View Full Version : The Kitties Wanted This Soooooo Bad!!!

07-06-2004, 01:24 PM
But poor "Gulliver" the gigantic black-backed gull had a broken wing, and injured foot. Poor thing was so enormous, I had to drag out a dusty, rusty cage to set Gulliver up in for the night. Despite having sheets bungee corded all around the cage to give the bird some degree of comfort, all the little kitty noses were gathered around the cage sniffing through the sheet! Ahhh the lovely aroma of a bird that's bigger than them! The cat's eyes bugged out of their heads when I had to open the cage door and let this seagull walk out, so I could swaddle it in a blanket and take it to the vets. Poor Gulliver...http://img42.photobucket.com/albums/v128/QueenScoopalot/GulliverRIP.jpg RIP majestic bird! :( :( :(

07-06-2004, 01:44 PM
:( :( Poor Gulliver. Thank you for making the end of his life comfortable.

07-06-2004, 02:19 PM
Oh, he was beautiful.... thank you for coming to his aid! Sorry he didn't make it!:(

07-06-2004, 02:56 PM
Oh Poor Gilliver. :(

leslie flenner
07-06-2004, 08:06 PM
thought to be an albatross. Now that I've memorized the spelling....
Poor guy was spotted and fed by some friends in the afternoon on the 4th. Jan got the message at 8:30pm. It was, "There's a gull with a broken wing at the citizens bank; looks like an albatross, can you catch it?" Jan and I giggling because they are tropical birds. Jan calls our friend and asks in spanish accent, "Is this a native albatross or portugese albatross?". we went to the area. Pretty much gave up looking. then spotted him standing on a pile of cedar chips. Jan got the trout net. I got the giant blanket. She chased him head on, I used the blanket to keep him from heading into the wooded area. got him into carrier. Carrier was way to small hence the cage. Once in the cage, he stopped crying. He'd also had lost a toe at some point in his life. These birds are HUGE!! You can't tell from the picture but they are very big. His wing feathers stuck out of the carrier doors which I am sure was painful on the broken wing!

07-06-2004, 08:13 PM
Poor Gulliver the albatross gull. I hate naming them like that and then sending them to the RB. :( I think he/she was so happy to have those dogfood lumps and some fresh water. He's soaring off the cliffs of the RB now, driving all the RB kitties wild!

leslie flenner
07-06-2004, 08:21 PM
is perhaps in mexico by now- i hope so, he was a fine, fine, fe-fe-fe--fe, well he was a fine, great big bird. I never saw a gull so big. I think his wing span would have been about 3 feet anyway- what do others know.. oops new kitten mewing... gotta turn around and pet her so she'll spit at me- good for socialization ya know!

Laura's Babies
07-06-2004, 10:40 PM
Awe! That was so nice of you to try to save the birdie anyway.. Now we have a feathered friend there to watch over our RB fur babies!

07-06-2004, 10:46 PM
Poor fellow, sorry he didn't make it, Jan. He sure was a beautiful bird.


07-07-2004, 06:15 AM
Geesh...I could have told ya'll we rescued a bald eagle! Gulliver reminded me of one. And Gulliver could almost have passed for one in the picture. We do have them in Mass...but I'm still searching for that albatross.:rolleyes:

07-07-2004, 08:47 AM
Because you took care,of him,at the end of his life,Gulliver became a Pet,and was able ti go to Petheaven, where he is one of the Few Xeagulls there,and he can giveall the Kittren angels, and Puppy Angels too,rides on his back!Thank You,for caring! Its too bad,you dont have Gull, and Cat Photos!

07-07-2004, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by catmandu
Because you took care,of him,at the end of his life,Gulliver became a Pet,and was able ti go to Petheaven, where he is one of the Few Xeagulls there,and he can giveall the Kittren angels, and Puppy Angels too,rides on his back!Thank You,for caring! Its too bad,you dont have Gull, and Cat Photos! That's such a nice thought Gary! Gulliver was big enough to give winged rides to all the RB kittens and pups too! Giddy-up Gulliver! :) ;) :)