View Full Version : Who Are You?

07-07-2004, 11:21 AM
I wanted to know if everyone here is different on PT than on other sites and in real life. Me, I'm the same here as in real life. If I don't like something, I can't just sit back and say nothing. I'm both blunt and honest to a fault. But, I'm not one person here and someone totally different on a different site, such as a blog one. What you see here with me is what you get. I've recently learned that some people aren't as they appear here and I'm kind of disappointed in that. I know we're not all perfect and we're not supposed to be. What I'm saying is, if you don't like a lot of people here, please don't pretend to and then badmouth them somewhere else.

07-07-2004, 11:31 AM
I'm the same here, in real life, and on other sites.
I treat people how they treat me.

I agree.. it's very dissappointing seeing how people talk about others on other sites and such, while they act like perfect sweet angels to them on here.

I personally would much rather someone be straight forward and tell me how it is then run around saying stuff about me here and there. Also, if someone is told/shown/whatever *anything* about me, i'd much rather them ask me if it's truthful or not then spreading it around to others.

Some PT'ers think i'm some evil child who spews off and erupts at people for no reason, but they don't see that some people just hide everything from PT, and hide how they *really* are to me. I guess that's a whoollee 'nother subject though.

07-07-2004, 11:31 AM
I meant to click the first one. ;)

I'm the same everywhere. Online and in real life.

07-07-2004, 11:35 AM
I babble here a little more than IRL but thats it :D

I'm kind of shy *well painfully so, admittedly* so talking to people in person is rather difficult for me *although thanks to Mr. Social Butterfly AKA the hubby, my shyness is getting a lot more under control* I find that I write better than I speak so speaking up on here is much easier. I'd say the same things IRL though, although not as elequently. I don't post on any other board except on Smallcritters.com and that is just game related conversation anyway so that doesn't count. I don't blog or live journal anymore *mostly because I don't have time, partly because ranting on here actualy HELPS lol*

I am me and thats it. On here what you see is who I am. :D

07-07-2004, 11:39 AM
This is a sore spot for me. I have a list of people on Ignore that I didn't before, because I was getting PMs saying bad things about people and then I would turn around and see them tell the same people how wonderful they are and that they just adored them in public threads. Sickening.

If I don't like someone, I generally don't reply to them in any way, shape, or form. I stay out of their way and if it's a mutual dislike, I expect the same from them.

I think a lot of people are different in Blogs because they can say anything they want to in them, whereas PT is a community where you censor your language and try to respect others and their feelings. Blogs are a whole different realm than message board communities.

But yeah, pretending to be friends with a person in public and then badmouthing them in private is nauseating.

07-07-2004, 11:40 AM
I am the same here as in real life what you see is what you get and I am naturally A nice person and I think that it is wrong to act one way on here and then a different in person that is two faced and that is wrong

Aspen and Misty
07-07-2004, 11:41 AM
I'm the same, dont' talk much in either.

Ash :eek:

07-07-2004, 01:25 PM
I guess I'm pretty much the same....but in real life I'm a little shy and there are lots more things I'm more confortable saying on here than in real life:p

07-07-2004, 01:26 PM
I think I'm a little different in real life and on other sites. But I don't think that's a bad thing. I don't go badmouting people from here on other sites or anything like that. I just think that the PT me is a little more of a cleaned up version of me. I'm a little more careful of what I say mostly just because a lot of young people read this site. I hope nobody reads this and takes it the wrong was thinking I have two sides or something like that, think of it more like this is the cencsored version of me.

07-07-2004, 01:40 PM
Hmmm well I only post on one other site and it's not pet related. I'm a a little more sassy on it. But I'm still the same person. I have to say I may be perceived as a little more diffferent than I am on here once you get to know me. I'm pretty full of dry humor and somewhat sarcastic. But who I am on here is a very real part of me. It's not like I make things up on here, or have a different personality in real life. I think the way to put it is there's more of me offline. I bet I'm pretty liberal compared to how I am on here.

I also find it kind of strange that it sounds like people back stab each other here
:( . It's a pet lovers site, what's to backtalk about, lol.

