View Full Version : Fur Addict Anon (FAA) mischief alert

10-17-2001, 01:24 PM
Hail fellow FAA'ers --

The AntiPam's challenge has fired up my imagination. Perhaps we can suggest some sensory delights to help her since she has to go PetTalk /Fur Addict 'cold turkey' while at work.

Which do you think would be most helpful? The 'pro' approach or the 'anti' approach shown below?

Sight -- flash cards of our cuties for quick fur breaks
Sound -- maybe 'purrs' on one of those little keyring memo recorders?
Feel -- One of those little fake fur samples they used to send in catalogs. I kept them to sew together for a sleeping bag for my niece's Barbie. Anybody seen these recently?
Smell -- An empty Fritos sack!
Taste -- ??? I, for one, don't want to go here. :D

Or should we go Anti-FAA (In the hopes that she won't feel _so_ deprived?)
Sight -- Photos of our babies having a "Oh heavens, my pet human is INSANE" moment? Photo of an heirloom being whacked off a table? Close-up of upholstry that's been ... shredded?
Sound -- Recording of a hairball displacement challenge? An endless 'digging to China' litterbox moment? A distant, nameless thud or crash?
Feel -- Dried kibble to be placed in her shoe? A straight pin to apply to a tender nerve? A simple shredding of one leg of a pair of pantyhose?
Smell -- We can ALL go here, but do we want to? I think not.
Taste -- Ditto.

10-17-2001, 03:47 PM

How about for your PROs, let's switch a lil' bit...
Taste: A bag o' Fritos...
Scent: I think Glade should make "Dog/Kitty/etc. Shampoo Scented" candles! If not, just grab a clean ball of fur, stick it in a ziplock, and pull out when neccessary! lol

10-17-2001, 04:12 PM
Dear Zippy -

Excellent! :D

Another possibility

Scent -- empty Bag of Fritos
Taste -- fritos from Fritos Bag; if very, very desperate, one _could_ place lips to fake fur (not recommended)

[ October 17, 2001: Message edited by: AmberLee ]

10-17-2001, 10:24 PM

This is some great stuff...I'm brain dead at the moment though...I'll post more ideas tomorrow!

10-22-2001, 03:37 PM
Okay, say a FAA member wanted to be more subtle than the previous posts allowed. He/she could carry a silk handkerchief or scarf. Soft texture would mimic the feel of a fur baby and waving it about would remind one of their gracefulness in motion.

(She's getting weird here, folks. Stand back in case she starts foaming or something...
:rolleyes: )

10-22-2001, 04:04 PM

I'm at work right now--I'll post later...lol

[ October 22, 2001: Message edited by: zippy-kat ]

10-22-2001, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat:

I'm at work right now--I'll post later...lol</STRONG>

Ok...man! Talk about a stressful day!!! I might actually start doing some of these things! lol

And I think that all I need to do to remind myself of the fur is look at my clothes! lol What's a wardrobe without a few furballs?!

10-23-2001, 07:48 PM
You know, it's silly, but I'm going to be using a few of these ideas myself. I'm going to be with my family elsewhere in the state starting the day after tomorrow and will be leaving my fur-babies with a pet sitter. I might get a chance to pop in here for a Fur Fix, but it looks less likely all the time. :( I'll miss you guys, but look forward to getting caught up some time next week. [No disrespect meant, but I'm REALLY going to miss the fur-babies even more. Unfortunately neither travel or some family members agree super well with the furred ones, so... it's best this way. :( :rolleyes: ] Cuddle a furbaby in memory of me, okay? Thx!

10-23-2001, 08:50 PM
Wow, what an inspired bunch you are! My new job is going ok, but the drive is long. If only I could figure out how to get a fur fix while motoring down the freeway! Could it be any more dangerous than talking on a cell phone? ;) ;)

I still don't have any pet pictures around my new desk. But I tried to talk a fellow into giving his football pool money to a shelter. Oh well, maybe next time!

I miss you all, and thanks for the good wishes! This is such a special place!

10-23-2001, 09:18 PM
Great to hear from you! Sorry about the commute ... Hope the people in your new workplace are the good types you deserve to have around you.

10-23-2001, 10:13 PM
AmberLee~ Have a safe trip! We will miss you!

Antipam~ How about burning a cd of 'critter noises'? You could listen to it and stroke the fake fur! lol We miss hearing from you too!

I'll be gone this weekend...I'll have to think of a way to get a fur fix.