View Full Version : What's the weirdest thing your cats eat?

10-18-2001, 02:35 AM
I was just wondering if Gucci and Tsoomi are the only crazy cats who LOVE olives... they go crazy for them...
Tsoomi eats everything he can get - bread, candies, cheese, cucambers, anything basically.. but the only weird thing Gucci loves are olives...
:D So what do yours love? :p

10-18-2001, 07:48 AM
ALl my cats love olives. Maya is the one who has the weirdest taste: her favourtes are raisins (preferrably if they are in a cake since they are softer), bran, cereals and crackers. Generally speaking she has a sweet tooth and she goes mad because she is not allowed to eat sweets.

Former User
10-18-2001, 07:54 AM
Nothing weird I guess, Casper eats everything! Kitty is more of a lady, and doesn't approve of everything, but Casper...

They both are crazy about...RICE CAKES! Every now and then we're having them in the evening while watching telly, and immediately when they hear the wrapping going, they run to us like maniacs and are begging to have a piece. Of course we will give, how can we resist those cuties ;)

Hi Efrat, nice to see you here

[ October 18, 2001: Message edited by: Casper & Kitty ]

10-18-2001, 09:05 AM
Hi Gio...
I totally forgot about Bran-flex! Tsoomi Loves it too!!! He prefers it without the milk though.

And Niki- I love it here... thanks for he link ( My boss doesn't thanks you...) :D

Edwina's Secretary
10-18-2001, 09:28 AM
Grated parmesan cheese.

10-18-2001, 10:43 AM
My oldest cat, Otie, mostly likes the normal cat treats like tuna, Pounce, meat in general. But he also loves mushrooms.

Mir, on the other hand, has the wierdest tastes for a cat. She loves raisins, potato chips and Dorito's. She won't touch tuna or beef. She will eat a little chicken if it's cut up small enough.

10-18-2001, 10:45 AM
Oops I forgot about parmesan cheese :o But I suppose it's not that weird here in Italy. SOme of my cats like plain boiled pasta or rice with a knob of butter and a fresh grating of parmesan.

Efrat, my boss would not like it much either if he only knew :D :D