07-07-2004, 01:58 PM
I'm pretty much the same on here and in real life...I don't talk much...due to that fact that I'm shy...but thats something I am working on...just like on here I lurk around in real life too...:o :D ...I know I'm pathetic (sp?) You know for this to be a pet message board there is an awful lot of drama amongst people here:( .....but I understand about the back stabbing thing..it sucks and I wish people would just grow up and tell that person how they feel or just don't talk to them at all or even about them...:D

07-07-2004, 02:02 PM
I'm the same ol' me. lol. Although I'm probably a lot more shy talking with people in RL then over the net

07-07-2004, 02:04 PM
I'm a member of a pastors' wives website... I'm a lot more honest about my spirituality there than here. I'm also frequenting a trying to conceive board... something that all of you don't want to hear about, I'm sure! I guess the most accurate thing to say would be that I let different sides of me show in different places... in real life and on the net!

07-07-2004, 02:15 PM
I have to say I'm a little different here then in real life. I feel I have to be, in real life I'm a little more out going when it comes to stating whats on my mind. Here, I back off a lot, trying very hard to keep my mouth shut, Intill something really really hits a nerve, then the true me comes out. ;)

As my friends in real life will tell you, I have no problems giving someone my opinion, when I feel strongly about something. Here, I learned that it doesn't work. I don't want this to be misunderstood, my friends say I state my opinions with respect to those I'm talking to. So I'm not a hard noes, I just hate when people think only in balck and white, so I try to show them some gray, nicely. I'm a little afraid to show some people here the gray side of life. :( Fights start to easy here.

But thats the only part of me thats a little different here, the rest is me.

07-07-2004, 02:20 PM
i think i'm pretty much the same person here as i am in real life, i don't like pretending to be someone i'm not because i always 'forget' to be the other me. as for the backstabbing thing...i think most of the people who do it on here aren't really mena evil backstabbing people, but it's so much easier to do that when they can't see the person they're hurting and gossiping about. i'm definatly not saying that's an excuse, but it doesn't make them bad people, it just makes them a little spineless. JMO.:)

07-07-2004, 02:20 PM
I'm the same here as in real life...although I do talk about my pets more here because I know you all don't mind.

07-07-2004, 02:27 PM
I'm the same everywhere, except I am more shy in real life than I am here lol but still the same person

07-07-2004, 02:43 PM
I'm completely different in real life than the way I am on here. I'm a huge blabber mouth, every other word is a swear word, I could ramble on for hours, I show more of my humor, I'm sarcastic and I'm really outgoing.

On other forums, I'm the same. On blogs however, I'm the same me that I am in real life. I don't censor myself and just say whatever I please.

07-07-2004, 02:50 PM
In real life, I'm kind of more shy, and I don't talk much, until i really get kind of warmed up to the person.. And usually if someone will say something rude to me, i'll just roll my eyes and let the comment pass.. But it seems like im more *open* on sites, such as PT, where if someone were to say a rude comment, i would argue back..

As for blogs, yes. I'm totally different. That's a place for you to go and vent off things that are bothering you.. So yep, i confess to being a 'different person' else where. But, I don't think it's right for people to judge anyone on what they say in their blog.. Because of course your going to be a different person in a forum, rather than in a blog..

By the way -- Micki, i completley agree with you..


07-07-2004, 02:55 PM
I think I'm different in real life than I am posting here.

I cuss like a sailor, [If anyone reads my livejournal, you would see that] but don't really on this board, simply because it's a family site, and it's a place where we talk about our pets. It's more of a "censored version" of me here, like others mentioned. I'm not shy at all in real life, or on here. I say what I think in both places as well.

As for the Livejournal blogging, it's a journal. I'm sorry if I, or anyone else disappointed you, but of course I'm going to act different and write what I want in there. It's a place where I can let all of my emotions or feelings out. I don't think it's fair to compare a journal and a message board together.

07-07-2004, 03:58 PM
Except I might talk a little more here:o :p

07-07-2004, 03:59 PM
I'm a lot more loud and talkative in real life, and act a lot sillier. Actually, anyone who talks to me off of messageboards will see I act a bit differently. I don't think I change as a person though, except I say what's on my mind a lot more fequently in real life than online.

