View Full Version : Cubby was so scared yesterday!

07-04-2004, 09:46 AM
Hubby and I bought a new bedroom set, yesterday it was delivered. The first guy came in, and suprisingly Cubby ran up to him to smell him. They guy kept walking into the bedroom. The #1 delivery guy put his arm load of stuff down on the floor and walked out to get more stuff, he didn't even shut the door behind him which made me very mad. But anyways, #1 and #2 delivery guy comes walking up with the head board. Cubby takes off and runs and hid behind the mattresses. As soon as he figured out that that is where they were going he darted out into the living room. He hid behind the chair then he tried to go behind the entertainment center. After the guys brought in another load of furniture, Cubby found my pile of blankets and quilts that I had on the sofa. He tried to jump up in them so I gave him a little boost. I sat down on the floor with my hand inside of the blankets petting him and talking to him letting him know that everything is ok, that he is ok, and that no one is going to hurt him. He started shaking in fear, started drooling in fear, and I swear I felt some sweat coming off of him. I honestly do believe he had another one of his panic attacks. Every time the guys would come in and make any noise Cubby wanted to find out what was going on, but he was to scared to move. After they got done putting everything together and went to leave Cubby got a little more relaxed. Towards the end he did purr just a very slight one. The guys walked out and we shut the door behind them since obviously they don't know how to shut a door. I walked into the bedroom and called Cubby he wouldn't leave his spot until he heard the truck leave. After 5 to 10 minutes or so after they walked out of my apartment he finally worked his way into the bedroom. He looked around saw his window still there saw that we still had a bed and so on. He jumped up on the bed, from there he got onto my dresser and just laid down for a minute then got on hubby's dresser while hubby was trying to move it. While I was working on getting all the clothes put away the whole time Cubby was on one of the dressers or on the night stands.

After all that, he has approved the furniture and sleeps on it more now than the old stuff. We have upgraded from a queed size bed to a king size. And Cubby knows it, he didn't get kicked at all last night. Normaly he will start walking towards you and you will accidently kick him. He slept in the same spot all night, he was never once bothered. I think all in all it was worth in for the furniture.

Laura's Babies
07-04-2004, 10:39 AM
Poor Cubby! He has panic attack? POOR baby! I know those and they are not nice and to see a pet with them... Awe!!! Next time, put him in a kennel (if you have one) and cover it so he will (hopefully) remain calm or shut him in the bathroom or some where if you can. That was just to tramatic for him, poor little sweetheart. I would panic seeing my baby having a panic attack.

07-04-2004, 10:54 AM
In the long run,as you say,therewill be a lot more room, for all, of you, even Cubby,and I hate it too, when people leave doors open, they dont have to chase the escaping CATs!

07-04-2004, 11:14 AM
Poor Cubby!! Wilber says he knows exactly how you feel. We got a new bed and some new couches earlier this year, and Wilber is the scaredy of all scaredy cats when it come to strangers. So we put them in a room and close the door until all is finished. And then it still takes hours for him to come out. Oreo is frightened too, but as soon as the strangers leave he is ok.

Those thoughtless movers leaving the door open :mad: :mad: . Ugh makes me mad. I do not trust anyone except family to make sure the door is closed. That's why I try not to have mainetenance even come by unless I'm here.

Anyays, I'm glad Cubby loves the new furniture. Now there's plenty of room to stretch out and be comfy :) Kissies to you Cubby, all in all you were a brave guy, because in the end you realized everything was ok.

07-04-2004, 11:58 AM
He has been having panic attacks since he was a little guy. I had to take him to the vet at one point in time because we were packing to move, he was hiding, shaking drooling, hissing, growling, spitting at me. All the vet told me is he had a panic attack. After we found that out we quit packing and have stayed here. We were going to lock him in the bathroom but there was no room in there. All of our clothes were in there and we have alot of clothes. I felt so bad, I couldn't believe how bad he got in just a matter of seconds. My poor little guy! Right now though he of course is sleeping on my dresser. Hopefully he wont have another panic attack for quite a while. I don't think I can handle another one soon. I get to freaked out and scared for him, then I get very depressed because I was the one that let the delivery people in. :( :rolleyes: