View Full Version : Karen

07-10-2004, 08:26 AM
The Calicois in the Spare Bedroom,and I am a little Cocerned,as she is barely over being a Kitten,herself! I would say,that she seems to be a year,but probably younger,unless she is samll,for her age! Anyways she now has places to sleep.nd the Cat sitter,have scoured the floor,and cleaned up the room.I ahve called the Loca agencies,and hopefully,they can get her,To a Vets! Pray,For Karen,Please!

07-10-2004, 09:06 AM
Prayers on the way for Karen! Would you bring us up to date? Is she a stray or a feral that has been hanging around and you just caught her?

07-10-2004, 10:01 AM
Poor Karen! Prayers are on the way for the little girl. Keep us posted on her Gary. I'm so glad you are helping the little one. You have a heart the size of Moose the Magnificent!!!

07-10-2004, 10:15 AM
Sorry to hear about Karen. Prayers on the way Gary.

07-10-2004, 10:16 AM
Prayers for sweet Karen! Thank you for providing love and shelter for her, Gary!!!



07-10-2004, 11:37 AM
Prayers for the poor little Karen!

07-10-2004, 01:27 PM
Lots of extra goodies will help plump her up a bit before kittens are born if she's close to having them. Even though milk isn't good for adult cats, a pregnant one needs all the calcium she can get. Hope she's going to be alright!

07-10-2004, 03:34 PM
Prayers and positive thoughts on the way that everything turns out well for precious Karen.
You are such a sweetheart Gary for helping this little girl.

Laura's Babies
07-10-2004, 06:08 PM
Bless you for rescuing Karen. Sounds like she needed you and our PT prayers.. She has both!! Kiss her for me if she will let you.

07-11-2004, 11:05 AM
She is doing welland loves the Tree,that Anna ,of Catalnia Spain,sent to us! She sleeps in the Hanging Bed! And she got the Hilld P/D Cat Food, from The Animal Welfare,aand sardines,and milk, fro me!She is a lot less nervous,and is a lot friendlier!

07-11-2004, 01:49 PM
I'm sure she's happy to know she's safe now! She was just begging for someone to help her, and you came to her aid! Good going! :D Now get busy rolling those catnip cigars!:)