07-07-2004, 04:10 PM
I'm pretty much the same here as I am in real life. While I am a little shy and quiet in real life, I myself, in my thoughts/posts/etc. am totally the same person. Just as I would never *fake* a friendship with anyone in real life, I wouldn't fake a friendship with anyone on PT either. If I have issues with someone, in real life, or here, I would never tell them they're wonderful, etc. in front of them, or on the board, and backbite about them in their absense. Never. I also don't talk about/tell things my friends tell me to others in real life, OR here. Actually, I find it funny calling our *offline* life *real* life to begin with, because in reality, the people on PT are real people we know in *real* life too. Its just that we're not talking face to face, but the fact is, PT is real life too. We're all real people, and just because we're not talking face to face, that doesn't mean this *isn't* real life. :p So because I consider PT as *real* as my offline life, I'm pretty much the same person on both. The only difference is I talk more here. :o

I have to ditto what Micki said too. I noticed several people PM others, badmouthing about someone on the board, and when they post on PT, that very same person is their precious angel. Its really sickening, to be honest. I don't know how anyone could curse a person behind their backs, and praise them in front of them. Sad.

07-07-2004, 04:24 PM
I am more or less the same in real life as here, (just as paranoid :D).

I totally agree with Micki when she wrote...

Originally posted by micki76
... If I don't like someone, I generally don't reply to them in any way, shape, or form. I stay out of their way and if it's a mutual dislike, I expect the same from them.

... But yeah, pretending to be friends with a person in public and then badmouthing them in private is nauseating.

07-07-2004, 04:40 PM
Great question!

As for me, my favorite saying is "whatchya see is whatchya get!" I am an open book... and just as silly in real life!

07-07-2004, 05:45 PM
I'm pretty much the same here as I am on other boards and in real life. Well I actually don't post on any other boards too much and I don't have a blog. But I do try to stay true to myself when I post here.

I am also surprised when I read some of the LJ's of people on here :o :o :o I stopped reading them because I feel like I'm reading someone's diary and I prefer to get to know people and let them tell me those kinds of things personally, not read their private thoughts. (Even though I know they do post it online for all to read, I still feel weird)

07-07-2004, 06:19 PM
I just wish I hadn't seen what was written. Ignorance is bliss. As for that person, I'll just have to stay away from them and have been practicing that recently.

07-07-2004, 06:24 PM
I am shy in real life, whereas I can be much more open on PT, in that way its been good for me, I am pretty much the same in every other way, what you see, is what you get.

07-07-2004, 06:35 PM
I think I am the same.

07-07-2004, 06:37 PM
I'm pretty much the same here as I am everywhere else but I'm not as sarcastic online. I find my humor doesn't come off as well in type. I think you have to see my face and rolling eyes to know I'm joking.

I'm totally clueless about blogs and live journals. What are they?

07-07-2004, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
I just wish I hadn't seen what was written. Ignorance is bliss. As for that person, I'll just have to stay away from them and have been practicing that recently.

:confused: :confused:

07-07-2004, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by jazzcat
I'm pretty much the same here as I am everywhere else but I'm not as sarcastic online. I find my humor doesn't come off as well in type. I think you have to see my face and rolling eyes to know I'm joking.

I'm totally clueless about blogs and live journals. What are they?

I'm the same way too! I used to try to be sarcastic on the computer, but it didn't work out too well :o

Blogs are online diary/journal type things. If you do a search on PT for live journal or LJ, you will see lots of people here have them. Some even have the link in their sig.

07-07-2004, 06:42 PM
I'm pretty much the same here except that in my LJ I can say whatever the heck I want and curse as much as I want without sore feelings. It's MY journal so I am going to say what I want etc. and there are certain things I just do not bring to Pet Talk.

07-07-2004, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
I'm pretty much the same here except that in my LJ I can say whatever the heck I want and curse as much as I want without sore feelings. It's MY journal so I am going to say what I want etc. and there are certain things I just do not bring to Pet Talk.

Exactly.. :p

07-07-2004, 06:45 PM
in RL I am VERY shy, and not outspoken in the slightest, I keep things to myself, and I dont trust anyone. however on the net I feel more confidant, otherwise I would ONLY lurk, and not one of you would know me at all. but I am the same on all boards :p since everyone else seems to be mentioning it, I honestly swear more on the net then in RL lol in other words a swear out of my mouth is VERY rare, people who swear every other word drive me insane because that just gets REALLY annoying!

07-07-2004, 07:49 PM
I voted for the second one.

