View Full Version : a new cat

06-27-2001, 07:47 AM
Hi, I just picked up a stray kitten off the road. I hope I am not becoming one of those that collects cats, but this poor kitty was almost out in the road in the middle of nowhere in the country! I live in the country so what is one more cat!!
He must have been a pet, because his claws have been clipped. He is very healthy about 12 weeks old. He is black with a white milk moustache. Very cute!!
My outside kittens and mama cat don't like him. I think the mama is protective but those kittens are 9 weeks old!
Maddie had become queen of the house and doesn't want any other animal to enter!!! I would rather have him inside because I think he was an inside cat but I do not want to offend Maddie,(isn't that funny!) I can't believe this cat is running my life!
She is very sweet though.

06-27-2001, 09:12 AM
Please check around the area you found him for people looking for a lost kitten. I'd call any shelters or animal control to see if anyone has reported him missing, as you said he seems like he was an indoor pet and healthy, I bet someone is missing him!

06-27-2001, 10:16 AM
If the kitten belongs to no one, by all means, give her a new home. Do realize that it is easy to confuse clipped nails with the nails of an outdoor cat that has lots of wood to claw. My outdoor cats all have manageable nails (they don't slice and dice us when we play with them) because they have trees to claw.

As a final note, if you do decide to bring the kitten indoors, give Maddie time to adjust. My oldest cat, Critter, hated our newest addition, Colonel. We brought Colonel home on April 3 and Critter hissed and growled and totally avoided Colonel for two solid months. Now, Critter has stopped growling and hissing and actually plays with Colonel sometimes. Change is hard -- for cats as well as humans.

Good luck!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

07-27-2001, 10:54 PM
This is a little off the subject but I'm trying to contact cprince. Cristy, in Dogs, General, Name/Pets List, you entered information. I've been trying to email an attachment with a Word.doc to you, but your ISP tries to find you, but gives up after 5 days. Any ideas how to fix that problem?

08-11-2001, 12:00 AM
I hope everything is going well with your kittens. There so cute when there small. They grow up to be beautiful. Good luck with your new family. ;)