View Full Version : What a morning!!!

07-08-2004, 11:21 AM
So, I'm already late for work this morning when I remember that I haven't taken any water out to the dogs in the front pen. I take a bucket down there and see that Pacer has blood on his face:eek: . I was in that pen at 10:30 last night and he was just fine. 8am this morning, he's bleeding! There was no fighting last night. I didn't hear a thing out of them all night.

The vet didn't have any open appointments today so I just left Pacer there and he saw him in between app'ts. (Sometimes it's a good thing I pay his mortgage!) Pacer's left eye has had a lot of discharge for the past couple days so I asked them to check that too.

Dr. Kim just called and said he thinks the puncture is a tooth, but he can't really tell for sure. The wound is very shallow and he doens't want to close it--if it is a tooth and he stitches it up, it will get infected for sure. So Pacer will have to be a conehead again for a few days!

His eye is bruised!!!:eek: Dr. Kim says that he could see the bruise when he lifts the upper lid. Pacer must have crashed into a branch or something in pen when he was running full steam!

So somehow Pacer managed to get a wound on the right side of his face and he crashed into something on the left side of his face!
Poor little dude!

07-08-2004, 11:27 AM
Oh Pacer, sweetie!!! That's quiet an ouchy! Thank goodness your eye wasn't permanently damaged. Your mom must have been besider herself! Hope your eye heals completely and quickly sweetheart! Hugs to you Pacer:) (And your mom...she may need one more;))

Cinder & Smoke
07-10-2004, 10:20 PM
Hey Pacer ~

How are you Feeling now??

Lot BETTER, we hope!

Try to *WATCH* where you're running! :p

07-10-2004, 10:24 PM
I missed this also!

Sorry, Glacier. I sure do hope Pacer is doing much better today. Let us know.

Hugs for you and Pacer...Robin :)

07-10-2004, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
Hey Pacer ~

How are you Feeling now??

Lot BETTER, we hope!

Try to *WATCH* where you're running! :p

Hi Cinder & Smoke

I am feeling much better now. I get to stay in the house with Mom all the time. I love that! My face is healing. It's a little puffy today so Mom put me on some anti-biotics just in case it's infected. She hides the pills in hotdogs so I don't mind taking them. My eye is much better. NO more yucky stuff coming out of it.

Mom says I have to be more careful when I am playing! But yanno, she is kinda clumsy too!

Thanks for asking about me.

Cinder & Smoke
07-10-2004, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by Glacier

I am feeling much better now.
I get to stay in the house with Mom all the time.

Howze Privilages! :cool:
WOW! How neet!

Glad da Boo-Boos are gettin better!

An Our Dad haz been known ta have a *Klumzie Moment* ebery now an again!

07-10-2004, 10:36 PM
Pacer, I'm so glad to hear from you! You keep on healing and try to stay out of trouble from now on. Watch where you are going, sweetie. We don't want to have to hear about any more accidents.

Hugs...Robin :)

07-10-2004, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
Howze Privilages! :cool:
WOW! How neet!

Glad da Boo-Boos are gettin better!


I always have house privledges, but usually I have to take my turn. There's too many of us to all come in at once. Mom says until I am better though, I get to stay with her!:D

07-11-2004, 08:12 AM
I hope Pacer gets better soon! Sounds like it really hurts....

-Chrissy, Snowy, and Taffy

07-11-2004, 05:07 PM
aaawwww poor pacer, give him a hug from me, woof woof from Sasha, she say's get better soon.


07-11-2004, 06:07 PM
Oh Pacer,

Inside with Mummy AND your medicine hidden inside Hot Dogs ....... :D

Life is good!!!
Just be careful tho!