View Full Version : The Amazing Magoo!!!

07-01-2004, 09:09 PM
Well it's been close to a week now that he has been free. He has been on his own during the day while we are gone to work for four days now. No one has any signs of injuries and no excess fur laying about. Everyone seems happy so I'm guessing all is going well.
Magoo greets us at the door everyday when we come home. He hears the key in the door and is stainding there with all the others to welcome us. It is so CUTE!
He continues to progress at an amazing rate and I have some wonderful and fun pictures to prove it!!

The "Amazing Scrappy Magoo" AKA-The Magooster!

Check this out!!!

And again later that day!

Ignore me in these next photo's but I can now prove that I really am finally able to pass along all those PT hugs and kisses!!!
Can you believe this????


Bad of me but magoo is so cute!!


Just being adorable


And here he is waving BYE-BYE!

He is doing great and I'm opening up the living room to him tomorrow. It's time to just give him the whole house!

Big huge *SIGH*. I never really thought this would happen!

07-01-2004, 09:12 PM
You BOTH are just PRECIOUS!!! I couldn't be happier for you and your whole furry family!!!!:D :D

(((BIG HUGS))):D

07-01-2004, 09:16 PM
I just love it! Tonight I needed the tears of joy!

He's so cute. Bless you, CCL. Good work.

07-01-2004, 09:17 PM


way to go Magoo!! Let's hope everything works out!

07-01-2004, 09:21 PM
:D WTG Magoo :)

07-01-2004, 09:32 PM
Alright, Magoo! You da cat!

It's always good to see how well Magoo is doing! Kudos to you, CCL, for not giving up on him!

07-01-2004, 09:33 PM
Oh my God, every time I see pictures and hear about Magoo's progress I start to cry tears of happiness. What a sweetie he is and I just know that you can take the credit for that. Bless you CCL and thanks for passing along the kisses, but with all these Pet Talkers, you'll be kissing him all night just to catch up...:)

07-01-2004, 09:35 PM
Where's the chicken?! :) I love seeing pictures of Magoo, he's quickly turned into one of my favorite kitties.

07-01-2004, 09:39 PM
It has to be all the love he's getting, CCL!
Pippin says if Magoo wants some pip-flip lessons, he'll send a copy of his training tape.

Very nice photos of your big goofy bear of a cat!

07-01-2004, 09:40 PM
We all knew deep in our hearts that somehow, someway Magoo would work things out in his head. Lisa & Hubby= yummy treats, a loving home, and a tremendous amount of patience! Those pictures are priceless of Magoo snuggled up with everyone. Love the boy! More pictures....and more stories please???:D :D :D

07-01-2004, 09:46 PM
Now I know what story to nominate for "Best Thread of 2004".:)

07-01-2004, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by Freckles
Now I know what story to nominate for "Best Thread of 2004".:)
....and I'll be the first to cast my vote :) :) :)

Steffi N
07-01-2004, 10:38 PM
I hope Magoo has learned to like belly rubs.



Way to go Magoo, Lisa, and hubby.
Am looking forward to seeing pix of Magoo in the living room

07-01-2004, 10:46 PM
I can't wait for morning to arrive so I can relate this to Douglas!! Meeting you at the door - I don't have the words to express the feelings in my heart!

07-01-2004, 11:08 PM
Lisa, I see these pictures, and just like Slick, I just feel like crying, it just make me feel so good to see Magoo so happy, and you so happy with him!

Yeap, dern straight, I would cast my vote for Magoo. You and him have come a long way! But you know Lisa, I think we all knew you could do it! Look what a big lovebug you have made out of him!


07-02-2004, 02:51 AM
Wow! Eventually the Magooster learned how to make friends with humans and cats:D

How great of you to give him that chance:) :) :)

07-02-2004, 02:54 AM
OMG, this is WONDERFUL!!! :) :) :)

I'm so glad you haven't given up on him when things looked almost hopeless! He's looking so happy now!!! Great pictures, they make me so happy and bring tears to my eyes as well!


