View Full Version : Rex is limping, no cause found yet, prayers needed.

Canis Amicus
07-06-2004, 02:23 PM
Last Friday morning Rex, as he normaly does, chased birds, played fetch with me, etc, well, we had our morning outing as usual. Midday when I came back home from my errands, he didn't greet me at the door, he was at his corner, laying down. Very, very odd, I tought.
I checked the apartment, I was sure the stayed there all morning, no signs he had been out of his bed: no drink, toys at the same place, etc.

I served his meal, he couldn't stay up, he was standing on three legs only and fell down. He couldn' stretch his right hinder leg, I had to hold his bowl for him to eat and drink.

Later on, to check how he was I began to play with a ball myself, I didn't call him, he dragged himself till where I was, he could not stand up. I called the vet immediately, and told what was going on. Appointment for Monday 800am.

To make things worse, Rex began to have diarrhea.

The vet recommended Metacan (antibiotic he took when he hurt his paw at that same leg) and Imodium (for diarrhea).

Saturday he was better from his leg, not from diarrhea.
Sunday he was better from both.
Monday (yesterday) at 400am diarrhea came back.

Monday, 8am at the vet: physical examination shows he has pain when stretching his right hinder leg, vet suspect HD, and says diarrhea could be related to the pain and pressure on his hips.
He stays all morning in the clinic for x-ray. Also suspected problems with his pancreas because of diarrhea.
Devasted, I waited in home.

X-ray shows his skeleton is perfect, no HD, but he has many bone splitters in his stomach, had to take Metamucil (fiber) and a laxative, in the hope they pass throw.

Tomorrow (Wenesday) 8am he will be taken x-ray again, if the splitters are still there, he has to be operated.

Today (Tuesday), after our playtime, he could not stand up again, I had to hold his bowl for him and I think he had (has) pain.

Just now we came back from the park, he is limping but can stand on his four legs and ate by himself.

Anytime is a bad time for a surgery (I think), specially now that he is doing so well in dog school, and began to play with other dogs at the park, off leash, with no aggression, enjoying to run with other dogs, and even ignoring them when he is playing with me or alone.

My heart is broken, I cry and pray all the time for his health.

Rex (German Shepherd, 3yo)

His photo is from last Sunday.

Canis Amicus
07-07-2004, 12:05 PM
New x-ray today shows that the bone splitters passed throw. Thanks God.

The problem in his leg is from the inflamtion in his intestines, for wich he is taking antibiotics for ten days.


Cinder & Smoke
07-07-2004, 12:39 PM
How'd we miss this wun, Cinder?
Dunno, but Kross yur pawz, Smokey... God's commin onna line now...

Hi God!

Sorrie we're *late* on this, God -
But THANKz fur takin care of Rex an gettin thoze
:eek: bone splinterz outta his tummie!

Do You think You kan take care of his *gimpie* leg, too?

He's havin so much *phunn* at Dawggie Skewel -
hate to have him miss any klassez kuzza *limpin*.

We're all *Prayin* & *Krossin Pawz 'n Klawz* that You kan get
him walkin on All-4s agin reel soon!


/s/ the Prayer Pups

07-07-2004, 06:04 PM
Rex is so handsome! I hope he feels better soon.

07-07-2004, 06:27 PM
Rex, get better soon.


07-08-2004, 08:06 AM
Oh dear, poor Rex:( No wonder you're so upset, especially as he was just starting to do so well, behavior wise. Thank goodness he passed the splinters! Hopefully the antibiotics will clear up his intestinal issues and he will regain full use of his legs! Lots of prayers are on their way to you, dear Rex. You've got a wonderful mom watching over you and a great vet! Please keep us updated. Loved your picture Rex! What a gorgeous boy you are!

07-08-2004, 09:18 AM
Beautiful Rex, I'm so sorry you are having tummy troubles.:(
I'm sending you a big hug with best wishes for a quick recovery so you can have fun at school and at the park with your new friends.

07-08-2004, 04:59 PM
I'm glad to hear that he passed the bone splinters. And hope the meds get him feeling better very, very soon!

{{{HUGS}}} for you Rex:)

Canis Amicus
07-10-2004, 12:07 PM
Thank you all for your post and prayers.

Rex is much better now, Today he could go to dog school, which he missed last Saturday (it relly makes a difference on his behavour).

He is taking Synulox (antibiotic) and Metamucil (fiber) for about ten days yet.

Thank you.


photo: is Rex becoming too spoiled?

07-11-2004, 12:02 PM
That's great news about Rex, Rosana. And don't worry, dogs are with us to be spoiled.;)

07-11-2004, 01:19 PM
Oh Rosana!!! What great news! I'm so glad to hear Rex is on the mend, back at school AND being spoiled rotten:D No, they can't be spoiled enough:D What a great photo! Such a lucky doggie to have found you:) Keep up the good work, Rex!