View Full Version : Cameras

07-01-2004, 01:36 PM
I've asked this before, I know, but I only got like 2 or 3 replies lol. As I said before, I'm interested in buying a new digital camera. I've been looking at a few and I'm thinking of getting one tomorrow.

I'm curious what type of camera to you have (megapixels and type) and an example of a photo you took with it if you have one availible :)

What type would you recommend? I don't really want to spend more then 400 on one. Atleast no more then 500. I would like a decent one, better then what I own now (2.0 megapixel Kodak DC3400) Pretty good camera, but I'm looking for something that would take better pictures. I'm looking into a 4.0 megapixel as 5 and 6 are really expensive O_o

Kinda I was looking at were either Sony Cyber-shot DSC-P43 4.1MP, Fuji FinePix A340 4.0MP, or Hewlett Packard Photosmart R707 5.1MP

Anyone have one of those? Are they any good?

07-01-2004, 01:55 PM
I have a Sony Cybershot with 2 megapixels, and its an excellent camera. My friend has the 4 megapixels Sony Cybershot, and the pics it takes are just amazing. I really want to get that when I get my own camera. (The one I use now is my brother's but we share it). I do have lots of picture samples, but don't really feel like uploading right now. :p Might post one later. I do recommend Sony though. We've had our's for close to 3 years now and have never had a single problem with it. Its a great camera, very long lasting, easy to use, and takes great pictures as well.

07-01-2004, 01:55 PM
I am thinking about getting the Canon G5 with 5 megapixels. I am sure it is going to be a great camera.

I have heard good things about Fujis, Sonys, and Canons, so those would probably be good choices.

I have a Kodak digital camera with 3.2 megapixels. Here is an example.

I don't like it very much. :p

Good luck!

07-01-2004, 02:28 PM
We have a Nikon, but it's not new, so take a look at some reviews of them all! :)


Hope you find the right one for you!

07-01-2004, 02:32 PM
I have an Olympus C-50 zoom. It's 5.0 megapixels. I love it!!!!

07-01-2004, 02:36 PM
I've got a Sony Cybershot DSC-T1 and a Canon Powershot A60.

The Sony is a 5 megapixel and as far as picture quality goes, it's okay. A lot of the pictures have a lot of noise on them but the 640x480's seem alright. I think it's closer to a point and shoot rather than the ones with more options to play around with. Definately not worth the $800+ though. The only thing I like is that the videos can be 640x480.

I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE the Canon. It's only 2mp but the quality is awesome! It's very sturdy too. I've dropped it countless times (this includes dropping it in snow) but it's still working wonderfully. But since you're looking for a higher megapixel one, I'd probably go with the A80. The Canons seem really reliable.

Cinder & Smoke
07-01-2004, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by slleipnir

... I'm interested in buying a new digital camera.
I've been looking at a few and
I'm thinking of getting one tomorrow.

I'd suggest a LOT more research -
"buying one tomorrow" sounds like a bit of a rush!

FIRST QUESTION you need to answer is WHAT are you going to DO with the photos you take???

If you plan to PRINT them -
the greater the number of "megapixels" that you can afford is the way to go...

If you plan to Share your Photos via the Internet -
sending them by E-mail, putting them on PhotoBucket or Imagestation, or Posting them on sites like Pet Talk...

Anything over 2 megapixels is sort of a waste...
because the Internet can't Display or Use the 3, 4, 5 or more megapixel Resolution.

Features you can really USE??
Best one to be sure you get is "OPTICAL ZOOM" (NOT "digital zoom").

Anothe GOOD line of Digi Cam is = Canon

Their compact PowerShot A- series are NICE Cameras! :)

A60 is a 2 megapixel camera with 3x Optical Zoom
A70 is 3 m-pix + 3x Optical Zoom
A80 is 4 m-pix + 3x Optical Zoom

ALSO Remember - the Greater the number of mega-pixels you USE
to take a picture - the Greater the Storage Capacity you need
to be able to take more than a few shots before the camera's Storage Medium fills up!! :eek:

LARGE Mega-pixel Cameras NEED BIG storage cards -
which can be quite expensive!

PS: Canon has a GREAT toll-free Customer Support Live Help-Line -
will really HELP you if you have problems using the camera and/or
downloading the pix onto your puter!

SHOP AROUND before you rush out to buy!

/s/ Phred

07-01-2004, 02:48 PM
I have a Canon A300 with a digital zoom. My husband has an Olympus that has an optical zoom (10x). It is the BEST!!!!! But my camera suffices for what I need right now. And if I need more sophisticated pictuers, I use my 35mm with film and have it developed! :)

07-01-2004, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
I'd suggest a LOT more research -
"buying one tomorrow" sounds like a bit of a rush!

FIRST QUESTION you need to answer is WHAT are you going to DO with the photos you take???

If you plan to PRINT them -
the greater the number of "megapixels" that you can afford is the way to go...

If you plan to Share your Photos via the Internet -
sending them by E-mail, putting them on PhotoBucket or Imagestation, or Posting them on sites like Pet Talk...