07-02-2004, 03:44 AM
I too am just so overcome with emotion reading your thread and seeing those beautiful pictures, he is such a darling and such a pretty cat.

I am thrilled to hear this news, see he has turned out to be a lovebug after all, poor lil guy, he just needed to get used to his surroundings and his adoring parents. WONDERFUL NEWS!!!:)

07-02-2004, 06:02 AM
This really is wonderful and heartwarming, seeing Magoo's progress:)

Laura's Babies
07-02-2004, 06:59 AM
Lisa, seeing you snuggeling and kissing on him, I want to just HUG and KISS YOU! You are truely a angel on earth.

I can not believe he has come so far so fast! It did not take him long to learn to trust and love you and that is a testiment to your devotion to what you do. Animals are smart and they know better than we do, who you can trust. So his world is growing even more? That is awesome! I just can not find the words to express what it is I want to say. Overjoyed seems so small.. In awe is close but still not adequate. You have just performed a miracle with this baby and you and him, will always have a place in my heart.. Keep the pictures coming of my little love!!

07-02-2004, 07:11 AM
Magoo and I thank each and every one of you!!! Sometimes I'm still overwhelmed by the whole thing. It is getting harder and harder to remember just how horrible things were in the beginning. It seems like it must have been another cat because I just can't imagine that it could have been the current Magoo!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/wink.gif He has bitten me several times but they have all been gentle and were the kind that said "leave me alone now". I can live with that!

Some of the original crew still don't socialize with him and are pretty vocal. At first this upset me but now I realize that if they don't growl or hiss then he won't know what they are telling him. I stopped fussing at them for growling at him when he gets to close because that is what he will understand since he can hear them just fine. We have had a little paw exchanging but that is to be expected. As long as there is no fur flying, blood letting, all out fights then I'm perfectly happy!!

Everyone is finding their niche and working things out in their own way. Now if I could just figure out where they want me!!!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

07-02-2004, 07:38 AM
Yay, Magoo! I just can’t believe how relaxed and happy he looks. And no incidents! Heck, I have fur tufts from cat battles all over my house, and I consider my two to get along pretty well. Your home is positively idyllic!!

And would you look at him hanging out with Leroy? How sweet is that? Leroy is such a good boy. *kissies*

I think it’s so sweet that he greets you at the door when you come home. But I’m not really surprised by that. How could he NOT love you, after all you’ve done for him??

Add some kisses from me to his daily allotment of PT affection! :D

07-02-2004, 08:13 AM

Oh, CCL! What perfectly wonderful news! AMAZING! He looks so happy and loveing! Did you ever think you'd see the day?

K & L
07-02-2004, 08:42 AM
WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO........this is just too wonderful! Good for you and your hubby to have such patience with this guy!

07-02-2004, 08:42 AM
We thought,that when Scrappy Magoo, came to the Partee,he would need help,but hegets along,so well, that you would never suispect,that he had a disability, ashe found his Steak, right off the bat, and was leading The cats, to he Mall Invasion Bus!

07-02-2004, 09:11 AM
I have been closely following the Magoo Saga and am SOOOOOOOOOOO happy for the you and Mr. Magoo!!! :D Happy thoughts to you all!

07-02-2004, 10:13 AM
I am glad folks can't SEE into the monitor because Magoo posts usually make me cry! It really feesl like WE have been through things with you Lisa. Magoo is part of the family. These pictures are just amazing and so touching. I pretty much guessed that it would be good ole Leroy who would be his buddy:D That is really great!! Will you be sure and give Magoo his Fancy Feast special dinner in his crystal bowl?? :D
Thank you SO MUCH for all the pictures of Magoo!!!

07-02-2004, 10:21 AM
I'm so in love with you Magoo. You have found exactly what you needed - I couldn't be happier :)

07-02-2004, 10:22 AM
This is such good news.

