View Full Version : How do Pet Owner's keep their Keyboards Clean?

07-04-2004, 10:59 PM
I bought some dust remover yesterday. But when I started to use it on my keyboard. All this dog/kitty hair appeared!!! I pulled out what could have made a huge hairball!!! :eek"
I had to use tweezers, and q tips!!!
I have a 'slider' on my keyboard so it goes under the desktop when not in use.
I just wondered what other's did.

07-04-2004, 11:02 PM
Good question. I'm curious also. My keyboard needs a good cleaning right now.

Robin :p

07-04-2004, 11:15 PM
quite possibly they dont?......mine needs a good cleaning as i speak....err.....as i type....smile....

07-04-2004, 11:22 PM
I have a laptop so when it's not in use, it's closed. The kids aren't allowed in the back room where the desktop is without us, so there's not much loose hair in there. ;)

I do use those cans of air from time to time, but I usually get out more food crumbs than dog hair! :p :eek:

07-04-2004, 11:34 PM
We use canned air. :) It works really well.

07-05-2004, 03:22 AM
what is canned air?

07-05-2004, 03:25 AM
Originally posted by Lillycat
what is canned air?

I think she meant compressed air. You can buy these compressed air *cans* from any computer store, that spray *air* and blow dust/hair/whatever out of your computer/keyboards/etc. I use it alot because of my birds constantly preening by the computer and leaving dander stuck in the keyboard. Its my fault.......I bring them upstairs to sit on the desk by me while I surf the web, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Too boring without them! Compressed air works great! Actually.......holding the keyboard upsidedown and shaking it works pretty well too. :p

07-05-2004, 06:33 AM
thanks popcornbird.....the shaking the board up and down sounds less expensive eh?....smile...i just didnt know what it was. what i need is to know how to clean the keys....getting kinda dirty looking.....soap and water or ? i just may buy a new keyboard.....

07-05-2004, 06:53 AM
We don't. :o

There's probably enough hair to create a mini-dog, and enough food to feed it! :p

07-05-2004, 09:11 AM
My Friend at The Cattery,has a plastic sheet, that you can buy,at the Office Depot,and put over your keyboard,to keep fur,and dust out!

Laura's Babies
07-05-2004, 09:30 AM
OH? Ya suppose to "clean" them?

Yea, I do, I pick it up and shake it upside down! Lots of trash falls out of it too.

07-05-2004, 09:40 AM
In our case, a certain bunny is not allowed in the computer room anyway because of her propensity for clipping cables. No need for electrocuted bunny, so not much fur gets in here (Besides what is already stuck to my clothes).

07-05-2004, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by popcornbird
Actually.......holding the keyboard upsidedown and shaking it works pretty well too. :p

hehe I never gave much thought to *cleaning* my keyboard until I read this. It sits in a sliding tray that fits under the monitor. I read Poppys's suggestion and though what the heck - picked it up, turned it upside down and shook it over the tray...
:o :o I sure would hate for anyone to see what was in my tray!! It's all clean NOW:D I was so inspired that I put some 409 on a rag and wiped off the keyboard and everything looks new!!

07-05-2004, 10:45 AM
I blow ours out with the canned air from time to time. Usually get a small anima l:)

07-05-2004, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by Laura's Babies
OH? Ya suppose to "clean" them?
My thought exactly. :D :D

07-05-2004, 02:51 PM
Originally posted by Lillycat
thanks popcornbird.....the shaking the board up and down sounds less expensive eh?....smile...i just didnt know what it was. what i need is to know how to clean the keys....getting kinda dirty looking.....soap and water or ? i just may buy a new keyboard.....

LOL! Yes, that's definitely the less expensive way. ;) Its very shocking to see what comes out though.......VERY shocking. :p

07-05-2004, 03:55 PM
I just buy a new keyboard every two months or so :) Tibby likes to spill drinks on my keyboard and I like to drink while I'm at the computer, so my keyboards are always getting ruined. I just buy the cheap $10 ones.

07-05-2004, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom
I blow ours out with the canned air from time to time. Usually get a small anima l:)

OMGoodness!!! ROTFL!!!!!

07-05-2004, 06:24 PM
My brother has a keyboard vacuum. I use that and it works good lol. I get A LOT of fun out of it O_O

07-05-2004, 06:46 PM
My husband takes ours out to his shop and uses his air gun on them. The last time he did it, it was so dirty that he took it apart to get all the cat hairs out of it. It was almost like getting a new keyboard it was so clean.

Felicia's Mom
07-05-2004, 07:57 PM
I am going to try some of these ideas, even mine at work is dirty with crumbs.

07-05-2004, 10:15 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
Its very shocking to see what comes out though.......VERY shocking. :p

Very! Make sure you shake it out over the trash can, or you'll end up having to vacuum the floor. :p

07-06-2004, 10:25 AM
We use canned air, also, however, a pet owner's keyboard is probably never truly free of pet hair. We have a Mac, and our keyboard is clear. If you turn it over, you can see quite a bit of cat hair with no way to get it out!:)

07-06-2004, 11:16 AM

what i do is clean my keyboard by taking all the keys off it and get a damp cloth and just clean it and gently wipe the buttons too.it really helps the keys work better,and gets rid of the annoying sticky keys. you'd be surprized of what is in your keyboards its really nasty.

of course i unhook it first then pull up my screen key board or even use an old keyboard .....................just make sure it matches your present one.the best thing to do is use your screen keyboard.

take care
