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View Full Version : Tasha and her Buster cube (video clip)

07-05-2004, 12:34 PM
This isn't an exciting video but it's kind of cute. Tasha loves playing with her Buster cube, I just put a bit of kibble in it and she pushes it all over with her nose. She leaves some of her food in her bowl sometimes but if you put it in the cube she will go at it till it's gone because it's much more fun for her I guess :p. She won't let Tommy touch it though.

Hopefully this works ok.

07-05-2004, 12:51 PM
Can't see it!:( Just a little colored cube (not that type of cube:D) symbol in the upper left corner? HELP!!!:D

07-05-2004, 12:51 PM
I opened it and it didn't pop up Windows Media Player like it usally does. That screen came up that said "Open" or "Save" so I pressed open. It then opened up a program on our computer I have never, ever seen before. I saw the video , it was quite big, but it didn't take long at all to load.

Where did you get the cube?

Holly's mom
07-05-2004, 02:50 PM
I can't see it either.:(

07-05-2004, 03:06 PM
I saw it just fine.

Awwww... adorable! :D I love how she just pushes it around with her nose. He he.

07-05-2004, 03:12 PM
Awww! How cute! :D

07-05-2004, 03:56 PM
Awwwwww!! I saw it fine too, how cute!!

07-05-2004, 04:21 PM
Hmm I'll have to look into it, it seems to work for me with windows mediaplayer but maybe it's not working with other types of players. Maybe I need to go look at the tutorial stuff posted for Holly's Mom ;)

07-05-2004, 04:27 PM
I saw it! VERY cute!!! :D

07-05-2004, 04:40 PM
Ok using the movie maker, gonna try to post again, maybe some who couldn't see it before will be able to with this. :)

Holly's mom
07-05-2004, 06:13 PM
Ok, now I can see it! Thanks for doing that. Tasha is a cutie. I have one one of those buster cubes for Holly that I bought when she was about 8 months old. When I first bought it, I put treats in it for her, but she would just take her paw and fling it across the room, like she was playing hockey and was making a goal! Then she would fling it across the room the other way. My furniture was taking a beating, so I put it in the closet and it's been there ever since. Maybe I should get it back out for her, now that she's older and wiser. ;)

Thanks for sharing that video of your wonderful pup.

07-05-2004, 08:55 PM
Now I got to see! She is just so cute. That video makes me love her even more. I wish so much I could get a lot of videos of Duke. Any time you want to put up more, please do.

07-05-2004, 08:57 PM
:D:D:D I got it this time! Funny, as Windows Media Player is the default player for Windows XP and that's what came up with the second link!

Tasha, you're too funny!!!:) Star loved playing with the Buster Cube when she was a puppy. I'll have to get her another! So Tasha baby, did you ever GET one???:D Lots of hugs to you baby girl!:)

07-05-2004, 09:21 PM
Funny, as Windows Media Player is the default player for Windows XP and that's what came up with the second link!

I was probably wrong in my theory of why it worked for some but not others :o. It must have something to do with the file extension, but in this I really am not sure. The Movie Maker thing seemed to work though so that is what I'll do in the future :).

Originally posted by tatsxxx11
So Tasha baby, did you ever GET one???:D

It's kinda hard to see it, but she is getting little morsels in the video and munching them down, usually when she pauses a moment, that's what she's doing. She's very persistent with the cube until she gets most or all of it out :D.

Thanks for the comments all, glad you liked!

07-05-2004, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by K9soul
Tasha loves playing with her Buster cube, I just put a bit of kibble in it and she pushes it all over with her nose. She won't let Tommy touch it though.

Very cute! :) Chester has a round one and he loves it. I just put regular kibble in his, too. He would gladly let Millie play with it, but after a year and a half of watching Chester, she can't figure it out. :rolleyes: LOL! And she's a chubby little food motivated girl! Sometimes Chester's nice enough to roll it around and let Millie eat the kibble that falls out. :)

07-05-2004, 11:45 PM
I can view it from the first link. Tasha is cute. Maybe I can get Gigi one in the future. heehee...

07-06-2004, 12:37 AM
Where did you get it? There are like no good pet things around here...we just have Wal-Mart and even that isn't too great.

Of course, I watched it again. I had sound the second time though, not the first. It sure is noisy! hehe

07-06-2004, 04:42 AM
Great video. I love watching Tasha. Katie has one something like that and she loves it also. I haven't had it out for awhile I'll have to see how Tori likes it.

Thanks for sharing, Jessica

Robin :)

07-06-2004, 08:25 AM
Originally posted by MariaM
Where did you get it? There are like no good pet things around here...we just have Wal-Mart and even that isn't too great.

I think I got it at PetsMart. Do you have any actual stores with pet stuff only? I know grocery and feed stores really don't have much in the way of toys. If there weren't a PetsMart or PetCo here, I'd probably have to order most things online.

Tash is somewhat food motivated but not to the extent Tommy is. Still, she seems fascinated by the cube because it's up to her to get it the food out and reward herself. When she was a pup and I first got it for her, she'd always push it into corners and walls and then get stuck, but now she is very adept at getting it out of all those situations.

Tommy would play with it, he's tried to give it a push here and there before, but Tasha is a brat about it and won't let him. As soon as she hears the food rattle in there she comes running and takes over :rolleyes:.

Thanks again all, I think it's a nice toy, stimulating to their problem-solving abilities :)