View Full Version : First strawberry! (pic)

07-05-2004, 11:56 AM
Some of you might remember when I posted pictures of the strawberry bed my husband made me in May. Well I just wanted to show a picture of the very first ripe strawberry from there. :)


There are a bunch more like this one too to come!

We had to put chicken wire around the bed and bird netting on top, trying to keep our precious berries from being dined on by the local birds and bunnies. :p

Holly's mom
07-05-2004, 01:01 PM
How exciting! I looooooooove strawberries!! Our gardens and flowers are really stuggling this year, it's been so cool and rainy. It was really nice Friday and Saturday, sunny and in the 80's, now yesterday and today, it's been cool, rainy and in the 50's. Very depressing. :(

07-05-2004, 01:12 PM
Yummy! I love strawberries.

07-05-2004, 06:15 PM
Now you can enjoy fresh
home grown strawberries.

How about sending my a cyber strawberry pie
when they are ripe. :D

07-05-2004, 08:11 PM

Robin :D

07-05-2004, 08:51 PM
I saw these earlier at work when I wasn't signed in. Strawberries are very pretty. If they were here, all the critters would have them eaten. They ate all my mom's miniature white peaches :( We were so looking forward to them. Better not attack the orange tree, too! One year, loose cows ate off all the blossoms. Then last year, the wind blew them off. We're finally going to have oranges in November if nothing goes wrong this time. I envy people with green thumbs. I have black ones.
Try this with some strawberries. Put them in a pie pan, cover them with sour cream and then put brown sugar on top of that. Let it set a while in the refrigerator. You won't believe how delicious it is!

07-05-2004, 09:31 PM
I hope you get your oranges this year Val, mmm fresh oranges sounds wonderful. As far as a green thumb though, I don't think I'm particularly talented really. Most of our stuff we just stick it in the ground and it is on its own, but I do try to find stuff that is "easy" to grow. The strawberries just came bare root in the mail order and we soaked the roots and stuck them in the ground. That's about all we did besides David pinched off the blooms for awhile when they first started blooming to encourage stronger roots first. :)

07-05-2004, 09:59 PM
We have a small strawberry plant too. I got to try our first one.. it was sooo good. Very juicy. :D And they're so cute too! :p

07-06-2004, 12:34 AM
One of the things I have always enjoyed serving at BBQ's and such is a big bowl of strawberries - a bowl of sour cream and a bowl of brown sugar. Everyone can just dip to their hearts content. (DDMom posted her recipe above).

Not a calorie in there - HA

Excellent pictures of your strawberries by the way.