View Full Version : Mowgli's first vet visit

07-10-2004, 09:44 AM
Well, I got him down to the white coats safe and sound, but boy was he ever scared! After talking it over, we all decided the best way to get him checked out would be to sedate him and then take care of business. The poor little guy is getting a physical and vaccinations and combo tested and having his bits removed - the works!

07-10-2004, 09:56 AM
I remember Pouncers first visit to the Vets! She HOWLED All The way there , Howled at The Vet ,and scratched a Spider Monkey!Then when the Vt called us,in I asked whether I should bring the Kitten,and she Nearly Howled the Place down!!!!

07-10-2004, 09:59 AM
Poor Mowgli! he must be terrified! It may take awhile after you get him home to get him calmed down now. Just remember patience, patience, patience, and then more patience!! I promise the payoff will be worth the effort.

Keep us posted on how he is doing. Prayers for the poor little scared fellow are on the way.

07-10-2004, 10:18 AM
Poor little guy. Not only does he get sedated and things shoved up you know where, but he's getting his "bits" removed.:eek:

Lacey, you are doing a wonderful thing and Mowgli's so luck to have you. Prayers on the way that things go well.

07-10-2004, 10:21 AM
Poor Mowgli ... going through "the works"!!! But he will be much better for the wear when it's all said and done!

*kissies and hugs* for the kitty boy!


07-10-2004, 10:31 AM
I'm hoping he'll still be a little woozy from the sleepy gas when I pick him up so he won't be too terrified on the way home. But he was definitely not happy when I dropped him off. I'd not been able to get him out of the cage and into the carrier (was half afraid of losing a finger to those sharp little kitten claws), so I'd carried his whole cage in there - heavy thing! Poor guy was howling up a storm at the vets! Without handling him, the vet assistant guessed that he's probably right around 3 months (he looks bigger in the pictures I took than he actually is). I'll double-check with the vet when I pick him up though, to be sure that's about right.

I just know that when I get him back here, we're going to be back to square one (not that we were very far off of it to begin with...)

07-10-2004, 11:15 AM
Poor little guy. Hopefully being so young will be on your side and help make socializing him easier.

Please keep us updated.

07-10-2004, 11:34 AM
And we're back home safe and sound sans bits. Mowgli is a very healthy little guy - he just had a case of roundworms. A drontal tablet is waiting in his food bowl for him to dig in.

Edit: Forgot to mention! The vet placed him at about 16 weeks!

07-10-2004, 03:52 PM
Aww it's so pitiful when they are so scared like that.

I'm glad to hear that all went well and he is a healthy little boy.

Hope he comes around soon and realizes how well loved and cared for his is by you.

Good luck and keep us posted and of course, more pictures please.:D