View Full Version : Squid is at the vets :(

07-10-2004, 02:26 PM
My baby's at the vets :(

A couple of hours ago we were sitting on the couch and Squid started shaking his head. It's hard to decribe - it was like he was fitting, only his head was shaking, not his body, but it didnt look like he could control it. :confused:

He did it once and after that he was ok so I just kept an eye on him and he's been fine. But about 1/2 hour ago he started again. Its happening every couple of minutes and lasting about 30 seconds. His eyes are glazing over and I don't think he can hear me. He's not responding to me at all and its so scary. Nothing like this has ever happened with him before :(

My moms taking him to the vets, shes just left. I wanted to go with him but I've just had a (big-ish) operation on my leg and can't walk so I'm stuck here. I'm so worried about him and the worst thing is I'll know he'll be scared and I can't be there with him. :(

I hope he's ok :(

07-10-2004, 03:00 PM
((hugs)) the best place right now is the vets, please keep us updated.

07-10-2004, 03:01 PM
Oh no:(:(:( Thank goodness your mom rushed Squid to the vet. Hoping and praying that Squid will be ok. How frightening:( Please be ok little Squid. Check back when you hear some news. {{HUGS}}} Sandra

07-10-2004, 03:30 PM
oh no! {{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}} I hope that everything will be okay prayers are coming from this way!! please keep us updated

07-10-2004, 03:40 PM
I hope that Squid will be ok.

Ask your vet about "vestibular disease". It has similar symptoms to what Squid displayed. It often affects older dogs, but I think it can happen to young ones too. It often goes away with time.

07-10-2004, 05:11 PM
Thanks guys. Squid's back from the vet. :D Good news is that theres nothing life threateningly wrong with him, which I am soooooo glad about, 'cause, being a paranoid Mommy - well, you know!

Anyway, the vet took some blood, and Squiddy has to go back on Monday to have some more tests done, but he thinks it's most likely either Epilepsy or a neurological (sp?) problem. The vet said if its neurological, it might go away on its own in time. Either way, he said theres not much we can do until we get the test results back, other than keep Squid away from the Tv and bright lights, in case it is Epilepsy.

I'm not sure how to feel now. :confused: Obviously I'm glad its nothing life threatenting, but Epilepsy?! Going to have to do some research, methinks, as I know nothing about it really. :rolleyes: does anyone have a dog with epilepsy or a neurological problem? What triggers it? How can I control it? Help!

Well - Squid's been home just over an hour now and the good news is he hasn't "fitted" at all yet. :) I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the problem disappears as quickly as it came. Thanks so much for the replies and prayers, Squid sends everyone kisses and doggie hugs :D

Sorry it took me so long to update, stupid 'pooter wouldn't let me on PT. Grrr. Anyways, thanks so much for all the kind words {{HUGS}}} :)

07-10-2004, 08:42 PM
Awww, welcome home Squiddy! I'm so happy to know it's not "life threatening." Your mommy sure was worried and so were we!

I was wondering if perhaps it wasn't a seizure, perhaps a petite mal seizure which is not as all encompassing as a Gran Mal. Sometimes a "seizure" can be nothing more than what appears to be a stare. And yes, the TV, bright lights, etc. can act as triggers. These days epilepsy is very treatable in dogs! The vet may start him on Phenobarbital which has excellent results, controlling seizures in dogs. And we do have a few people on the board whose dogs have epilepsy. Slleipnir (Audrey) is one! Hopefully one of them will chime in to share their stories. And I'm sure there are some online support/advice forums for people with dogs with epilepsy. I'll try and find one! Please keep us updated on how he's doing! So glad your home Squid:D BIG hugs to you sweetheart.

07-10-2004, 08:46 PM
I'm glad it's nothing life threatening. It must have been so scary for you all.

I don't know much about epilepsy, but lots of other people on the board can help you out with your questions.

Glad Squid is back home.

Cinder & Smoke
07-10-2004, 09:07 PM
Good of You and your Mom to notice the problem and
get Squid to the White Coat so quickly!!

We'll all Cross some Paws & Klaws and Pray that Squid's problem
can be easily treated.

Give him a BIG but gentle {{{HUG}}} from us.

07-10-2004, 10:07 PM
alex the wonder dog has epilepsy, and has for 7 years, it is not a death sentence. join us at www.cainine-epilepsy.com and canine-epilepsy-guardian-angels.com to learn more about the best ways both traditional and non-traditional to fight this condition. you can pm me to ask any questions you like. did the vet know/tell you about the valium protocol to stop seizures? regards, joyce in columbus

07-11-2004, 01:09 PM
What great support and advice your getting! Definitely check out those links...support is so important when dealing with a condition such as epilepsy. How's Squiddy doing today? Lots of postive thoughts coming your way, Squid:)

07-13-2004, 06:35 PM
Sorry for bumping the old thread back up but I didn't want to start a new one. :p

Squid went to the vets on monday. He had blood taken and some other tests done. We are still waiting for the results.

The last time Squid 'fitted' was Sunday night (the first was Saturday) since then he's had no more that we're aware of. Because of this the vet said it may have been a reaction to something he ate, or a product he came into contact with.

He said It still may be epilepsy or a neurological problem, but, because Squid was 'fitting' a lot on Saturday and Sunday, and has shown no sign of it today or yesterday, that it's more likely to be something he ate.

I'm trying not to get too excited until we get the results of the tests but I can't help it. He looked so Ill on Saturday and now he's back to his old self :D

Here he is as of 2 minutes ago :)


Thanks so much everyone for the help and support, I really appreciate it. I'll keep you posted once the test results come back.

07-13-2004, 06:42 PM
I'm so glad he's doing better!!!! :D Hopefully it was just a reaction to something. If not, I'm sure it's very treatable. Aw Squid, I just think you're adorable. :)


http://pages.prodigy.net/rogerlori1/emoticons/smil12.gif to you Squid!

07-13-2004, 06:53 PM
Sounds like reason for cautious optimism!!! Hopefully it was simply a reaction to something he ate, came in contact with...In the meantime, we're keeping you and Squidster in our thoughts and prayers:) Please give the cutie a big hug for me:) And please keep us updated!:)