View Full Version : The funniest or Silliest thing your cat has eaten or drank

10-17-2001, 07:12 PM
My cat likes to eat chicken noodle soup. - he gets up on the stove and eats it from the pot. - cold!

He likest to eat pieces of chicken. (my mom gave him a small piece)
He likes to eat lettuce (although we haven't given him any lately)

He likes to drink milk - from a glass (my milk!) I'd be drinking a glass of milk, he would climb up on me and push the glass away from me and put his paw in the glass (and push it down) and drink.

Cougie Wechsler
10-17-2001, 09:48 PM
Fester once drank a bottle of Gatoraide! He knocked it over and drank the puddle! And he wasn't even working out!

10-18-2001, 10:56 AM
Mir loves Coke. She will drink what's in the lip of the can after I take a drink. She also prefers to drink water from the running faucet. But she won't drink milk

Otie loves milk, but is too skittish to get close enough to try anything else.

10-18-2001, 11:01 AM
Bushes likes venison sausage. They come as a narrow 7" stick. She walks right up to the plate, snatches the whole thing and runs off with it. She looks like Groucho Marx with a cigar. It's then left to me to chase after her and convince her to "give it back to Mommy." :rolleyes:

10-18-2001, 06:34 PM
Every once in awhile Max would get a piece of cinnamon roll for breakfast. This, of course, was washed down with a bit of orange juice! lol (He also liked warm tea.)