View Full Version : Cataholic!!! A STATE of the HERD update please!!

07-03-2004, 01:57 PM
I was just thinking last nite that even tho I chatted with you on AIM the other day we haven't heard anything from you on the STATE of your HERD!!!
I want a Minnie update! How is Tex doing with his hyperthyroid?
I know Monte is a pill. So How about some pics!

WHOSE WITH ME?!!??!!??!


07-03-2004, 04:51 PM
OR update the HERD of STATES !!!!!!

Either way.....GET TO IT !!!

WE NEED TENNY !!!!!!!!

07-03-2004, 04:57 PM
Hello!!! Yes new pictures would be GREAT!!! Where have you been anyway? You know if your missing for a day or so we all start to worry.

07-03-2004, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by shais_mom
WHOSE WITH ME?!!??!!??!
I am!!!!!!

**taps foot**

waiting and waiting....

07-03-2004, 06:03 PM
oh oh oh!! Me too!! :)

How are the furkids doing??

07-03-2004, 06:25 PM
Yep ... we need updates and pics!!! How is Dakky doing with his meow???

07-03-2004, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by shais_mom

WHOSE WITH ME?!!??!!??!

MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! :D Even though I get herd updates ALL the time when I chat with Johanna.

I've been trying to get her to post pics for the past few months, but so far, it hasn't been working. Hurry up and load that software you need for the digital camera, Johanna!

07-03-2004, 11:08 PM
I'm with you too!!!

I would love to see all those States!!:D

07-04-2004, 07:40 AM
I don't think I have seen pictures except in the siggy. It is time for a state of the herd address, I agree.;)
:eek: She wouldn't be busy having her skinbaby would she?? Is it nearly time??

07-04-2004, 11:15 AM
Found Cats are with you, We want to see Our Pals!

07-04-2004, 03:36 PM
Me too!:D
I really want to see new photos of all of the state kitties!
I have dropped hints to Cataholic in a couple of threads but I guess she didn't see them.
I'm glad someone else started this thread so I didn't have to.;)

I also would like an update on Cataholic's baby, I think he is due in Sept.

07-04-2004, 03:37 PM
Cataholic- where are your kitties:D

07-04-2004, 07:31 PM





07-05-2004, 02:21 PM
:eek: :eek: :eek:

Okay, okay. I will try to post some pics later. Here is the update on the herd.

Tex- his hyperthyroidism is 'controlled'. He doesn't seem to gain or lose weight. He is still pretty active for a senior kitty.:D He still bosses Monte around.

Georgia- remember that she had two teeth pulled last month? I think she has recovered from that, but, she does seem to have fungus on her nose. I am thinking it is from the tape on the nose from sir jury? She doesn't much care for Monte. He was LAYING on her the other day, laying right on her.

Tenny- what can I say about my loverboy? Thou, he does seem to have 'caught' Dakky's sore throat this am. He will be watched.

Dakky- seems to have recoveredfrom his sore throat completely. He is fine, lazy, and loves Monte.

Allie- is fine. She HATES Monte. She loves to help me floss my teeth every morning, and flit around the house.

Minnie- is out about 15 hours a day now. Every night she comes out. I pet her and she immediately purrs, and drools. She eats from the communal bowl at night, though I keep food in her closet, too. Yesterday, for the first time, I petted her outside the closet. She really wasn't able to run from me, not from the way I approached her. But, I petted her for ten minutes, sat on the chair next to her, then walked away. I am planning on moving her litterbox outside the closet, to the corner of the room. I intend to move her food, too, not at the same time. I eventually hope to eliminate the food in her closet, over time. I think I need to 'encourage' her to come out more.

Monte is now 11 months old. His nickname is "Bad Monte". He is BAD. Bad. Bad. He chases the females something awful. I scream at him every day. He can be so adorable, though he isn't as affectionate as any of my other cats. He hangs out in the bathroom, between the liner and curtain. Some mornings, he will let me pet him and purr and snuggle. Only if I am wet, only. So, I get dressed with tiny black cat hairs all over me. Oh well. I wouldnt trade him for all the tea in China, but, make no mistake about it. I will be so darn glad when he 'matures'. :p

The skin kid is still due 9/9. I am round like a watermelon. I am convinced that Tenny and Dakky both know I have a skinkid inside of me. They are very respectful and interested in my belly. Course, could be that it just protrudes so much!

I promise I will get some photos up soon. Promise, promise, promise. Thanks for asking about my mini-country!

07-05-2004, 02:26 PM
I am in love with Monte but my heart will always belong to Tenny.

And 9/9 is my mom's birthday, so you BETTER deliver that day......or else!!!! (LOL)

will be waiting for pictures...........tap......tap..........tap