I'm not trying to be a downer but this is one of those "my mom" things for me. When you first brought Magoo home and had the bad bite incident was before my mom passed away and I had been telling her about him and what happened. She knew how much I wanted this to work out for you guys. This is just another one of those things I wish I could tell her about. There have been a few of these "mom" moments so far and I know there will be lots more to come in the years ahead.

Anyway, on a more positive note, Yeah Magoo for becoming part of the family!

07-02-2004, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
I am glad folks can't SEE into the monitor because Magoo posts usually make me cry! It really feesl like WE have been through things with you Lisa. Magoo is part of the family. These pictures are just amazing and so touching. I pretty much guessed that it would be good ole Leroy who would be his buddy:D That is really great!! Will you be sure and give Magoo his Fancy Feast special dinner in his crystal bowl?? :D
Thank you SO MUCH for all the pictures of Magoo!!!

You all HAVE been through these things with me!!! I told you all and I sincerely mean it, that Magoo belongs to PT! I'm just the wounded and scarred care taker!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/wink.gif

Uhhh, Magoo has already had more than one can of Fancy Feast in his crystal bowl! He is a Hoover and eats anything and everything! He is starting to show it too. I've been calling him "Thomas the Tank" lately. He takes that fat little squatty body of his and just bulldozes his way around. He is so funny to watch!

Lori: Maybe your mom put her hand out to help Magoo. Maybe she gave him a good whop on the behind and told him to straighten up and fly right. She may be the reason he is doing so good now. She could very well be Magoo's guardian Angel.http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/smile.gif

07-02-2004, 11:18 AM
Oh Magoo, You're the greatest!

07-02-2004, 11:22 AM
Can you all say, SPOILED???;)

07-02-2004, 11:24 AM
This is great news! I think Magoo holds a special place in all of our hearts.

:) :) :)

07-02-2004, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by RICHARD
Can you all say, SPOILED???;)

Can you honestly name one PT kitty that isn't spoiled?

;) Didn't think so!

07-02-2004, 11:39 AM
This is wonderful! These Magoo updates always make my day!
He's wonderful and you're wonderful for having so much patience with him! Congratulations!!

07-02-2004, 12:00 PM
I can hardly express how happy I am to see these pictures of Magoo. It's simply wonderful that he has adjusted so well in such a short time. :) You can tell from the pictures how he enjoys being there, it's SO great to see him open up to love and proper care! :D

Please give him more kisses from me - and headbumpies from Fister. ;)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-02-2004, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
Lori: Maybe your mom put her hand out to help Magoo. Maybe she gave him a good whop on the behind and told him to straighten up and fly right. She may be the reason he is doing so good now. She could very well be Magoo's guardian Angel.
That is such a wonderful thought, Lisa, and how nice of you to try and help Jazzcat through her hurt like that. With a meowmie with a heart like yours, I'm not surprised Maggo did such a turn around. :)

Did you ever think you'd see the day?
Yes! He was such a sweetie pie at the shelter that I think we all assumed this day would come a lot sooner than it did. Then we had just a minor set back, but thanks to Jazzcat's Mom, Magoo figured out that nasty is not the way to go and being cute and adorable gets you lots more attention and treats. ;) :D

I love the ones of him on the chair with Leroy. How did we know Leroy would end up being his special buddy. :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-02-2004, 01:00 PM
Well....ok....if you must.

Hey, that feels pretty good, I think I actually like this!

Ok, ok, I like it but enough is enough.

Aaahhh.....life is good, even if I do have to put up with smoochies from all those Pet Talkers. :D

07-02-2004, 01:35 PM

Would you just look at this sweetheart!!!!!!!

Magoo is the BEST success story there has ever been.

07-02-2004, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
Uhhh, Magoo has already had more than one can of Fancy Feast in his crystal bowl! He is a Hoover and eats anything and everything! He is starting to show it too. I've been calling him "Thomas the Tank" lately. He takes that fat little squatty body of his and just bulldozes his way around. He is so funny to watch!
:D I have the visual ... actually I have the female version of your "Thomas the Tank" when Mitzi is bound and determined to get to her food bowl, she has this waddle/walk that just says "get out of my way, I'm movin' in!" She looks like a little Sherman tank that no one would want to mess with, but it's SO cute to see her little waddle.