I'm not at all "fake" or "different" on PT, I'm being completely genuine while I'm here, but there are sides to me that I don't show here. But that doesn't mean the PT side of me isn't really me. lol, am I making sense? :p

My LJ definitely is more like the real me I suppose :p

I'm MUCH more outgoing while online. Here, I love meeting new people and talking with my online buddies :) In RL I'm much more quiet and don't usually go out of my way to talk to people I don't know.

07-07-2004, 08:34 PM
This is the only message board that I frequently post at, though I do belong to others. I post the same way as I do here except I share more stories/pics here than I do other places.

I don't feel like I'm a different person on my LJ I just rant more...My rants are pretty much all concerning things happening outside of the online world though. I may swear a bit there but not much. I don't say certain words IRL so I don't say them on here either. I don't think that's totally an accurate perception of me though because all I do is complain on there and I do actually talk about other things IRL lol. Sometimes its just nice to rant. ;)

I'll admit to talking about people on Pet Talk. I don't consider myself a two-faced backstabber or anything though, so if somebody thinks I am one then please let me know. :p

I really don't think I'm a different person online vs. IRL I just talk more online because I'm really shy IRL. And my pets are not imaginary, I swear!! (Isn't it sad that I had to mention that? :rolleyes: )

07-07-2004, 08:50 PM
I voted that I am totally differeny here than real life, because I am pretty shy in real life. I tend to be able to talk to people a lot easier and voice my opinion better to people I can't... erm... see?

07-07-2004, 09:23 PM
I'm the same here, but Im more shy and non talkative in real life

07-07-2004, 10:00 PM
I think that I am the same here as I am in person. I am just a bit more quite and shy in person. I'm working on that though and getting much better at being a talker in person also :p

This seems to be directed alot at the live journal thing and I have to be honest and say that I just don't get the point of live journals. To me a journal is private. MY thoughts, MY feelings. Just for me to talk about my day and emotions and only for me. I don't talk any different in my journal than I do here. Can someone tell me why they want to have a live journal and even advertise for people to read it and then talk bad about people and hurt their feelings. What is the point of all that unless you want to start trouble. Maybe its my age or something, but I just don't get it.

Robin :)

07-07-2004, 10:39 PM
Amy & Robin -- I don't think either of you are what Val was talking about. Basically what she's talking about is people who say stuff about SEVERAL people on one site, yet act like perfect sweethearts and run to them with open arms on other sites.

As I said before.. some people just don't see people in their true form so always make me out to be some evil little child... In reality i'm nothing of the sort unless that's how I'm treated.

"Brooke" is an example. I got "yelled" at and sent PM's when I was dirty and nasty to her..... because no one, except fora few, saw how she was towards me. Anyways, before I go far off onto another subject.. I'll stop. :p

07-07-2004, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by Fox-Gal
I have to say I'm a little different here then in real life. I feel I have to be, in real life I'm a little more out going when it comes to stating whats on my mind. Here, I back off a lot, trying very hard to keep my mouth shut, Intill something really really hits a nerve, then the true me comes out. ;)

As my friends in real life will tell you, I have no problems giving someone my opinion, when I feel strongly about something. Here, I learned that it doesn't work. I don't want this to be misunderstood, my friends say I state my opinions with respect to those I'm talking to. So I'm not a hard noes, I just hate when people think only in balck and white, so I try to show them some gray, nicely. I'm a little afraid to show some people here the gray side of life. :( Fights start to easy here.

But thats the only part of me thats a little different here, the rest is me.

Are we twins? :D
I am more outspoken when I am sitting opposite a person, because sometimes your opinions does not come across well in the "written word".
I tend to be abit of a "grey" person, because I can usually see both sides of the story .......

Great thread Val!!!!

07-08-2004, 02:18 AM
Originally posted by RobiLee

This seems to be directed alot at the live journal thing and I have to be honest and say that I just don't get the point of live journals. To me a journal is private. MY thoughts, MY feelings. Just for me to talk about my day and emotions and only for me. I don't talk any different in my journal than I do here. Can someone tell me why they want to have a live journal and even advertise for people to read it and then talk bad about people and hurt their feelings. What is the point of all that unless you want to start trouble. Maybe its my age or something, but I just don't get it.

