View Full Version : All you horsie people...

07-06-2004, 08:31 PM
I never knew about something called barrel racing! My son is staying at a relative's house for the summer and they are avid horse lovers. They have a huge ranch and 30 some horses. They just went to a National competition where both the son and daughter individually placed second! The first place winner won $10,000! :eek: And the daughter was THIS close to having won it!

There's another competition this weekend and my son's going to help out... hee hee, he's going to be in charge of "picking up" after the horses!

How is there a whole world out ther of horses that I never knew about? It all sounds like so much fun and ever so exciting! I wish I could be there to see it!

Sigh, I don't suppose a horse would be happy sharing my bed with Nicki, Allen and Pouncer? He'd need a little more space, huh? :D

07-06-2004, 09:12 PM
I can't believe you've never heard of barrel racing! That girl is mighty lucky to be growing up that way. I would love to have a place like that! They must be very rich. I taught Flair how to barrel race a long time ago. An Arab doing barrels :) Don't know if any do it professionally or not. You're more than welcome to come down here and see Flair and even ride him, if you want.

07-06-2004, 09:25 PM
Awww, thanks for the invite! I think Flair would sink under my weight! LOL

As for them being rich? Nah, they get by. Land is very cheap for some reason in their area. Hubby saw a farm for sale - 45 acres for $90,000! You can't even buy a 1/4 acre for that around here.

07-06-2004, 10:47 PM
its one of my favorite races!!! other then steeplechase, i mean. :p :D

07-07-2004, 09:16 AM
I BARREL RACE!!!! I love it it is the best I started out on my mare sufar and now I am training my other horse tornado .... it is the best event ever!!!!:D :D

07-07-2004, 10:26 AM
What exactly is Barrel Racing? :)

07-07-2004, 12:34 PM
Kayann, here's a link to answer your question.:)
Barrel Racing (http://rodeo.about.com/cs/barrelracing/a/barrelbasics.htm)

It is fast and fun, I only got to do it a few times as a teenager in gymkhana's at a stable I used to ride at.

07-07-2004, 01:31 PM
When I was growing up, my grandparents were the cooks and caretakers at the Sheriff's Posse Club (Parker County, Weatherford) and they lived there too. So, as well as rodeo, I got to watch lots of event practice at the arena. My friends and cousins all did rodeo and barrel racing was all there was for the girls:) They had to practice, practice, practice and really get to know and trust their particular horse and vice versa. We were military, always traveling and I never even RODE a horse:rolleyes: It's really exciting to watch though, and see how fast they can turn and how close they get to those barrels!!:eek: