View Full Version : Leather furniture

07-06-2004, 11:20 AM
Does any one here have it, and do your pets ever damage it? We just bought a new leather sectional and I’m worried about Chester & Millie scratching it. Abby never peels out (or goes outside for that matter :rolleyes: ), but Chester and Millie always "burn rubber" when they hear something outside. I have the deep scratch marks on my legs to prove it. Also, we’ve always let then jump on the back of our fabric sectional to watch us while we’re in the kitchen (they’re not allowed in when we’re cooking) and I’m worried they’ll scratch it there too.

07-06-2004, 11:34 AM
I have a leather couch, and yes, it is scratched up. It's pretty old so I don't care so much anymore. I don't think I'd choose leather again, truthfully.

07-06-2004, 11:36 AM
Yes - our leather suite is scratched - I spend an awful lot of time trying to hide the really bad scratches from Don :eek:

I've found out it's Bagel that's done the worst of the scratching - Dan and Ketchum don't seem to be interested in it!!
:D :D


07-06-2004, 11:37 AM
I hate how I stick to leather furniture in the hot humid months, so I'd never personally buy it. LOL! Best of luck!

07-06-2004, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by ramanth
I hate how I stick to leather furniture in the hot humid months, so I'd never personally buy it. LOL! Best of luck!

I'm with you, it's too hot in Az to own anything leather. I HATE sticking to leather. Plus I don't think I'll ever be able to afford anything leather.

07-06-2004, 11:48 AM
We don't have leather furniture but I know someone who does. She got her cat declawed last year. That's all I know on the subject.

07-06-2004, 11:53 AM
Hmmm.........leather shouldn't get sticky if you regularly condition it. It gets like that when the leather ruins in the sun. :p

We have leather sofas.....which used to be in our living room in the old house, but are now in the family room, so they are used more these days. I personally love them. We keep the blinds in a direction where the sun won't *directly* hit the couches, and we condition them regularly. They're about 5 years old and still look brand new. They do get cold in the winter but never sticky. In the summer, they WOULD get hot, but with us having the A/C on whenever its hot, that just doesn't happen. Our birds are too small to harm the sofas in any way. :p They sit on them all the time and have never scratched them at all.

We have leather in our cars too and they never got sticky either.

07-06-2004, 12:27 PM
I just bought a leather loveseat from a cat-loving friend. I've only had it a few weeks, but so far so good (also it was already cat-conditioned with very few scratch marks). Mitzi tried scratching on it and hated the way it felt, so no scratches.


07-06-2004, 12:32 PM
We bought new leather furniture for the den a few months ago. Angel and Dillian [cats] now wear "Soft Paws" to make sure they don't scratch it up. I believe they make them for dogs, too. :)

We also have leather seats in both cars.

07-06-2004, 12:44 PM
We have a leather couch in our family room....it has a few small scratches. They're not really noticeable though. Blueberry doesn't even go on it that much either.

07-06-2004, 12:45 PM
We have leather in our cars too and they never got sticky either.

I can't stand leather in cars either. Maybe if I didn't live in Az it wouldn't be so bad. During the summer months when I get into someone's car who has leather seats I feel like I'm getting so burned.

07-06-2004, 04:36 PM
I have two leather recliners. Actually the part that touches your body is leather and everything else is vinyl but I think they did a really good job blending the two so that it's really hard to tell where one ends and the other begins. Anyway, the dogs have not harmed the leather at all. Unfortunately there are "kitty holes" from my little boys. :( It looks like they are "spring marks" from where they spring off to jump higher, digging in their back claws as they go. I also have these "spring marks" on my legs at times but fortunately my legs heal and the recliners don't. :rolleyes: :D I have put small blankets where I noticed the "kitty holes" to avoid getting more of them. Bella and Ripley want me to tell you that dogs do just fine on leather. Of course they love to bash their feline friends. :p

07-06-2004, 04:47 PM
Yup. The one couch the dog's aren't allowed on lol

07-06-2004, 05:57 PM
We just got rid of our leather couch and for now we are using the futon out of the spare room, till we can decide on whats going to work well with us, cats and dogs. :confused: It's hard to find just the right couch.

The cats took the life right out of our couch, with all their sharp claws in and out of it. It was covered with a million pin holes. The leather chair that went with it, it's still in good shaped, but of course the cats have never been allowed on it.

Leather and dogs seem fine. Leather and cats doesn't work, at least thats what we found out.

Besides the cat problem, I love leather, it was eaiser to clean and care for all around.

We are thinking of doing what my step-mother did, cover a couch in canvas from sail boat material. Her's is great, it can been taken off thrown in the washer, drys in no time and the sun doesn't fad it. Hopefully this way pets can enjoy it and we can keep it clean.

07-06-2004, 09:29 PM
We do have a leather sofa but of course the dogs never get on it (or any of the furniture) so we don't have any problem with it getting scratched.
But.....don't get white (that's what we have). Dirty dogs and a white sofa don't go too well together:p

07-06-2004, 09:32 PM
Yep we have a leather couch and its scratched up a bit not horribly.

07-07-2004, 09:12 AM
We have leather furniture, and the only scratches that our pets have made on it have been spring marks from jumping off, etc. We have found that keeping the cats' back claws clipped helps tremendously. Leather is great for pet hair, though!