View Full Version : I'm such a dork...

07-01-2004, 10:28 PM
I was feeding the pups tonight, and they were getting into a bit of mischief, so I was distracted. We have their food in a large tupperware tote that holds 50 pounds of food; and this tote sits next to the washer. So I was turned around watching them, and backed up, thinking I was going to back into the washer?

Nope. Uh-uh. I missed the washer, lost my balance, and yup, ended up with my feet in the air and my backside buried in a pile of chompos. AND my hubby is away on business, so I had to struggle out of this mess by myself. NOT a pretty sight.

The funniest part?? After they finished their dinner, they came around and started licking the back of legs. :o

Like I said, I'm such a dork :o

07-01-2004, 10:51 PM
Sorry, Anna, I must laugh! LOL!! :D I am glad that you are okay though, that could be painful!

Now that you mention your two labbie boys, I want some new pictures of them! Especially Malone, I love him!

07-01-2004, 11:55 PM
Anna, I feel your pain! Honest to god, I do! You think that is bad, well I am always doing something like that. I fall over my own big feet. I am a card carrying Klutz!

Just ask my kids, they all stay in fear, that I am going to fall over something. Its a miracle I have broke only one bone in my life!!


07-02-2004, 12:54 AM
You are talking to the clutz of all clutzes.... I have numerous scars on my hands from cutting myself. I managed to cut my left index finger 3 TIMES in the exact same spot, doing the exact same thing.... cutting apples! I'm no longer allowed to cut apples. :rolleyes: I also am the only person I know who has cut her RIGHT thumb when she was, in fact, RIGHT handed. The logistics just don't make sense. I have driven home with a soda can on top of my car. I have walked into doors, pulled when I should have pushed, and cracked my head on numerous objects. I have never been without bruises and/or scars. My gf keeps telling me she's gonna start wrapping me in bubble wrap.... I don't get it............ :rolleyes: :p :D

07-02-2004, 04:29 AM
Poor Anna!!!! :D

07-02-2004, 06:36 AM
Glad you are ok......

LOL! I guess you can say you were dessert after their