Robin :)

I *totally* agree with you. I cannot tell you how much I dislike LJ's.......to be honest. Its like the young and immature PT'ers' place to bash and curse PT'ers they don't like. I did not even know people here post such hateful stuff about others in their LJ's until several people here PM'd me about something someone was saying about me in her journal. I had never been more hurt in my life, and seriously wanted to do something about it, but to keep the peace at PT, I didn't say anything. I did vent about it to some of my friends in private, but I did not say anything on PT, only because I didn't want to start a fight. I have noticed some people do this LJ cursing a LOT, and it is incredibly hurtful. I would have appreciated it if that person would have PM'd me, and said whatever on my face, but to backbite about me like that, and use such hateful language was just sickening. I have never done that to anyone, and never will. I think its stupid posting about others in LJ's, and it is also stupid to post about others in your LJ, and then whine when others do the same to you. I'm just saying this as a general statement........not pointing it out at anyone in particular, because I have noticed several people doing this....not just one.

07-08-2004, 06:29 AM
I'm pretty much the same...really shy, not talkative therefore I have no close friends, and slightly depressed....:(

07-08-2004, 07:40 AM
I think I'm pretty much the same, more or less. Well, since this is a family board, I'm trying to avoid cuss words which I'm sometimes using on my own board (and in real life! LOL), but I think that's the only difference.

As for the life journals... I had no clue about them - and after all that's been written here, I think I better don't read them!


07-08-2004, 09:06 AM
Originally posted by Kirsten
As for the life journals... I had no clue about them - and after all that's been written here, I think I better don't read them!

They seem to be getting a really bad name here. It's just a place to go and write. Yes, a lot of people do write about other people, but don't let that ruin your opinion about everyone who uses it :( I don't think I have ever, or would ever, say anything ill of PT or its members in my journal. I love it here too much :D

07-08-2004, 10:43 AM
Live Journal does not only have journals, though blogs are the main thing there. There are many different communities you can join. Livejournal is not private by any means. It is made specifically for your friends to comment on things you wish to talk about, and if there is something you DO NOT want someone besides yourself reading there is the "private" option if you really want to keep it private. I love posting photos and other things in my journal and ranting to friends as only they could possibly understand what is going on. I love the idea of Live Journals. It's a great place! :D AND, frankly, if I did want to say something about someone on PT, I wouldn't hesitate. Either they like it or they don't and I don't hide anything. If I say it in my journal they most definitely know on PT rather I dislike them or not.

07-08-2004, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
Live Journal does not only have journals, though blogs are the main thing there. There are many different communities you can join. Livejournal is not private by any means. It is made specifically for your friends to comment on things you wish to talk about, and if there is something you DO NOT want someone besides yourself reading there is the "private" option if you really want to keep it private. I love posting photos and other things in my journal and ranting to friends as only they could possibly understand what is going on. I love the idea of Live Journals. It's a great place! :D AND, frankly, if I did want to say something about someone on PT, I wouldn't hesitate. Either they like it or they don't and I don't hide anything. If I say it in my journal they most definitely know on PT rather I dislike them or not.

Exactly, Cass.

07-09-2004, 12:22 AM
Originally posted by luckies4me
Live Journal does not only have journals, though blogs are the main thing there. There are many different communities you can join. Livejournal is not private by any means. It is made specifically for your friends to comment on things you wish to talk about, and if there is something you DO NOT want someone besides yourself reading there is the "private" option if you really want to keep it private. I love posting photos and other things in my journal and ranting to friends as only they could possibly understand what is going on. I love the idea of Live Journals. It's a great place! :D AND, frankly, if I did want to say something about someone on PT, I wouldn't hesitate. Either they like it or they don't and I don't hide anything. If I say it in my journal they most definitely know on PT rather I dislike them or not.

Ok, I still just don't get it. I don't understand why you would want to put down someone and hurt their feelings. It just seems so rude and so hateful. I have read some of these online journals and frankly I was quite shocked. I didn't know that some of the Pet talkers went somewhere else and put Pet Talk down and along with some of the people here. I've read some nasty stuff. It made me very sad. I love pet talk and think of it as my extended family. I would never want to purposely hurt someone's feelings here. Like I said I guess I'm a little on the naive side. I guess I was raised "old school". Good morals and values and respect for others. Then there is the old question of if you bad mouth pet talk so bad and don't like so many of the people here than why do these people still hang around? Oh well, just my opinion and I don't usually get involved with this kind of stuff. I just don't like too, but this was bugging me.:(