View Full Version : Barli to the vet--poor baby!

07-05-2004, 10:05 AM
Hey everyone. The Barli-man needs some little PT prayers...not quite the big serious kind. We were clipping his nails this morning--he hates that--and we found that one of his front nails is split, torn and infected (it looks horrible--oozing green). We're taking him to the vet in a few minutes. I feel terrible. I hope it's not hurting him too much, and I hope he doesn't have to have his little toe removed . . . :( Ugh. This is the first emergency we've had with either of our boys. And, to add to the stress, we're taking him to a new vet, b/c we don't like or trust the one that Rizzo has been seeing. We've never had to take Barli to the white coats before. He was current on his exams and vaccinations when we got him.


I'll update you guys when we get home. I am NOT worried, I am NOT worried, I am NOT worried .. . .

07-05-2004, 10:11 AM
Prayers are on the way sweet Barliman!! Plenty for Meowmie too, because she IS worried. How could she NOT worry when her baby is going to the vet! RB Ernie had an infected nail and they took a culture and put him on antibiotics and he was good as new. They did do a lancing that hurt though :-( Just to prepare you - though it may not happen! Please let us know when you get home Twink!

07-05-2004, 10:30 AM
I hope they can fix that right up for him.
One day when clipping Bella's nails, I went for her outside pinky nail, and it was not there. Some bloody residue, she had been caring for it herself, I was going to have it looked at, at her vet visit, but it grew back.
I found the nail hanging on a kitchen cupboard, kinda creepy.

Make sure there is no infection.

Good Luck.

07-05-2004, 10:56 AM
Oh! Poor Barliman. Prayers for you and Barli on the way. I'm sure it'll be ok....Poor mom - how stressed you must be :(

07-05-2004, 11:23 AM
Prayers on the way for little Barli! I sure hope it can be treated with antibiotics.

07-05-2004, 11:27 AM
Poor Barliman!!! That sounds painful indeed! Hope the Whitecoats can help you quickly!!

Positive thoughts are on their way to you!


07-05-2004, 12:10 PM
Oh Poor Barli Boy!! Hope things go OK at the 'white coats' - keeping you in my thoughts sweet boy - treats when you get home eh?? :D :D


Laura's Babies
07-05-2004, 12:31 PM
Barliman, get that toesie well soon and take your meds if Mommie has to give them to you..

07-05-2004, 12:45 PM
Prayers and positive thoughts on the way for Barliman that his little toesie just needs a dose of antibiotics.

07-05-2004, 12:54 PM
Oh poor Barli!!!! I hope everything goes as stress free for the gorgeous boy as possible. Please let us know what the vet says.

07-05-2004, 12:56 PM
Poor Barliboy! Sounds a little like Pouncers bad pawsie. That one healed really fine, so we hope you will be ok soon.:)

07-05-2004, 01:36 PM
Poor Barli! Nothing worse than having a bad wheel! Hope he's back up to racing speed soon!

The Tribe5

07-05-2004, 01:59 PM
Oh our poor Barli!!! That sure sounds like an OUCHIE! I hope it's nothing more than some antibiotics can take care of!
Prayers and positive thoughts on the way for Barli and his mom! Of course your worried and we wouldn't expect any less! Keep us posted cause I'm worried too!

07-05-2004, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by Barbara
Poor Barliboy! Sounds a little like Pouncers bad pawsie. That one healed really fine, so we hope you will be ok soon.:)

Yup! sound just like his pawsie! :) We had 14 days of Clavamox and all was good with the world. We weren't sure his nail would ever grow back normally and it is!

The vet will likely trim it back as far as possible and wrap it nice and tight (or maybe not if its not broken) you'll have to get some "Yesterday's News" kitty kitter so that the litter won't increase the infection. No problem, unless he's a hard cat to pill! :D

Good luck at the white coats Barliman!

07-05-2004, 03:11 PM
Well, I am officially a hysterical meowmie. :rolleyes:

Barlimonster's paw is fine--whew! Evidently, what I thought was ooze was a fine green thread
that had wrapped itself around his nail, split it down the middle, and then embedded itself deep
in the split. The vet said that it wasn't quite down to the nail bed. (I feel silly! But,
really, it looked AWFUL, and it wasn't growing right, and I think it was sore b/c Barli would NOT
let me get a really good look at it.) So, she cut it close (and also cut all the rest of his nails
that I hadn't got around to yet. I think that was worth the visit. ;) ). She wants us to keep an
eye on it and let her know if there's any redness or if he starts grooming it a lot or anything.
I still think it's a little red and funny looking, but I trust this vet (unlike the last one.
What a relief!). It's nice to have the cats set up at a new vet, if nothing else!

