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07-09-2004, 07:22 AM
It's been awhile! Here's an update...
Things between Buddy and my hubby have gotten better!:D
Not great... but better!!! And getting better is always good!

The mean neighbors dog that fights with my dogs over and under the fence is still at it. :mad: She grabbed Buddy's foot under the fence and would not let go! Poor Buddy was crying and "screaming" SO loud!! She finaly let go, and Buddy was bleeding everywhere.. so we went to the vet, he had a puncture in one of his pads. One more time and the dog warden is being called. We have spoken to them, and they keep an eye on her for a few weeks after we talk.. but then just stop watching her again! I'm sick of it!
We have a toad living in the yard and he comes to the back door every night to eat bugs. Sierra thinks he's her new best friend! She'll lay down next to him and watch him eat bugs!!

A black lab that lives 4 miles down the street come to visit once in a while. (Stupid owner lets him loose and doesn't watch him) It was cute at first, he'd come over and scratch at the gate to be let in, and he loves to play with Sierra! Buddy just lays back and watches
(he's happy she has someone else to pick on besides him!!!:D )
But then... he would come over to my house a few times a week!!! So I started telling his owner she should get a fence.. or something to keep him in the yard because he's going to get hurt one day or someone besides me is going to get him and keep him! Because he is SUCH a sweet boy!! Anyone would love to have him! I finaly told her that the next time he comes over I'm going to find him a home with an owner that looks after him better! Since then, I haven't seen him for almost a month!
His name is Jake:
Poor Jake... Sierra ALWAYS has her tounge in his mouth!!!
Here's my pretty boy...
Sierra... sleeping in the sun
I guess that's all for now!

07-09-2004, 07:27 AM
YAY! Another great member who has returned :D
I missed you guys, especially the great pictures of your two.
I just love Buddy... he reminds me of Simba a bit.
That toad is so cute. You should give him a name. :p

Poor Buddy and that meanie neighbor dog. :( Is there any way you oculd possibly build a stronger fence/one that it can't reach your dogs through? But then again, the dog needs to be stopped all together. Poor pup. :(

Jake is so sweet! I'm sure they like his company, but hopefully his owner is taking better care of him now.

Welcome back...... don't turn up absent for so long, ever again!:p

07-09-2004, 07:32 AM
http://img14.photobucket.com/albums/v43/anna66/Smileys/9.gifYour back Angie!

Sounds like Buddy and Sierra have been doing wonderfully. I'm happy to hear that Buddy is getting along better with your husband now, that's just awesome! But sorry to hear that Buddy's pad got hurt by your neighbors dog...some people:mad:

I can't believe that Sierra is buds with the toad, I think Roxey would just eat it:o The pictures are too cute!


07-09-2004, 08:21 AM
oh what a beautiful boy you have! He reminds me of my boy Jed!

http://img14.photobucket.com/albums/v41/swimma253/Jed_on_couch.jpg here he is being lazy on the couch!

07-09-2004, 08:36 AM
It's good to hear from you again! :)

Poor Buddy! I hope the dog leaves him alone.. or can be placed in a home that will watch over him.

I loved the pictures of Sierra and the toad. That's adorable! :D

I'm glad you spoke to Jake's owners. Hopefully she'll get a fence and keep an eye on him.

Thanks for the update and pictures. They're adorable! :D

07-09-2004, 08:48 AM
Oh Angie!!!:) I'm SO happy to see you're back! We missed you and Buddy and Sierra so much! Love the pictures! I can't believe how gentle Sierra is with her toad pal and Jake is such sweetie:) You did the right thing speaking with the neighbor. Maybe you can arrange official playdates of Jake and Sierra? They look so precious together:D I hope Buddy's paw is doing better. What thoughtless people. And of course, the dog will get all the blame in the end for their irresponsibility! As they say, good fences make good neighbors!

Now don't you go disappearing again! Hugs to Buddy and Sierra! (Great to hear Buddy and your hubby are doing better:)

07-09-2004, 08:57 AM
oh what a beautiful boy you have! He reminds me of my boy Jed!

http://img14.photobucket.com/albums/v41/swimma253/Jed_on_couch.jpg here he is being lazy on the couch!

07-09-2004, 09:33 AM
So glad to hear from you! Sorry you have a very mean neighbor. I would have already called animal control. Technically, your neighbor should have paid for the vet bill. I hope Buddy is doing better. It's good to see them again. And that Lab, I would have been really tempted to keep him. He looks like such a happy dog. Don't stay gone so long. Glad hubby and Buddy are doing better.

07-09-2004, 10:13 AM
welcome back!!! I have been wondering where you have been;) ..... so glad to see you back! I hope that buddy is feeling better and that the dog doesn't hurt him agian..... thanks for sharing the pics they were great I always love seeing pics of your pups!!:D

07-09-2004, 11:24 AM
OMG Welcome back Angie! I have wondered about and missed you! I was so scared that things didn't work out with Buddy. I know you had been so worried about it when last I saw you here. LOVED the pictures! Sierra is such a sweetie, what a gentle soul she is. The labbie boy was precious too, I bet you'd have loved to take him in if you could ;).

So happy to see you back, now please stick around! We need to see lots more Sierra and Buddy!

07-09-2004, 02:35 PM
Aww you have some beautiful pups!:) Glad you're back! I'd love pics more often of your two GSD's! They're so gorgeous :D

Cinder & Smoke
07-09-2004, 03:13 PM

HI, Angie!!

And WELCOME BACK ~ We've *MISSED* You guys!!


07-10-2004, 12:24 AM
Great to hear from you!!!
Been a long time!!!
What a witch of a neighbor!!!
I would definately call either the dog warden or the police. :(
I hope you come back again soon with more pics and stories!! :p

07-10-2004, 09:21 AM
Welcome Back Angie!! We missed you and those gorgeous GSD's :) Can't wait to see more pictures!!