View Full Version : Baby Shower for Kimlovescats Grandbaby!!

07-05-2004, 11:11 AM

Lorraine, Pam, Debbie and Lisa are hostessing a PT Baby Shower for Kim's daughter! It's virtual of course so you will have to imagine the punch and cake. We all have Amy Beth's address if you would like to contact one of us to participate! I am sure she would even appreciate a shower of cards!! Thank you!!

Laura's Babies
07-05-2004, 12:34 PM
WOW! What a wonderful idea!!! Kim is such a special person, how could we NOT joing in on the fun of a shower?? Count me in!!

07-05-2004, 07:57 PM
Sent you a PM Laura:) Will start baking the virtual cake...hmmm....shall we play virtual games???? Lorraine - will you fix the virtual punch? Lisa - can you do the virtual decorations??? Maybe Pam knows some virtual games:D

07-05-2004, 08:51 PM
Does this mean I should have made a "virtual" blanket?:p

07-05-2004, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by sirrahved
Does this mean I should have made a "virtual" blanket?:p
Funny Devon:rolleyes: The *baby* is very REAL and she needs the beautiful *real* blanket!:D Keep crocheting! or...is it already done?:eek:

07-06-2004, 05:48 AM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
Sent you a PM Laura:) Will start baking the virtual cake...hmmm....shall we play virtual games???? Lorraine - will you fix the virtual punch? Lisa - can you do the virtual decorations??? Maybe Pam knows some virtual games:D

You sound like everyone else in my family...NO ONE EVER ASKS ME TO COOK!!! Surely I could handle a VIRTUAL cake!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/wink.gif http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

07-06-2004, 10:57 AM

07-06-2004, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
NO ONE EVER ASKS ME TO COOK!!! Surely I could handle a VIRTUAL cake
OK CCL - YOU are in charge of a HUGE elaborate virtual baby shower cake - really fancy with little booties and rattles on top, lots of lace - the WORKS!! I will do the decorating of the virtual fellowship hall.:D

07-06-2004, 08:25 PM
OMG!!! You are my friend! You all are willing to eat my cooking!!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

I'm so happy, even if it is "virtual" eating!!!

Laura's Babies
07-06-2004, 10:36 PM
Is "virtual foods" made with low fat ingredients? (Eeewww! I hope I win the virtual door prize!!!)

07-07-2004, 09:45 AM
Oh yes Laura - you can eat all the virtual cake you want and not gain an ounce!! WE should have ice cream too - anyone want to make virtual homemade ice cream?? I forgot about doorprizes - how about you getting the virtual doorprizes Laura? We can make sure everyone wins:)

07-07-2004, 10:52 AM
Congrats on the grandbaby Kim!!! Here's a virtual balloon with a pink ribbon for you! Remus sends some catnip and some head bumps!! *he thinks catnip is a gift for ALL ocasions :D*

Laura's Babies
07-07-2004, 01:51 PM
If I do door prizes, does this mean I can't win one??:confused:

Yea! I bet I can eat virtual ice cream!! Can't eat regular so bring plenty of that so I can get my fill!!

07-07-2004, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by Laura's Babies
If I do door prizes, does this mean I can't win one??:confused:

Yea! I bet I can eat virtual ice cream!! Can't eat regular so bring plenty of that so I can get my fill!!

Oh YES, Laura, you will get a door prize, EVERYONE will:D
We still need someone to bring the virtual ice cream though - homemade if possible. Any volunteers?;)

Oh and OF COURSE the kitties are all invited:D What would a PT baby shower be without the kitties?

07-07-2004, 02:06 PM
Yes, yes I would be more than happy to make the virtual punch.
Thanks for asking.
Oh this is going to be fun, fun, fun.:D

07-07-2004, 03:12 PM
Anyone want a virtual DJ :D

I can bring some virtual Ice cream too...

07-07-2004, 03:13 PM
why YES! A real...uh virtual that is..DJ! Cool:D

Laura's Babies
07-07-2004, 05:21 PM
Kitties coming too?? Why did you have to say that? Now Giz, Amy and Midnight are back there, digging in the closet, looking for something to wear!! ...........Opps, here they come, up the hall, dragging the kennel, wearing their party hats!

(Amy asked that the virtual hall we have it at, have a handicap ramp for her and tinker bells stairs for Magoo.)

07-07-2004, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by Laura's Babies
(Amy asked that the virtual hall we have it at, have a handicap ramp for her and tinker bells stairs for Magoo.)
Absolutely! Handicap access for all. And, since CCL is a hostess, Magoo will have plenty of time to check the place out and will know his way around. You and Amy will need to be there early also, since you are bringing doorprizes...Why, he and Amy could be there in advance to welcome ALL the kitties.:D This IS going to be fun!

Laura's Babies
07-08-2004, 06:47 AM
Well, I think that is going to be a real problem letting them come! I just know ONE of my girls are going to fall even deeper in love with Magoo and beg to go home with him... CCL, is Magoo allowed overnight play dates? He will also steal the "glory of the day" from the expectant mother and be the center of attention! He will be so admired by the end of the day that CCL is going to have a herd of kitty girls following him home... Are we ready to loose our "girls" to Magoo?:D