View Full Version : I'm really sad :(

07-08-2004, 06:27 PM
On my way to work, I have to drive down this road that goes thru the woods. There's no houses or anything on this road. There were 2 very large dogs wandering down the middle of it. No collars, no tags or anything.

One was a husky mix, and the other appeared to be like a Bernese Swissie mix?? They were *very* large dogs, probably around 150# each.

I pulled over, and stopped the car, but didn't get out. They were not friendly at all. The swissie ducked his tail between his legs, and the husky got very agitated. They both had large clumps of fur sticking out like they hadn't gotten brushed in a very long time.

I was kinda late for work, so I called Mark. He agreed to call the local acting humane society (they aren't official) and to call me at work if/when he found anything out.

He called me around 11, and said that he finally got hold of the humane society. They said that they couldn't do anything about it and to call the police. :( I didn't really want to do that because I was afraid they would automatically be taken to the pound. But Mark thought it best, so he did.

The police said that they have been trying to catch these two dogs for 2 days, and everytime they get anywhere close, they bolt. I am so afraid for these pups that they will just shoot them because they are afraid that they are a menace to society or something like that. The police said that they tried to lure them with a slim jim :rolleyes: and they wouldn't even take it from their hand. They had to put it on the ground and back away before they would sniff it.

We are pretty convinced that somebody just dumped them because we live in a pretty small neighborhood, and these dogs are just wild. All I can think about is them running, starving and looking for what was "home" to them.

Please say a prayer that these pups will be saved and that the perfect home setting will come along. I'm just so sad to think about them :( :( :(

07-08-2004, 06:37 PM
aww... that is soo sad! my dog was dumped on the street too! except she is the sweetest thing you ever saw!

07-08-2004, 06:52 PM
That's really depressing. :( I hope those poor dogs get caught and realize that people are just trying to help..... well, some people atleast. :(

07-08-2004, 06:59 PM
:(:(:( Prayers that these two pups find their ways to a better life with people who love them. How unforgiveable:( You did the right thing.

07-08-2004, 07:05 PM
It's so sad to see "throwaway" animals like that and even sadder when there's not much you can do about it.

07-08-2004, 07:39 PM
Awww thats so sad. How can people just trow away dogs. :mad:

I can't belive they can't at least set up traps with food in it, to get the dogs. I've seen them do it around here to catch all kinds of things. Thats how they caught that Florida Panther that was living in my back yard a few years ago. They left that trap here for 3 days till he finally when in it.

If they have been trying for 2 days now, I'm sure they wont give up on them, so try not to worry to much. I know thats hard to do. I don't think they will try to shot them if they show no signs of danger to people, at least thats how I hope it works.

Did you think about going and pouring out a bag of dog food where you saw them at, at least maybe get some food in them.

Prayers for the poor puppers, that they get caught and find a good loving home.