I'm SO happy to hear/see this news about Magoo! That fluffy belly is just begging for a schmoozle - does he allow those yet?

07-02-2004, 01:51 PM
so wonderful to see him with the others.:D :D :D He looks so content now compared to just not so long ago when he was on the streets and then in a cage.

07-02-2004, 02:17 PM
T&P's mom: I love the captions! They are right on the money.
Uhhh, the comment about the minor setback...NOT! It was a BIG setback and it hurt like the dickens!! Just ask me, Pepper Jack, Leroy or Stubby about just how painful and nasty that wild child could be!! OUCH!!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/wink.gif

RedHedd: Belly smoozles are out unless you want stitches in your head!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif We are working on that!

Jen: Coming from you I take the comment about this being the best success story ever as one huge compliment!!! Thank you so much!

To all of you, to whom Mr. Magoo actualy belongs, I thank you from the bottom of my heart! Without you we would not be where we are today! I thank you all so much for caring about him and helping me through it all. I think when I posted his very first pictures this was destined wasn't it?

07-02-2004, 02:57 PM
I'm so knocked out Lisa - I don't believe what I'm seeing!!

Must admit to some tears here - BUT happy ones at that!!

The Magooster is going to be one wet cat with all these Pet Talk kisses being showered on him - but shower away whenever you can!!

:D :D :D


07-02-2004, 03:38 PM
I Seriously doubt if there is a dry-eyed one amongst us, this is such a moving story with a wonderful happy ending, and Jazzcat you know your mum could well be his guardian angel for sure, a lovely thought and one well worth thinking about, things happen that we just cannot explain.

07-02-2004, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by carole
I Seriously doubt if there is a dry-eyed one amongst us, this is such a moving story with a wonderful happy ending.

You got that right Carole. I was okay until I saw this picture. Then the tears started flowing.

CCL, what can I say that other's haven't already, except, I thank you, from the bottom of my heart for not giving up on precious Mr. Magoo.
What a major breakthrough. It just warms my heart.
Leaves a big lump in my throat, mind you, but it is all worth it.:)

07-02-2004, 05:40 PM
There is a tear in my eye every time I read about Mr. Magoo. What a heartwarming story and a beautiful comeback he has made.

I haven't been here at PT very long, but I latched onto the Magoo story right away.

What a strong a patient person you are CCL for giving Magoo the love and tenderness that he obviously needed to come out of his shell.

Good on ya!!!!


07-02-2004, 11:15 PM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
Lori: Maybe your mom put her hand out to help Magoo. Maybe she gave him a good whop on the behind and told him to straighten up and fly right. She may be the reason he is doing so good now. She could very well be Magoo's guardian Angel.http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/smile.gif
Thank you Lisa. I wish I could hug you right now!

Laura's Babies
07-03-2004, 07:45 AM
Jazzcat, your Mom knew your concerns about this guy so she came and whispered in his ear "There is no need for you to fight anymore, you are safe now where no one or nothing will hurt you and you have SO many people who love you, including my daughter. It is time for you to trust humans and to accept their love freely and without limits. You now, can be the special kitty you are and be a great example to inspire others to care for handicap kitties that they would have otherwise overlooked. That is what "The Plan" is for you and you have to do your part now. I will watch you and guide you when you need it but you will be OK now that you know what your mission is in this world."

(of coarse she spoke to him in "kitty talk" so he would understand.)

07-03-2004, 10:02 AM
Laura - :) :) :)

07-03-2004, 12:07 PM
Lori: I wish I could hug you too! I understand the pain you are going through and it never goes away. It does ease some but it will always be there. You will never stop missing her and wanting to tell her things but you learn to talk to her everywhere because you know she will never leave you.

I really think that your mom gave him a good wallop on the behind! The little BRAT!