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View Full Version : Edwina's Thanksgiving Company

Edwina's Secretary
11-21-2001, 09:29 AM
While Edwina and I were having our morning chat I decided it was time to tell her about the company she will be having for Thanksgiving. My parents will be bringing KC the Cavalier puppy, my sister will be bringing her pomeranian Gavin, and my step-son his Norwegian Elk Hound Odin.

I suggested to her we could set the "children's table" as the "four-legged table" as all two leggers will fit in the dining room this year.

Fortunately, tomorrow's weather looks fabulous for the dogs to enjoy the back yard. I'm afraid Edwina will spend much of the day under the bed and I want her to have a litle break to join the festivities!

11-21-2001, 12:33 PM
Oh, my Edwina!! A Thanksgiving coming up you won't forget anytime soon. I will be looking for Friday's post to see how your day went - under the bed?

11-21-2001, 02:27 PM
What a happy, fur filled Thankgiving is in store! :) Hope little Edwina finds a nice, warm spot to puruse the festivities from a safe distance! Have a wonderful holiday! Sounds like great fun!! Love, Sandra, Mr. B and Oliver