking better. :) Dale is being treated for a protozoa infection, probably Giardia. It is possible that he got this from drinking the water in the pond. Sallyanne and Sandra you two are on the ball!! Have you ever thought of being vets? :D He is on Metronidazole and also Pepcid AC. So far today there have been no tummy upsets! YAY! He has eaten four, 1/2 cup servings of chicken and rice and it has all stayed down! YAY! He is still gated because I don't think Robyn can believe it just yet and is afraid to trust him on the carpet! LOL! The vet said the illness was lasting way too long to be just nerves or an emotional upset from the move. He initially thought it could be one of 3 things: (1) liver disease (he ruled this out because of Dale's young age (2) a foreign body in his stomach (he said this usually causes an increased pulse when that happens and Dale's pulse was completely normal) and (3) some sort of bacterial infection such as the Giardia possibly from drinking pond water. Since he is responding so dramatically to the meds I think we have our answer.

Robyn said her in-laws knocked at the door today and Dale's bark is now a little hoarse. It is probably because his throat is a little sore from all of the retching. :(

Oh, one funny thing about the vet visit....There is a mural on the wall at the vet's and there are cats and dogs (very life-like in the mural). Dale kept barking at the cats on the wall! LOL! He really is quite a silly guy and I for one am glad that he is feeling better and eating. Thank you all from Robyn, Dale and myself for your prayers and concerns. Hopefully her hubby will have her computer up this evening and she can get on here and thank you all too! :)

07-12-2004, 04:25 PM
I was out of town this weekend and missed this, but I'm glad Dale is feeling better. It is never fun to see the babies sick :(

07-12-2004, 04:32 PM
Woo hoo!!!! I'm SO glad to hear the happy update! Dale MUST be feeling better, barking at the dogs and kitties on the wall:D Pam, that is too precious!

No, I don't have the brains or emotional strength to be a vet Pam:D But I'm so attuned to that condition and those symptoms...Round here, such infections are common as we have so many vernal pools, ponds and marshy areas. 2 dogs died a couple of years ago from continually drinking contaminated pond water:( Since then, all the vets have resumed innoculating for lepto. Seems the "older" version of the vaccine had some problems, but the newer one is much more effective.

Oh, what a HUGE relief! Still, paws crossed that Dale stays the course! It's great to know he's eating and enjoying his food:)

HUGE hugs to you Dale! And Robyn too:)

Love, Sandra, Cody and Star!

07-12-2004, 05:43 PM

I'm so glad to hear that it's all being taken care of and Dale is getting back to his silly self:D

Please give that big boy an enormous http://img14.photobucket.com/albums/v43/anna66/Smileys/grouphug.gif from all of us here!!!!!

07-12-2004, 06:14 PM
This is great news! Keep on getting better, Dale! Be a good boy and do what mommy tells you. Hugs for you, big boy.

Pam, thanks for keeping us up to date!

Robin :)

07-12-2004, 09:26 PM
WHEW!! I missed this thread, but am so glad it has a happy ending.

{{{hugs}}}}} to you, Dale and to Pam, for keeping us informed!

07-12-2004, 11:25 PM
Sorry I missed this!
I hope poor Dale is feeling better!!

07-12-2004, 11:45 PM
I am glad to hear some good news! Gigi is on Pepsid AC too and some other med (forgot the name) and she is on prescription kibbles. {{{HUGS}}} to Robyn, Pam and Dale!

07-13-2004, 12:12 AM
Just now reading the updates ... first i was relieved, then extremely worried, and now relieved again!!! Thank God Dale is feeling better and the vet thinks it is just the pond water!!!

Thanks for keepin us updated Pam ... and please tell Robyn that she and Dale are still in our thoughts and prayers!!


07-13-2004, 06:48 AM
Maybe the Health Dept or EPA types should test that pond. If it's not healthy for a big boy like Dale it probably isn't safe for other small critters in the area :( Any industrial (even small) companies playing some dirty tricks with waste products? :mad: It is a shame but we all need to be vigilant, especially these days.... Keep that strength up Buddy Boy Dale...

07-13-2004, 07:46 PM
Hey All. I finally have some internet connection. We have wireless and it wasnt working right, so hubby hooked it back up wired for now.

I wanted to thank you for all of your kind thoughts and words. Dale is finally back to his normal self. And is no longer gated in the kitchen. So he is exploring the new place. I am so happy that he is feeling well, and that the Emergency Vet knew what he was doing...if he wasnt just an Emergency Vet, i would go to him on a normal basis...but in that case, i hope i never have a need to see him again! :) Dale is eating and drinking well, and is keeping it all down! Thank God!!!

So anyway, i am glad to be back online and back to normal at home here, too!!

lbaker...about the pond, it is on my inlaws private property and is fed by natual springs/steams from nearby areas. Geese and deer and other woodland animals are always back there, so that is prolly what happened, they have prolly urinated in the pond, and that is wear the parasite comes from...like any other pond, there is no way to prevent it. However, he may have picked it up somewhere else, but that is a possibility. Anyway, i appreciate the kind words and well wishes :)

Thanks again, everyone!

07-13-2004, 07:56 PM
What great news, Robyn!!! I'm so, so happy for you and the family and especially Dale:) Now you can all start to enjoy your new home! And I'm so glad you happened upon a great vet, albeit an emergency one;) Hugs to the recovering patient.

And you're so right Robyn. Those sorts of bacterial, protozan infections, lepto, et. al are caused by water, usually still standing ponds, contaminated with infected urine from wildlife. You're so lucky Dale was not more seriously infected:( I've known of a few pups who died from drinking "contaminated" water.

07-15-2004, 10:16 AM
Glad everythings going well for Dale! Give him hugs from us. :D