View Full Version : Need Advice On Connor

Aspen and Misty
07-02-2004, 10:26 PM
Connor has some "issues" with nail clipping. He is ok with having his feet touched. I can grab them and play with them and he just happily sits there. But once you get the nail clipper over his nail he YELLS in pain, I only clipped one nail to! If you just put it over and don't press on it to cut the nail he crys really loud. My sister (who used to own Connor) is NOT good at cutting dog's nails and I think she cut them to short to many times and made him hurt. But is there any way I can get him used to the clippers??


07-02-2004, 10:40 PM
So Connor's being a drama queen, eh? :) (btw, bear with me, i'm typing one handed with my lefyt hand after dumping a pan of boiling oil on my riht earlier today :( ) After beung a grroomr for several years, i've had to deal with tons of pups who didn't like having their nsils done. Easiest thing to do is work with him and the clippers using treats. Show hiim the clippers, give him a treat. put them near his paw, treat... etc... it may take a whuile but he shhould be ok. :) good luck!

07-02-2004, 11:42 PM
If you could soften his nails before you try to cut them, it would help a lot. The best way is to give him a bath, and have him stand in the warm soapy water a long time. When he is out of the bath and somewhat dry, clip the nails as soon as possible, before they harden again.

It works with my dogs (and with my toe nails, too! :-) ).


Aspen and Misty
07-02-2004, 11:54 PM
Well, It doesn't hurt him. He just gets nervouse. Kinda like before my older bro went to a doctor's apointment when he was lil. He got himself all worked up for the shot, thinking it was gonna hurt then cried like a baby, then stopped after it was done and said "Is that all?" only Connor won't let me show him that it doesn't hurt :rolleyes:

Heinz- Thanx a BUNCH! I think I will try that :D Sorry to hear about your hand!


07-03-2004, 12:20 AM
I do the same things already suggested mainly--lots of treats, slow exposure to the clippers. I also generally do one nail at a time. Fortunately, most of my dogs dig so much they don't need their nails trimmed.

My worst nail trimmer is Chum. He can't stand having his paws touched at all. He gets growly, snarly and just plain miserable about it. I've working slowly on getting him to let me just play with his paws. I've found covering one hand in peanut butter and petting with the other works wonders!! It's disgusting but it works!