View Full Version : A day in the life of a lazy bum!

07-01-2004, 10:01 PM
Hi! This is Zelda! Meowmie insisted on the thread title, but really, I don't know what she's talking about. I'm a very busy girl! Meowmie just doesn't realize it! First I've got to drag Meowmie out of bed - that's where the whole watch band chewing started, y'know. Jumping over Meowmie and giving her head bumpies just wasn't cutting it! And then I eat breakfast! I like my breakfast. Especially when Meowmie treats me with a spoonful of wet food! Meowmie's such a good cook!

After breakfast, I've got to get onto my perch and keep watch! Dudley the duck hasn't invaded my home yet, and he won't if I have any say in it.

Eh-heh... Meowmie says I'm getting a bit of a belly and that I'm almost too big for the windowsill. But it's very important that I keep watch for those darn evil ducks!


Oh! Oh! I think I see him! Oh, wait... No, it's just a highlighter.


Back to keeping watch. A kitty's work is never done!


Once I'm sure that the duck's not going to come today, I like to stretch out for a little while under the table and check out some of Meowmie's reading material. Meowmie likes to read some strange stuff, though I'm really starting to see why she at least likes Vampire Game. One of the main characters turns into something kitty-ish!


Meowmie forgot to resize the next few photos, so I'm just going to post a link to them. Silly Meowmie!

After I read, I love to play. Especially when Meowmie gets my attention by dangling things in front of my face - like the camera strap. It's so nice and... and... dangly! I just have to get my paws on it! Look! Here I am just watching it, waiting for the right time to strike!


Got it!


So really, I don't see how Meowmie could consider me a lazy bum! I stay very very busy - even when she thinks I'm just sitting around or - heaven forbid - napping! I am ever-vigilant! Now, pardon me while I curl up for a bit. My little pawsies are tired from all the work I've been doing today.

07-01-2004, 10:08 PM
Oh Zelda ... what a busy girl you really are! Sweetheart you are doing a fine job duck watching, keep up the good work! Oh and please let us see your beautiful face more often, OK?:D

07-02-2004, 06:15 AM
How dare that meowmie call you lazy! It's sounds like yo have been very very busy! Watching out for that Duck is a full time job!

You sure a pretty duck watcher! I love your colors and markings. You sweet face looks so alert and happy. Meowmie might have called you lazy but it looks like she takes awful good care of you. You look like a very sweet and much loved kitty!!

I hope we see lots more pictures of your busy days pretty one!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

Laura's Babies
07-02-2004, 06:44 AM
Zeldo, Chester said he knows how hard you work because he works hard too. HE has the job of keeping a eye on all his sisters too so he thinks he works harder than you do. He found a feather in the house the other day so the dreadful duckie was here while he was sleeping one day but he made sure he attacked that feather and tore it up, hoping that duckie would see it if he returned and know he was in danger if he ever came back!

07-02-2004, 09:00 AM
The Found Cats tell me that they keep Wolves,fro coming into the Hotel! When I tell them, that there are No Wolves, For Miles,they smile as that proves that they have done thier JOB!

07-02-2004, 09:58 AM
Zelda says thanks for all the lovely compliments! You all are really giving her a big head! But that's alright, because she still takes her duck-watching duties seriously!


Oh, and Gary! Zelda said she had an amazing time at the Found Cats Partee! She told me that she got into JJJ3's Temptations and that they're better than her Whisker Lickin's! And apparently Magoo was quite a charming flirt! She told me to send a couple of head bumpies his way! :rolleyes:

07-02-2004, 10:01 AM
Zelda - you ARE a wide eyed beauty!!! :) Keep up the hard work;)

07-02-2004, 10:25 AM
Hi Zelda! This is Josie. My Meowmie lets me post sometimes . . . not very often though. She's afraid I'll find a boyfriend . . . because I'm boy crazy! Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that my Meowmie also complains about my belly hanging over the window sill. Silly Meowmie. She doesn't realize that it hangs over because that's how I want it!!! And plus, you're right, got to keep watch of the house! I don't know about ducks, but I have to watch out for those hummingbirds! There’s so many of them and they zip around so fast!!!


Meowmies just don't realize that even with our eyes closed, we're always aware of EVERYTHING. Even when they sneek up on us to take our picture!


It was great talking to you, Zelda! Take it easy! Being a cat can be so hard!!!


07-02-2004, 10:31 AM
Aww Zelda, you're a cutie!!! We know you aren't lazy. You're doing a very important job by watching for those evil ducks.

07-02-2004, 10:32 AM
Goodness sakes, the stressful lives of Zelda and Josie :) You beauties deserve rich rewards for all the work you do keeping a watchful eye on the house.

07-02-2004, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by CatMama78
Goodness sakes, the stressful lives of Zelda and Josie :) You beauties deserve rich rewards for all the work you do keeping a watchful eye on the house.

Um . . . this is Josie again . . . did you say rewards??? Like TREATS??? I LOVE treats!!! Yummy yummy in my tummy!!!

Did you hear that, Zelda??? We should get TREATS!!! Do you like treats too???


07-02-2004, 11:07 AM
Oh, I love treats so very very much! Meowmie feeds me Whisker Lickin's, and they're the absolute bestest thing ever! Whenever Meowmie shakes the container, I come running lickety split because then I get to put yummies in my tummy!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-02-2004, 12:26 PM
Looks to me like Zelda is a very very busy kitty! I don't know how you can consider her lazy. ;) She is also such a pretty kitty and her fur just shines! :)

Zelda and Josie definitely deserve treats for all the hard work they do all day. :D

BTW, Zelda, you might want to watch out for that nasty mini blind monster. I'll have to go dig up that thread and give you a link. They've got a conspiracy going again kitties you know. ;)

07-02-2004, 12:55 PM
Oh yes, Zelda . . . Meowmie has taught me that mini blinds can be fun to play in but they're very dangerous!!! She always pulls mine way up so I can't get caught in them. And she never lets me play with the strings. As much as I hate to admit it, Meowmies know best!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-02-2004, 02:03 PM
Found it

Here's (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=15146&highlight=blinds) the link to the mini blind conspiracy thread. :D