View Full Version : Cleaning litterbox

Former User
10-17-2001, 04:03 AM
How often do you do it? How many cats you have and how many litterboxes?

We take the poop out every evening, and wash the litterbox once a week. It's funny, when it is clean, Casper and Kitty go there and lay down, as to say thanx, nice that it's clean! It's hard to get them out there then :rolleyes:
Few times when we have almost done the litterbox, when there's only a little layer of litter, they go and do some poop already....

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

And as you guessed (if you didn't know by now :D ) we have two cats and they both use the same litterbox, and they are brother and sister.

Kitty's example:

[ October 17, 2001: Message edited by: Casper & Kitty ]

10-17-2001, 04:29 AM
I have a litterbox just like yours for my babies, BUT I had to take the top of coz Beans (the oldest) didn't like it too much...smell got too strong inside.

I clean itat least 3-4 times a day, because I have 3 cats that use the same litter box. I did have 2, but they never used the other one so I got rid of it.

10-17-2001, 06:19 AM
I have two cats and two litter boxes. They are both in the basement and the cats get there through a flap in the kitchen door. I scoop every morning and occasionally if I find myself in the basement later in the day I will scoop again. I caught a cute commercial on TV last night. I am not even sure of the brand of litter it was selling but it has "diamonds" in the litter (according to one of the cats :D ). Anyone see that one? It was so cute!!! As with all commercials about pets, I get so involved in watching the pet I hardly ever remember the product! Not exactly what the producers have in mind! :D

10-17-2001, 11:11 AM
I have one cat and one litter box. It is a LitterMaid, scoops the litter automatically whenever Bo does "her business" in the box. It is large, covered, and the only maintenance I have to do is to empty the solid waste receptacle every 4 days and add litter when needed.

10-17-2001, 02:58 PM
I have two cats and I scoop twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening when I get home from work. (but sometimes when I get lazy I only scoop once :o )

Pam, lol! That's such a cute commercial. "There are diamonds in the litter!" :rolleyes:

[ October 17, 2001: Message edited by: thelmalu99 ]

10-17-2001, 03:04 PM
I have one cat and two litterboxes, and I clean them twice a day! When Luna was 6 months old, she decided that one litter box wasn't enough for her, so she started using my bed as a toilet instead! Needless to say that I wasn't too happy about it. When I bought a second litterbox, the problem immediately stopped.
But each time I forget to clean her boxes, she starts scratching on the bed as a reminder! :)



10-18-2001, 10:59 AM
I have 2 kitties and 1 litter box. I clean it once a day. If I am gone longer than overnight, I have a 2nd litter box I put out. And when we go on vacation or are gone longer than a weekend, I have someone come in and clean them daily.

10-22-2001, 08:27 PM
As a rule of thumb, "they" say we should have 1 more litterbox than number of cats, just to be on the safe side. I concur, and presently have 3 cats and 4 boxes. Meeshe (FeLV+) is kept separate, so really he has his own. Lily and Debra have 3 between them, but Debra is a new rescue and the two girls are not free to interact with each other just yet. So Lily has her one, and Debra has two because she is just a baby girl.

I maintain about 4 inches of scoopable litter in each deep box, and NEVER have to completely change the litter; I just add a mug-full as needed. I always scoop morning and evening, because a clean box is a useful box, whereas a dirty box is . . . well . . . only inviting the cat to find another toilet! :eek: