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View Full Version : When do cats purr?

08-29-2001, 01:00 PM
What dose your cat purr for?

Mine dose when I'm holding her kitty treats and when i'm yelling at her for being bad. :rolleyes:

08-29-2001, 04:06 PM
My cat has such a high piched meow that I think the windows will brake.

08-29-2001, 07:39 PM
Hi Mystery! Welcome to Pet Talk!

My two cats almost always purr! They only seem to stop purring when they are sleeping. They usually purr when I'm near--maybe they hope I'm going to give them some treats or pet them! Actually, I like to think that they are purring all the time because they are happy. They seem happy!! :D

08-29-2001, 08:25 PM
Hi Folks! My cat Jazz purrs when he is being loved....every night when I get home from work he has to be held and petted, and he purrs very loudly. Later when I get into bed for the night, he comes in and sleeps on the pillow next to my head and purrs till he falls asleep...whenever that is....I think they purr when they are content. :D

08-29-2001, 08:30 PM
Our cats purr when happy and contented. Although we once had a kitten who would purr right before he attacked! :rolleyes: (His name was Jaws.)

08-29-2001, 08:42 PM
Hehe! My cat will purr after attacking my brother, she lovly to punce on hif feet and then, like I said, will also purr when I'm yelling at her. she thinks it's funny when I'm waving my arms around! :mad: but then she always comes out as a sweety. and don't think that just any times she attacks him ever day or so. She dose it 14 times and day! maybe more cuse she will do it every time she gets the change! :p

Former User
08-30-2001, 09:05 AM
Prrrrrrrrr.... we purr when our humans give us our fave food (rabbit or fish). Immediately when we sniff what they are giving, we start purring :D
and we also purr when they stroke us :)

08-30-2001, 10:53 AM
Noah purrs when he is being loved or wants to be loved. When he is cuddling with us, he purrs until he falls asleep! So cute!

08-30-2001, 01:58 PM
Bo purrs when she is being petted, picked up and cuddled, or when she is being brushed. (she LOVES being brushed!) :)

08-30-2001, 02:16 PM
Thelma & Weezie purr whenever they're "making biscuits" in my hair, or "nursing" on my fingers. Sometimes at night, they will purr in sync ... one on each side of my head! :D

08-30-2001, 04:55 PM
LOL, Dianne! They purr in stereo!

Elvis' favorite place in the world is a warm lap. He's not picky, either-anyone that comes over soon finds him/herself with a lapful of kitty. Anyway, that is when he purrs the most-when he's in your lap and you're giving him scratchies.

Danny will purr anytime you pet him, pick him up, or even talk to him. He's just a little purring machine! :D

08-30-2001, 06:52 PM
This topic was discussed in April and has additonal information. Cats may purr for self healing. Why Cats purr (http://PetoftheDay.com/cgibin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=9&t=000091)

[ August 31, 2001: Message edited by: Freckles ]

08-30-2001, 11:07 PM
Well I'm new and didn't know that. :p