View Full Version : anyone here other than me use style xp

07-06-2004, 10:52 PM
xp users of course.anyway i found this neat program called style xp its a program that lets you change the looks of your i guess its called task bar,anyway it also lets you change your logon and even boot screens <<<<which i am a bit scared to try the boot screen feature.anyway here;s a link................oh the site does have spyware on it BUT the program itself doesn't neither do the visual syles its just the site ....................go figure lol.anyway here's a link to what i'm talking about

theme xp (http://www.themexp.org/listings.php?type=vs&view=)

anyone else use this program?????what do you think of it??


07-06-2004, 11:37 PM
I downloaded a trial version of it last year and it's so fun! So many different colors and themes you can use. It makes it not quite so boring.
I've been meaning to buy it, but I wanted to wait until my computer got fixed. Thanks for the link, I couldn't remember what it was called:o

And I did change the long on screen...too cool!

07-07-2004, 02:35 AM
I use it and I really like it! :D

07-07-2004, 09:24 AM
i love it too its too cool and fun.i bought mine a few weeks ago its worth every penny.
