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07-10-2004, 05:17 AM
Maggie Sue and Magoo!!!!!!! Magoo didn't heed Sirrahbeds advice about Maggie Sue. If I didn't have the pictures to prove this I would think I had been dreaming!

Magoo was on the end of my recliner. Maggie likes to lay there sometimes and get lots of lovin and then sleep there but last night the spot was taken.

She cautiously comes up anyway

She's not happy about it

Magoo rolls over and gives her some room

She gets closer

EEKS! They are touching!

She decides Magoo is a pretty nice pillow

She snuggles in even deeper

Then Magoo got comfortable! hehe

They stayed this way for about twenty minutes!! I know Maggie Sue has a good heart and she is just moody but I was surprised by this.
Of course, at the end of the twenty minutes Magoo stood up and stretched and she slapped the tar out of him for disturbing her!!! Poor Magoo didn't know what was going on! It is improvement though!

07-10-2004, 06:14 AM
CCL, how delightful! Such a cute story. I can just picture MS lifting her paw as high as possible and then swatting the poor Magooster. He'll learn quickly. I am glad he is furry and padded so that her slaps didn't offend him. Aren't cats funny how they let each other know when they are NOT happy. That slapping thang' happens all the time around my house. Especially on the cat tree......

Great photos. Thanks for sharing!


Laura's Babies
07-10-2004, 06:20 AM
WOW! They worked their way into snuggeling! Now, THAT is real progress! I know you DID have to get pictures of that because we would have never believe it if you hadn't showed us in pictures! I think he is going to find he'll like cuddeling! (Then he'll want to be cuddeling with all of them)

07-10-2004, 06:29 AM
You did it again, Magoo!

Seeing Maggie Sue cuddling with him like that just melts my heart!

07-10-2004, 07:13 AM
Will ya just look at all that fuzzy peacemaking? Perhaps this is the beginning of something special between those two? ;)

07-10-2004, 08:01 AM
Wonderful pictures! Is Maggie Sue the queen bee of the house? They look like such a pair of pillow kitties! (plush):D :)

07-10-2004, 08:32 AM
You really have worked wonders with our friend Mr.Scrappy Magoo,and somewhere,in Cat Heaven,Mr Scarppy,is smiling,and is vey Happy,that his namesake,is doing so well!

07-10-2004, 09:16 AM
Pleased you are keeping your camera with you at all times!:)

07-10-2004, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by QueenScoopalot
Is Maggie Sue the queen bee of the house?
CCL will have to answer that but I don't think "bee" is quite the "B" word she uses :D
That is a great set of pictures and and I can barely believe it! Maggie Sue and Magoo:eek: But, come to think of it, maybe she has finally met her equal (next to her daddy)? Too cute!!!
I love these Magoo updates! Keep them coming!!!:D

07-10-2004, 09:55 AM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
CCL will have to answer that but I don't think "bee" is quite the "B" word she uses :D

ROFLOL!!! You got that right Debbie!! Maggie Sue and Stubby are always battling for the top female spot. I would say they are pretty equal. One day Maggie Sue is the "B" and the next day it's Stubby. Maggie is much larger (in more ways than one!) than Stubby but Stubby is quicker and far meaner when she wants to be.
Stubby is more congenial to the others. Maggie Sue believes in equal rights...Everyone deserves to be SLAPPED!!!:D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

07-10-2004, 10:19 AM
How precious!!!! I think Miss Maggie Sue is just like my Grace! She has been around a while, is the self-proclaimed Queen "B" of the house and she can and will tolerate whatever, WHENEVER she wants to!! Grace does the same thing ... just when you think she is being nice, then WHAM! :eek: :D

07-10-2004, 11:34 AM
Aww, those are great pictures. For a moment I thought maybe you had been pulling our leg about MS being a Queen B but then the slap, oh well. At least you got 20 minutes. Jazz and Scout can't bee near each other for 20 seconds without a slap - usually from Jazz - and Scout and Ripley don't make it 2 seconds without Scout smacking him. It's a vicious cycle here.

Well this just proves that Magoo is an absolute charmer.

07-10-2004, 11:50 AM
Oh Mr. Magoo! What a cute little peacemaker he's turned out to be. Snuggling with Maggie Sue! :eek: How sweet!

07-10-2004, 01:14 PM
Sweet Pea WANTS to be the queen bee around here, but I think she tkes her name too literally! Only it's Sweet PEE! She stays in the bedroom mostly as when she comes out she gets picked on and makes her displeasure known by peeing! So instead she runs the "wash & whack service" in the bedroom. She'll start washing another kitty and they'll be rolling over in glory....and next thing WHACK! Like 'you're clean, now get outta here"! :D :D :D So between the "B"s and the "P"s we seem to have our hands full! Sweet Pea sends washings for Magoo...:p

07-10-2004, 02:28 PM
That's soooo cute! Maggie Sue and Mr. Magoo are such beauties!!

Lisa & Sash

07-10-2004, 03:39 PM
Awww it just warms my heart to see those pictures.
Sweet darling Magoo with Maggie Sue the "B"
Poor Magoo though getting the tar slapped out of him just because he moved. Well, eexxxcccuuuussseeeee me your Highness................:D