View Full Version : about American Idol..i know old news but.....

07-06-2004, 06:38 PM
I know its been sometime since American Idol was shown and chosen, but as we were screening our NZ Idol at the time we are just seeing it now, we are down to the last three contestants.

I have known (thanks to the stink media) who the winner was for sometime, but I love the show so much and SIMON, that i simply still have to watch it.

I was in absolute SHOCK to see America voted La Toya off and kept Jasmine, unbelievable, I think simon's comment that everyone in Hawaii must have five phones each and voted for her was indeed the case, she was stink in comparison to La Toya, real shame., it was obvious by the crowds booing who they thought should have been voted off.

I would have liked to see La Toya be the runner up, Dianna is good but i personally think La Toya is better, maybe her young age appealed more, easier to mould to the singer they want I guess.

As for the winner, well she deserved it no doubt in my mind, she delivered every time, and by far outshone the rest IMO.

Like I said I know this is old hat news, but I was so stunned and shocked by it, I just had to post my thoughts.

07-06-2004, 08:59 PM

I am with you! I thought La Toya was brilliant, in fact I still do, and am keeping my eyes peeled :rolleyes: to see if she releases an album.

Who won NZ Idol?

07-07-2004, 06:08 PM
Ben Lummis won NZ idol, he is a cool guy, real sweetheart, good role model for young people, I liked our Camillia from Hamilton and thought she should have been in the top two, but it was not to be.
Just getting ready to watch the next Australian Idol this week, can't wait, I love Dickie, he is so cool.

Oh I am sure La Toya will be a big name yet for sure, to be honest I thought she was just about as good as Fantasia.

07-07-2004, 07:37 PM
I too was so sad to see LaToya go:( Jasmine should have gone long before she was, as sweet as she was. Dianna was good, but it should have been LaToya and Fantasia in the end. I liked them both equally; different style for sure but both equally talented with phenomenal voices! I'm sure LaToya will do well, despite the loss. She'd be awesome on Broadway!

07-08-2004, 11:05 PM
Oh I so agree with you 100 per cent, I think we sure were not the only ones who thought that, Jasmine was a sweety, but her voice just did not cut it, I was so suprised she stayed so long, Hawaii must have voted heaps, yes La Toya will do well for sure, to me her voice is much stronger than Dianna's, I could hardly ever fault it, but Dianna had her bad moments.

Oh well cannot wait until the next one , Australian Idol this week YAHOO, I am such a fan, I even missed the nightly news just to watch American Idol even though I knew who the winner was, Strangely I found our own show the least exciting of them all. American and Australian by far were the better shows to watch, I guess having the bigger population does make the difference.