View Full Version : My Toddler

Aspen and Misty
07-01-2004, 05:28 PM
I know I think of my pets as my kids. But I never thought one of them would think of me as there mom.

Wyatt follows me everywhere. If I'm on the computer he is on the desk. If I'm taking pics of someone he is playing with the camra string. If I'm sleeping on the couch he is curled up besides me. Alot of times when I'm on the computer he wants me to cuddle with him so he trys to come down onto the key board drawer with me. Which doesn't really work since he wants to be inbetween me and the keyboard or lay on my arms or hands. But I'm such a sucker!! When he wants to sleep on my hands or something he comes up and lickes them while getting situated then he slowly lies down while still licking my hands. He knows that once he is all curled up I don't have the heart to move him. So alot of times I end up typing with one hand. LOL. I just love him to little pieces! Everytime I look at him I am always amazed at how much he has matured since a little Guy. He seriously acts like a Toddler. He will grab onto my pants legs while I'm walking and get a free ride. And he throughs candy wrappers at me while I'm on the computer every 5 seconds and I patently give them back to him over for him to through them again.

I dont' know what I'm going to do when he is gone. Who will "help" me type. And who will attach themselves to my pant legs making it impossible for me to walk while "helping" me clean the cage? And who will "help" me take my cat naps? And who will through paper wrappers at me while I'm on the computer every 5 seconds only for me to give it back to him to through at me again?

Sorry for the pointless thread, I just needed to get it all out.......


Laura's Babies
07-01-2004, 06:48 PM
He sounds like a sweetheart! I mean a REAL sweetheart!

07-01-2004, 06:52 PM
awww!!! all of this you are talking about is so sweet!! Wyatt must think you are his mommy for sure and you ARE!:D

07-01-2004, 10:21 PM
Wyatt has stolen your heart .... and just seeing his pictures, he has stolen mine as well!!!;)