She also wants us to put the boys on set feeding times, and told us how to go about doing so. Barli
weighs 13.75 lbs! Toldya he was pudgy. ;)

Barli would like me to let everyone know that he was a VERY good boy for the doctor. Even when they
took his temperature! :eek:

Sorry to scare everyone! Thanks for your concern and prayers. Barli, Rizzo and I think you're wonderful!


07-05-2004, 03:15 PM
Glad Barli is doing well and yep they hate their temps taken. Thank goodness our new vet place only takes temps if it's warrented. Our old vet took at every and any visit regardless.

07-05-2004, 03:41 PM
Whew! I'm glad to know it wasn't anything terrible. Better to be a hyesterical meowmie than one who doesn't care or tend to matters!

Gosh, my boys are bigger! Pouncer's 12 pounds and still has some growing to do, Allen is 20 pounds! :eek:

07-05-2004, 04:08 PM
I'm happy to hear that Barli is well :)

07-05-2004, 04:25 PM
Wow, I'm so glad that was all it was and nothing more serious.
Prayers still on the way that his little toe heals completely with no complications.

Good, good boy Barli for being nice at the vets.
Hope mommy gave you some treats.:D

Laura's Babies
07-05-2004, 05:15 PM
Hay, I am glad it was something that simple but don't you feel bad about being worried or upset. I become a basket case over mine everytime!! I am SOoooo glad to find out that I am not the only one like that when a baby is not feeling well or I think something is wrong!! It is nice to know we are ALL that way and there are people who understand and do not think we are being silly!!

07-05-2004, 06:36 PM
It was not a wasted trip at all. What if that silly thread got embedded? Also, now you have a vet that you like better than Ms. Know-it-all:D Funny about the temp! Have you ever seen that TV commercial with the little baby making a horrible face and a voice says "they want to put that thermometer WHERE????" I think it is for children's aspirin or something but it used to always make me laugh and I always think of it when we go to the vet and the cat's give me this awful look of betrayal when they get their temp taken:eek:

07-05-2004, 06:42 PM
Oh poor Barli boy. I'm glad it was nothing too serious. I'm convinced that PT meowmies are more aware of our pets and extra watchful. IMHO I think it's a good thing. The M's send bumpies.

07-05-2004, 06:47 PM
Thank goodness it wasn't anything more serious than a thread! I still bet it was hurting the poor Barli boy. I'm glad you took him and I'm really glad you like this new vet. You have to have one you trust with your babies and feel ok about asking silly questions.
It's ok to be a hysterical meowmie because it just proves you're a true PTer!! Thats what we do best!!:D :D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

07-06-2004, 08:31 AM
Poor Barliman! I'm so glad it was nothing that serious! Barli, you scared your meowmie!! Better not do that again anytime soon!!

07-06-2004, 08:41 AM
TheFound Cats are hoping that thier Pal ,Barlimans Paw,will e better soon,and that he is not stressed out,by thne White Coats!

07-06-2004, 08:43 AM
Yay for Barliman! I'm glad it was nothing too serious. You nipped that problem in the bud. It could have gotten worse with time.

07-06-2004, 10:59 AM
I'm so glad to hear Barli is okay and it wasn't anything worse.

Extra scritchies for the sweetheart!!!

07-06-2004, 11:20 AM
What a relief Twink!!

Barliman - so glad you're visit to the 'white coats' wasn't a bad experience and you're feeling much better now that nasty thread has been removed from your toesies - bet it was hurting eh? Such a brave boy too - well done xxx


07-06-2004, 11:53 AM
I somehow missed this when the worries were high ... but I am so thankful and relieved to find it was nothing serious!!!

(((HUGS))) to you both!:)


07-06-2004, 01:02 PM
I knew you guys would understand. :D My husband keeps teasing me about Barli’s $40 manicure, but I say it was worth it for peace of mind! And for the kitty diet advice. And anyway, I really do think the nail was hurting him. He was very touchy about it. It was probably about like a bad human hangnail, and we all know how much fun those are! :eek:

I was sooo relieved that it was only a thread. It looked just horrible, and for a while there, I was so worried. Just the thought of something being really wrong with one of those sweet little cotton ball paws made me want to bawl.

Barli has recovered from the experience quite well, and the biggest concern in his world right now seems to be that food is no longer available 24/7! Strangely, though, that seems to be bothering Rizzo more than Barliman so far. And Rizz usually doesn’t eat much! Go figure.