Anything over 2 megapixels is sort of a waste...
because the Internet can't Display or Use the 3, 4, 5 or more megapixel Resolution.

Features you can really USE??
Best one to be sure you get is "OPTICAL ZOOM" (NOT "digital zoom").

Anothe GOOD line of Digi Cam is = Canon

Their compact PowerShot A- series are NICE Cameras! :)

A60 is a 2 megapixel camera with 3x Optical Zoom
A70 is 3 m-pix + 3x Optical Zoom
A80 is 4 m-pix + 3x Optical Zoom

ALSO Remember - the Greater the number of mega-pixels you USE
to take a picture - the Greater the Storage Capacity you need
to be able to take more than a few shots before the camera's Storage Medium fills up!! :eek:

LARGE Mega-pixel Cameras NEED BIG storage cards -
which can be quite expensive!

PS: Canon has a GREAT toll-free Customer Support Live Help-Line -
will really HELP you if you have problems using the camera and/or
downloading the pix onto your puter!

SHOP AROUND before you rush out to buy!

/s/ Phred

Lol as I said at the first of the post "I've asked this before, I know, but I only got like 2 or 3 replies lol. As I said before, I'm interested in buying a new digital camera."

In otherwords I didn't wake up this morning and decide to get one tomorrow. I've been thinking about it for months now and looking into tihngs.

Thanks for the comments and info everyone :)

07-01-2004, 03:17 PM
I have a Sony Cyber-shot with 4.0 megapixels... excellent camera!!! I've never had a problem with it, and you can see the pics I've taken...

Like these two:

(Pic I took of my friend)


My camera also takes videos with sound.. and other effects like b/w, sepia, and stuff..
You've seen the pics I've taken of my pets with the camera. I like it very much! :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-01-2004, 03:33 PM
I would recommend about any camera from the Canon line. I've got the S400 and I love it! And like Phred said, don't pay the big bucks for all the mega-pixels if all you're going to do is post on the internet. They're really are a lot of great cameras out there, you just have to determine which features you want.

For me, one of the most important features - besides video - was the to make sure it had Macro mode. This is what you need to take those real real close ups. For instance, my camera can get good pictures as close as 2 inches from the subject. I know my last camera it was like 9 inches away you had to be or the pics would be out of focus.

07-01-2004, 03:57 PM
Another vote for Canon.
I just got the Canon PowerShot A80, as I haven't had the chance to take many scenery photos and such, the only ones I have are of the dogs. I had the A60, which is just basically an older version of the A80..... The A60 took WONDERFUL pictures, and doesn't cost as much as the A80 does. It's only 2MP though, while the A80 is 4.

Both of them have video/sound, B/W, sepia, options to change the different lighting(as if you were using daylight, fluroresent lights..etc), and some sort of white balance type dealy which turns pictures blue. I don't know what the actuall use for it is, but it's neat :p They also take great close-ups. I can get almost literally up the dog's noses and see every "scale" on their nose.

When I got my A60, I taught myself how to use it basically.... it's the same with the A80, but I actually plan on reading the manual...... one of these days. :p

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-01-2004, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
but I actually plan on reading the manual...... one of these days. :p

Suuuurrreee you will, Kay. I've had mine for over a year now and I still haven't read the manual. Although I keep meaning too......:rolleyes: ;) :D The good news is that so much of it is self-explanatory - whew! :D

07-01-2004, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
Suuuurrreee you will, Kay. I've had mine for over a year now and I still haven't read the manual. Although I keep meaning too......:rolleyes: ;) :D The good news is that so much of it is self-explanatory - whew! :D

I'd really like to, seriously!! LOL. One of these days... isn't that how it always goes? :p But yes, luckily Canons are very user friendly, atleast the ones i've had experience with. :)

07-01-2004, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
Suuuurrreee you will, Kay. I've had mine for over a year now and I still haven't read the manual. Although I keep meaning too......:rolleyes: ;) :D The good news is that so much of it is self-explanatory - whew! :D

LOL! I don't think I've even SEEN our camera's manual before. We've had the camera for about 3 years, and no one ever looked at the manual. Its too user friendly to need the manual.

07-01-2004, 05:41 PM

I'm liking this one, only I don't know the company other then for scanners.I don't know anyone who has a camera by them. I'm waiting to ask my brother and dad about it as they know more about this type of thing then I do. I like what it has to offer (other then the price) and it seems to have pretty much what I'm looking for where as other cameras I've been looking at don't really. Also, it only has 3x optical zoom..Is that ok, or would I want something more?

07-01-2004, 06:03 PM
My mom uses an HP camera. It takes decent pics but it is not user friendly at all. Granted my mom's not terribly computer literate, but I had trouble showing her how to use it. The software that came with it was terribly difficult to use.

07-01-2004, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by Glacier
My mom uses an HP camera. It takes decent pics but it is not user friendly at all. Granted my mom's not terribly computer literate, but I had trouble showing her how to use it. The software that came with it was terribly difficult to use.

Would you recommend it for picture quality? I'm pretty good at figuring stuff like that out..

07-01-2004, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by slleipnir
Would you recommend it for picture quality? I'm pretty good at figuring stuff like that out..

