View Full Version : Something Wrong With...

07-05-2004, 01:02 PM

Something seems to be wrong with Major but I'm not sure...Sometimes when I take him for a walk, he'll make weird noises...but that could possibly be because of the harness bu I don't know why....

Yesterday I threw something for him to go fetch...but he ran..stopped...coughed...and kept going. I didn't know why though...Today he coughed again...maybe twice, not really a loud cough, just a little one. Do you think he could be eating his food too fast or something?

He also seems a little lazy...just lying down on his quilt. I mean, he comes up to greet everyone and stuff, he puts up a fight if you try to take his quilt inside to wash and stuff, but he just seems a little slower. I noticed it today, but only the coughing yesterday. He was quite energetic yesterday.

These are the only things I could come up with...on Thursday my dad took Major to the farm and he got into some bones...and probably a lot more stuff as he had a lot of poop that day. But it seems to mel ike whatever he ate all came out. Also...on MONDAY my dad sprayed some OFF on him...but those are the only things I could come up with...

I mean, he doesn't act like he's sick. He hasn't thrown up and he's been pooping normally. Just some coughing and laziness...I don't know it could be just one of those days....:confused:

07-05-2004, 01:12 PM
Any chance he was exposed to another dog with kennel cough? He's eating and pooping ok, right? Just the coughing and decreased activity?

Have you ever heard of a "reverse sneeze?" It's sounds somewhat like a cough; more like he'd be trying to cough up something in his throat. That's all I can think of. If he continues to cough and act sluggish, I'd definitely give the vet a call and have him checked out

Oh, not sure the OFF! is a good idea for the pups as they might lick in off their fur...do ask your vet about Advantix. It's a monthly flea and tick treatment like Frontline, but also repels mosquitos!

Please feel better soon Major!!! Paws crossed for you cutie!

07-05-2004, 01:16 PM
I doubt he was exposed to kennel cough..but I guess you never know. He is eating normally...maybe a little fast though. But yeah his poop is regular.

Well...he's not really acting sluggish, I mean when my mom came home he was doing his regular run, sit by the garage door (that leads into the backyard) and wag his tail patiently lol. (it's really cute!)

I know that OFF isn't good, and I told my parents but they did not believe me. My dad sprayed Major without my knowledge, Monday, and it took me until Saturday to find out and I was furious:mad: My mom believes me now but I haven't gotten the chance to tell my dad (again) since he's been away.

07-05-2004, 01:19 PM
Is it possible he has something stuck in his throat and he is trying to dislodge it? Dogs are not supposed to have bones as they swallow instead of chewing and they can get stuck and splenter. Has he had his vaccinations? It could be Bordetella, or Kennel Cough.

07-05-2004, 01:22 PM
Hmm...I'll look in his throat...see if I see anything. I know they aren't supposed to have bones...again, I was fuirous but my dad thinks its no big deal.

He's had his vaccinations.

07-05-2004, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by tatsxxx11

Oh, not sure the OFF! is a good idea for the pups as they might lick in off their fur...do ask your vet about Advantix. It's a monthly flea and tick treatment like Frontline, but also repels mosquitos!

I wouldn't use Advantix. It is HIGHLY toxic to cats, and even dogs. Many many dogs have had adverse side effects to it already, which is why most vets won't carry it.

07-05-2004, 02:01 PM
Yes, Cass, I know how toxic it is to cats. I checked to see if Maria had cats and any decent vet would discuss this in depth with the owner:) I don't use it for just that reason! My kitties love to groom the dogs! I have discussed the product with my vet who is very cautious about such matters. I was given all the literature in addition and I have heard or read nothing about it's "highly toxic" affects re: dogs. I'll have to speak with him about this next week when we go for checkups:)

Anyway, as Maria already knew, OFF! is not good for humans or animals to ingest and perhaps she might want to call her vet to let her/him know.

Maria, perhaps if you mention it "gently" to your Dad he might understand...it's tough not being the one in charge...you're a great mom to your precious Major:) Try and talk to your mom. Maybe you can convince her to call the vet, if Major doesn't begin to feel better:)

07-05-2004, 02:53 PM
Maria, I know you asked previously about a mosquito deterrent for Major. I have been using Avon's Skin-So-Soft, and it appears to work. The dogs don't mind the smell, either. I just spray their backs with it. I use it on myself, too. Avon claims it is DEET free and PABA free.

You can order it from Amazon.com or at Avon.com (they have the best prices), but if you have an Avon Lady in your town, you should be able to get it from her.

I don't use any other Avon products, but I really like Skin-So-Soft.


07-05-2004, 03:45 PM
I know of complications in small dogs and German Shepherds, I am not to date on all the details. The stuff just scares me! :eek:

One thing that works great for repelling any kind of insects is plain old dryer sheets rubbed onto the coat. Bugs hate that stuff, and it makes the dog smell good too! :D

07-06-2004, 07:23 PM
Wondering how Major was doing! Hope you're doing better sweetheart:) Update us when you can!

07-06-2004, 07:28 PM
He seems normal again. He is a little lazy, though, I think it might be because of the weather. I tried playing fetch, and he ran after it and got it, but it was more like a walk (a fast walk though)

However, last night he was doing his puppy laps, many, many of them and he tired himself right out!! It's so funny to see him race around the tree and back and forth because he goes SO FAST!

07-06-2004, 08:32 PM
Have you ever heard of a "reverse sneeze?" It's sounds somewhat like a cough; more like he'd be trying to cough up something in his throat.

thats what I thought too, Blair has reverse sneezeing problems, there is no cure, but its not harmful either although it SOUNDS horrable lol