I prefer my olympus. I also think that Mom's HP is only 3.2 MP so that may be why I like my pics better.

07-01-2004, 06:12 PM
I'll be the odd man out and put in a big plug for Fuji!

I have both the s5000 and the 2600z.

07-01-2004, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by slleipnir
Would you recommend it for picture quality? I'm pretty good at figuring stuff like that out..

A friend of mine has an HP with 4 megapixels, and I really don't like it. My Sony is only 2 megapixels, but its photo quality is MUCH better than her HP. Its not that user friendly either. Personally, from my experience and the cameras I have used, I would prefer Sony, Canon, and Olympus to any other camera. I'm not too fond of Fuji either, but I think its better than HP. This is my opinion based on trying out my friends' cameras, and comparing them.

07-01-2004, 09:28 PM
I'd recommend Fuji or Canon, but before Fuji I'd say Canon.

I've never had any personal experience with Olympus, but my friend has one and that's what he suggested when I told him I was going to get a new camera. He takes awesome pictures with it.

I've personally NEVER liked Sony, and probably never will. I've never been satisfied with their photos... and i've used a few of them. They're far too expensive for the lack of quality they give, IMO.

07-01-2004, 09:31 PM
I had an HP camera, I thought it was ok until I switched to a canon. I'll never get a HP again.

07-01-2004, 09:56 PM
I have a Kodak EasyShare DX4330. It's 3.1 megapixels. It takes video clips with sound.

I'm not entirely satisfied or dissatisfied with the camera. It takes nice pictures (in my opinion) outside. It takes OK pictures inside. The closeup function works excellent outside but it's next to impossible to get a *good* closeup inside. I've already had to send it in to be fixed once, and it needs to be fixed again (though I believe my warrenty is up). I keep having troubles with the focusing and zoom. Right now I can take zoomed in pictures but you can't *see* it zooming so I have no clue where I'm zooming lol.

This is petty but I also don't like the stupid little lens cap attached with a string. It comes off all the time and is hard to get on in a hurry.

The software and camera are quite user-friendly. I really like the loading dock and rechargable batteries.

I'd like to get a new camera but I think my parents would be mad since they bought it for me and just bought me another memory card for it for my birthday...:o

Hey Kay, does your new camera take video clips with sound? Is it super easy to get closeups inside/low light?

07-01-2004, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
I have a Kodak EasyShare DX4330. It's 3.1 megapixels. It takes video clips with sound.

I'm not entirely satisfied or dissatisfied with the camera. It takes nice pictures (in my opinion) outside. It takes OK pictures inside. The closeup function works excellent outside but it's next to impossible to get a *good* closeup inside. I've already had to send it in to be fixed once, and it needs to be fixed again (though I believe my warrenty is up). I keep having troubles with the focusing and zoom. Right now I can take zoomed in pictures but you can't *see* it zooming so I have no clue where I'm zooming lol.

This is petty but I also don't like the stupid little lens cap attached with a string. It comes off all the time and is hard to get on in a hurry.

The software and camera are quite user-friendly. I really like the loading dock and rechargable batteries.

I'd like to get a new camera but I think my parents would be mad since they bought it for me and just bought me another memory card for it for my birthday...:o

Hey Kay, does your new camera take video clips with sound? Is it super easy to get closeups inside/low light?

Mine is exactly the same as this. I don't think they even sell them anymore...

For inside closeups, Amy, I use the fill flash. It usually the works the best for inside closeups.

The lens cap with the string really bothers me. I just want to pull it off! Usually when I put the camera in a camera case or whatever, it comes off! I hate that. It's not even protecting the lens that way. I like the automatic lens cover MUCH better.

I have to admit, the dock and recharable batteries are great. Do these comes with other brands of cameras? I don't know if I could live without the recharable batteries! :p

07-01-2004, 10:11 PM
I have a Conon A80. I love it, but am not very good at using it. Justin takes much better than I do.

07-01-2004, 10:46 PM
Originally posted by Dogz

I have to admit, the dock and recharable batteries are great. Do these comes with other brands of cameras? I don't know if I could live without the recharable batteries! :p

I have 2 sets of rechargable batteries for mine... I had to buy them, and we already had a charger. But, the camera does come with a cord that you can plug it into a power outlet and use ti that way.

Amy.. I just took some pictures to show you how the close-ups are with low light. I'll load them soon.

07-01-2004, 11:01 PM
I have the Canon A80, and I love it. Fact is I have two Canons, and I like both of them, I also have the A60. I owned a Kodack before, but I didn't really like it. It is still in use by my daughter, and takes pretty good pictures, but seems like the Canons are so user friendly.

Kay, I am so happy to hear you have a new camera! Now get back to making some pictures of Simba and Nala!


07-01-2004, 11:29 PM
Hehe, I have some pictures to post of my two but I think i'll hold off. Honey is going to be coming over here tomorrow and staying for a week.... so There will be lots of pictures of her with my two.

I sent Amy the pictures I said i'd post via-AIM so if anyone else wants to see, let me know.

(Sorry Audrey!:p )